+ * Request certificates from the fedora infrastructure team;
+ * Ansible changes to create a new user, queue and topic in fedora messaging.
+ You can request a new certificate and a private key by opening a fedora infrastructure ticket: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure (Example: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9494).
+ The ticket should request a new username for fedora messaging (either prod or stg) - the result of that ticket will be a new certificate and private key for that user (the certificate CN field should contain the requested username as its value).
+ The next step is to add the new user, queue and topic binding into fedora's Rabbit MQ instance.
+ This can be done by sending a pull request to their ansible repository (https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible): https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/pull-request/302#request_diff.
+ The topic format uses the following scheme: `org.<SOURCE>.<ENV>.<APP>.#` where:
+ * `<SOURCE>`: source as entity, should be `centos` in our case
+ * `<ENV>`: env is either `prod` or `stg` but you should use the ansible var `short_env`
+ * `<APP>`: the application the message belongs to, which matches your username.
+ A topic for centos koji would be: `org.centos.prod.koji.#` (`#` means Rabbit MQ will match the topic as long as it starts with `org.centos.prod.koji.`).
+ Those changes will also need to be run by someone from the fedora infrastructure team.
+ ### Example
+ The following ansible code is an example of how to add an user and a queue with a routing key.
Adding fedora messaging docs for requesting new user access + queue creation.