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 The CentOS Project has some resources available for each SIG to run some CI jobs/tests for their projects.
 We'll document soon how to get onboarded (on request) on the CentOS CI infra platform.
-We offer the following resources : 
+We offer the following resources :
   * Openshift hosted jenkins (one per project/SIG), using usual authentication from FAS/ACO
   * bare-metal and/or Virtual Machines ephemeral nodes on which you can run some tests (including destructive ones), that will be automatically be reinstalled (for bare-metal) or discarded (for VMs)
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 90f4ae2..d849bb2 100644
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+++ b/docs/index.md
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 # CentOS SIG Guide
-CentOS Special Interest Groups are smaller groups within the CentOS community that focus feature work on or awareness around a topic related to CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream. 
+CentOS Special Interest Groups are smaller groups within the CentOS community that focus feature work on or awareness around a topic related to CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream.
-This guide is for anyone interested in starting, managing, or contributing to a [CentOS Special Interest Group](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup). 
+This guide is for anyone interested in starting, managing, or contributing to a [CentOS Special Interest Group](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup).
-You'll find on this (always involving) website best practices for each step in the process, including : 
+You'll find on this (always involving) website best practices for each step in the process, including :
   * How to [join](auth.md) a SIG
   * How to start [building](cbs.md) RPM packages or other artifacts
   * How to [test](ci.md) your packages
-  * How to [push to mirror](delivery.md) network 
+  * How to [push to mirror](delivery.md) network
+  * Rules for [dns entries](sig-dns.md) under sig.centos.org
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+# sig.centos.org terms
+This outlines the conditions of a SIG managing infra themselves for which the centos team is not directly responsible on a centos.org subdomain.
+* A point of contact will need to be named and we will keep our own records for these contacts
+* No illegal activity should occur on the hosted infrastructure
+* Only content related to the SIG and/or centos should be served from this domain
+* Centos and Red Hat will not be liable for any content served.
+* No content should be served to any [T5 country](https://centos.org/legal/)
+* The entry will be created with the following format `<sig_name>.sig.centos.org`
+* When the entry is created a it will be a cname created with the format `<sig_name>.unmanaged-by.centos.org` for internal purposes this will then point to the A/AAAA record
+* Security best practices should be put in place including but not limited to hsts and TLS v1.2
+* We reserve the right to temporarily remove the dns entry if these conditions are not met or in case of a serious security issue.