Blame tests/p_exim/

Christoph Galuschka a19b47
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <>
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
#	  Christoph Galuschka <>
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el5)
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  t_InstallPackage exim
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  # Remove other MTAs
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  t_ServiceControl postfix stop
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  t_ServiceControl sendmail stop
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  sleep 3
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  t_RemovePackage postfix exim sendmail
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  t_ServiceControl exim start
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
  t_Log "This seems to be a C6 system - skipping"
Christoph Galuschka a19b47
Christoph Galuschka a19b47