Blame tests/p_passwd/20_root_tests

Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Author: Iain Douglas <>
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
function ExitFail
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_Log "FAIL"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    exit $FAIL
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Test the command line options for passwd that are restricted to root.
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Running $0 - Check root only actions"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Create test user passtest"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
userdel -rf passtest; useradd passtest && echo passtest | passwd --stdin passtest &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_CheckExitStatus $?
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Check that passwd -l locks the password - the field in /etc/shadow has 
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# a ! prepended
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check account can be locked"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -l passtest &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
if [ $? -eq "0" ]
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    getent shadow passtest | cut -f2 -d: | grep '^!' &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_CheckExitStatus $?
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Check that passwd -u will unlock the account - removes the ! from the 
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# start of the password field in /etc/shadow
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check account can be unlocked"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -u passtest &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
if [ $? -eq "0" ]
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    getent shadow passtest | cut -f2 -d: | grep -v '^!' &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_CheckExitStatus $?
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Check that passwd -e expires an account. Field 3 of /etc/shadow is set to 0
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check password can be expired"
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
if [ $centos_ver == '5' ]
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
  t_Log 'This is a C5 system - option -e does not exist - skipping'
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
  passwd -e passtest &>/dev/null
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
  if [ $? -eq "0" ]
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    getent shadow passtest | cut -f3 -d: | grep '^0' &>/dev/null 
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_CheckExitStatus $?
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    echo passtest | passwd --stdin passtest &>/dev/null
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Christoph Galuschka 3d8b6c
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Check that passwd -n, -x, -w -i set the mindays, maxdays, warndays and
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# inactive fields (4-7) in /etc/shadow
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check password aging data can be set"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -n 11 -x 22 -w 33 -i 44 passtest &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
if [ $? -eq "0" ]
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    getent shadow passtest | cut -f4-7 -d: | grep '^11:22:33:44' &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_CheckExitStatus $?
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Check that passwd -d deletes the password - the field in /etc/shadow is
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# cleared
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check password can be deleted"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -d passtest &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
if [ $? -eq "0" ]
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    password=$(getent shadow passtest | cut -f2 -d:)
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    if [ -z "${password}" ]
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
        t_Log "PASS"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Passwd won't, without being forced, unlock an account with a blank password
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# so check this is the case.
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check blank password cannot be unlocked"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -l passtest &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -u passtest &>/dev/null 
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
if [ $? -ne "0" ]
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_Log PASS
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Force passwd to unlock an account with a blank password passwd -uf.
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check blank password can be force unlocked"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -uf passtest &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_CheckExitStatus $?
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# Check the output of passwd -S at this point it should be
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# passtest NP YYYY-MM-DD  11 22 33 44 (Empty password.)
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# It's possible that this will run on a different side of midnight to earlier 
Iain Douglas 756e5d
# commands so if checking the output for today fails check yesterday too
Iain Douglas 756e5d
t_Log "Check output of passwd -S"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
expected="passtest NP "$(date +'%F')" 11 22 33 44 (Empty password.)"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
passwd -S passtest | grep "$expected" &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
if [ $? -eq "0" ]
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_Log "PASS"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    expected="passtest NP "$(date +'%F' -d yesterday)" 11 22 33 44 (Empty password.)"
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    passwd -S passtest | grep "$expected" &>/dev/null
Iain Douglas 756e5d
    t_CheckExitStatus $?
Iain Douglas 756e5d