Blame tests/p_mysql/

Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
Christoph Galuschka a410b0
#	  Christoph Galuschka <>
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
Christoph Galuschka 81d9c8
t_Log "Running $0 - installing and starting mysql server."
Christoph Galuschka 81d9c8
Christoph Galuschka 110e92
if [ $centos_ver -gt 6 ]
Christoph Galuschka 110e92
Christoph Galuschka 110e92
  t_Log 'mysql is only supported on C5 and C6, skipping'
Christoph Galuschka 110e92
  t_CheckExitStatus 0
Christoph Galuschka 110e92
  exit 0
Christoph Galuschka 110e92
Christoph Galuschka 110e92
Karanbir Singh 0b5bb2
Christoph Galuschka 72f89d
# starting with 5.10, we have to add mysql55
Christoph Galuschka a410b0
if [ $centos_ver = 5 ]
Christoph Galuschka a410b0
Christoph Galuschka 72f89d
  t_InstallPackage mysql55-mysql-server mysql-server nc
Christoph Galuschka a410b0
Christoph Galuschka a410b0
  t_InstallPackage mysql-server nc
Christoph Galuschka a410b0
Christoph Galuschka d87402
t_ServiceControl mysqld start >/dev/null 2>&1