Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
14b795 |
# Author: Christoph Galuschka <tigalch@tigalch.org>
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
# Athmane Madjoudj <athmanem@gmail.com>
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
t_Log "Running $0 - TCPdump test to Default-GW with IPv4"
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
25699e |
# Grabing Default-Router if NIC
e8136b |
def_gw=$(ip route list default|grep "default via"|head -n 1|awk '{print $3}')
85f46c |
eth_int=$(ip addr|grep -B 1 "link/ether"|head -n 1|awk '{print $2}'|tr -d ':')
85f46c |
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
t_Log "Found Default-GW - starting tcpdump test"
Christoph Galuschka |
25699e |
#Dumping 4 pings via NIC to file
Christoph Galuschka |
25699e |
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
85f46c |
tcpdump -i $eth_int -q -n -p -w $FILE &
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
# If we don't wait a short time, the first paket will be missed by tcpdump
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
sleep 1
e8136b |
ping -q -c $COUNT -i 0.25 ${def_gw} > /dev/null 2>&1
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
sleep 1
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
killall -s SIGINT tcpdump
Athmane Madjoudj |
848fa1 |
sleep 1
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
# reading from file, for each ping we should see two pakets
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
WORKING=$( tcpdump -r $FILE | grep -ci icmp )
Karanbir Singh |
23b6ba |
if [ $SKIP_QA_HARNESS -eq 1 ]
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
# treat qa-harness and non qa-harness differently,
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
# the script will always succeed outside qa, but will log results
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
if [ $WORKING != $[COUNT*2] ]
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
t_Log "ping to Default-Gateway did not return the number of pakets we expect. "$WORKING" of "$[COUNT*2]" pakets were dumped to file"
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
t_Log "ping to Default-Gateway looks OK. "$WORKING" of "$[COUNT*2]" pakets were dumped to file"
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
# in qa-harness, which is a controlled environment, the script will fail at odd results
Christoph Galuschka |
df4b35 |
if [ $WORKING == $[COUNT*2] ] || [ $WORKING -gt $[COUNT*2] ]
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
df4b35 |
t_Log "QA-harness: ping to Default-Gateway looks OK. At least "$[COUNT*2]" pakets ("$WORKING") were dumped to file"
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
t_Log "QA-harness: ping to Default-Gateway droped pakets!! Only "$WORKING" of "$[COUNT*2]" entries were found!!"
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
135aec |
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
# Remove file afterwards
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
/bin/rm $FILE
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
Christoph Galuschka |
adb04e |
t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val