diff --git a/docs/delivery.md b/docs/delivery.md
index 47b8686..372f6a8 100644
--- a/docs/delivery.md
+++ b/docs/delivery.md
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ This will trigger a message on the mqtt-based message bus and intercepted by the
   * sign repomd.xml file once repositories are all processed for all architectures
   * push that to the `buildlogs` CDN
-In the next minutes, your up2date repository will appear on https://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/ and so following the tag convention : 
+In the next minutes, your up2date repository will appear under /centos/ on the [buildlogs](https://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/) nodes and so following the tag convention : 
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ In the next minutes, your up2date repository will appear on https://buildlogs.ce
-As buildlogs.centos.org has its own specific cdn, you can point your users willing to test your packages directly to such url (in your .repo, see below)
+As [buildlogs.centos.org](https://buildlogs.centos.org) has its own specific cdn, you can point your users willing to test your packages directly to such url (in your .repo, see below)
 ## Promoting to release and mirrors
@@ -52,24 +52,24 @@ cbs tag-build <sig_name>-<project>-<version>-release <pkg1>-1.0.1 <pkg2>-2.3.4 <
 This will trigger a message on the mqtt-based message bus and intercepted by the isolated machine processing requests. At this stage it will : 
-  * verify which packages need to be signed with the dedicated gpg key for the <sig>
+  * verify which packages need to be signed with the [dedicated gpg key](https://www.centos.org/keys/#community-driven-project-keys) for the `SIG` 
   * download , sign and import back into koji signed packages
   * call koji for a `distRepo` tasks (preparing a usable repository with your packages) and wait for it to finish
-  * sign repomd.xml file once repositories are all processed for all architectures
+  * sign repomd.xml file once repositories are all processed for all architectures (with dedicated gpg key)
   * push various packages to mirrors, depending on the CentOS Version (see below) :
 ### CentOS Linux 7 and CentOS Stream 8
 The packages will appear on the existing mirror network, divided into three categories :
-  * 'normal' rpm packages (that people will download/install) => pushed to mirror.centos.org (and picked up by external mirrors too)
-  * debuginfo rpm packages => pushed to https://debuginfo.centos.org 
-  * src.rpm packages => pushed to https://vault.centos.org
+  * 'normal' rpm packages (that people will download/install) => pushed to [mirror.centos.org](http://mirror.centos.org) (and picked up by external mirrors too)
+  * debuginfo rpm packages => pushed to [debuginfo.centos.org](https://debuginfo.centos.org)
+  * src.rpm packages => pushed to [Vault](https://vault.centos.org)
 ### CentOS stream 9 and above
 Starting from CentOS Stream 9, all packages will be pushed out in one simple directory.
-All packages will be appearing on http://mirror.stream.centos.org, under the SIGs directory (separated from distro content, for a clear distinction about distro versus SIGs generated content)
+All packages will be appearing on [mirror.stream.centos.org](http://mirror.stream.centos.org), under the SIGs directory (separated from distro content, for a clear distinction about distro versus SIGs generated content)
 This is how it would look like for Stream 9 : 
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Instead you can point to the correct `mirrorlist` or `metalink` url instead, dep
 You can call mirrorlist.centos.org by specifying the repo name, archictecture and centos version like this : 
 Example for the configmanagement sig producing the ansible (project) 29 (version) repo : 
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ As MirrorManager has already plenty of fedora/epel repositories to track, the re
 The logic goes like this : 
 And the whole metalink url being then (with the `infra` SIG producing the `infra` project with version `common`):