diff --git a/docs/ci.md b/docs/ci.md
index a196a70..032dd5f 100644
--- a/docs/ci.md
+++ b/docs/ci.md
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ To be able to request ephemeral nodes to run your tests, you'll need both your `
     It's worth knowing that there are quotas in place to ensure that you can't request infinite number of nodes in parallel and each `session` has a maximum lifetime of 6h. After that your nodes are automatically reclaimed by Duffy and are freshly reinstalled and put back in the Ready pool.
 !!! warning
-    The following notes are only applicable for new Duffy v3 API that will be available around August 2023. Previous `cico client` will continue to work on actual Duffy v2 instance for the time being
+    The following notes are only applicable for new Duffy v3 API that will be available around August 2022. Previous `cico client` will continue to work on actual Duffy v2 instance for the time being
 ### Installing and configuring duffy client
@@ -62,17 +62,40 @@ duffy client list-pools
     - AAA: Identify if it is a bare metal or virtual machine
-    - BBB: The kind of the instance, like seamicro, AWS EC2, etc
-    - CCC: The size of the machine
-    - DDD: The operational system
-    - EEE: Operational system's version
-    - FFF: The architecture
+    - BBB: The kind of the instance, like seamicro bare-metal, AWS EC2, etc
+    - CCC: The machine flavor type
+    - DDD: Operating System (CentOS|Fedora)
+    - EEE: OS version
+    - FFF: architecture (x86_64|aarch64|ppc64le)
 Having the name of the pool, request how many sessions needed. Duffy has a limit of sessions per tenant, this information is available in the duffy server.
+Worth knowing that one can also see current pool usage and machines in `ready` state, etc, by querying specific pool. Example:
+duffy client show-pool virt-ec2-t2-centos-9s-x86_64
+  "action": "get",
+  "pool": {
+    "name": "virt-ec2-t2-centos-9s-x86_64",
+    "fill_level": 5,
+    "levels": {
+      "provisioning": 0,
+      "ready": 5,
+      "contextualizing": 0,
+      "deployed": 0,
+      "deprovisioning": 0
+    }
+  }
+To then request some nodes from a pool one can use the following duffy call : 
-duffy client request-session pool=<name of the pool>,quantity=<number of sessions>
+duffy client request-session pool=<name of the pool>,quantity=<number of machines to get>
 By default this command outputs a _json_, but it's possible to change the format to _yaml_ or _flat_ using `--format`. Under "node" key it's possible to find the node's hostname provisioned. Log in to it as `root` user, using `ssh`.