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4,-3.6 7.3,-3.6 z" + id="path22" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st6" + d="m 180.7,-58.5 h 6.4 v 25 h -6.4 v -3 c -1.9,2.4 -4.7,3.7 -8.2,3.7 -3.3,0 -6.2,-1.3 -8.6,-3.8 -2.4,-2.6 -3.6,-5.7 -3.6,-9.4 0,-3.7 1.2,-6.8 3.6,-9.3 2.4,-2.6 5.3,-3.9 8.6,-3.9 3.5,0 6.2,1.2 8.2,3.7 z m -11.9,17.6 c 1.3,1.3 2.9,2 4.9,2 2,0 3.7,-0.6 5,-2 1.3,-1.3 2,-3 2,-5.1 0,-2.1 -0.7,-3.8 -2,-5 -1.3,-1.3 -3,-2 -5,-2 -2,0 -3.6,0.7 -4.9,2 -1.3,1.3 -1.9,3 -1.9,5 0,2 0.6,3.8 1.9,5.1 z" + id="path23" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st6" + d="m 200.2,-40.1 h 13.3 v 6.6 h -20.2 v -35 h 6.9 z" + id="path24" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st6" + d="m 220.4,-61.5 c -1.1,0 -2,-0.4 -2.8,-1.1 -0.8,-0.8 -1.2,-1.7 -1.2,-2.8 0,-1.1 0.4,-2 1.2,-2.8 0.8,-0.8 1.7,-1.2 2.8,-1.2 1.1,0 2,0.4 2.8,1.2 0.8,0.8 1.2,1.7 1.2,2.8 0,1.1 -0.4,2 -1.2,2.8 -0.8,0.7 -1.7,1.1 -2.8,1.1 z m -3.2,28 v -25 h 6.5 v 25 z" + id="path25" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st6" + 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-0.3,-0.8 -0.2,-1.2 0.6,-1.4 1.4,-0.4 2.7,-1.1 3.7,-2.1 2.2,-2.1 1.7,-4.8 -1.2,-6 -2.3,-1 -4.7,-0.8 -7,-0.6 -2.2,0.1 -4.3,0.7 -6.3,1.3 z" + id="path32" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st2" + d="m 33.3,-51.5 c 0.3,-0.3 0.5,-0.2 0.8,0 6.6,4 10,11.9 7,19.6 -0.8,2 -3.4,4 -5.3,3.5 -0.8,-0.2 -1.2,-0.6 -1.6,-1.1 -0.9,-1.2 -1.9,-2.3 -3.4,-2.8 -1.6,-0.5 -3,-0.2 -4.4,0.6 -1.2,0.7 -2.4,1.6 -3.9,0.7 -0.9,-0.5 -2.4,-3.6 -2.1,-4.6 0.2,-0.4 0.6,-0.4 1,-0.4 2.5,-0.4 4.5,-1.6 6.4,-3.2 0.6,-0.5 1.1,-0.5 1.6,0.2 0.8,1.2 1.8,2.2 3.1,2.9 2.6,1.5 5.1,0.2 5.4,-2.8 0.3,-2.5 -0.6,-4.7 -1.4,-6.9 -0.9,-2 -2,-3.9 -3.2,-5.7 z" + id="path33" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st4" + d="m 30.1,-50.9 c -0.4,2 -1.3,3.9 -2.5,5.6 -3.6,5.4 -8.8,7.6 -15.2,7 -2.3,-0.2 -4.2,-2.1 -4.4,-4 -0.1,-0.8 0.1,-1.4 0.6,-2 0.7,-0.9 1.3,-1.7 1.6,-2.8 0.6,-2.2 -0.2,-4 -1.8,-5.6 -2.2,-2.2 -1.9,-4.2 0.7,-5.8 0.3,-0.2 0.7,-0.4 1.1,-0.6 0.6,-0.3 1.1,-0.3 1.3,0.4 0.9,2.3 2.7,4 4.7,5.4 0.7,0.6 0.7,1 0.1,1.7 -1.2,1.3 -1.9,2.9 -2,4.7 -0.2,2.2 1.1,3.6 3.3,3.6 1.4,0 2.7,-0.5 3.9,-1.1 3.1,-1.6 5.5,-3.9 7.8,-6.3 0.3,-0.1 0.4,-0.3 0.8,-0.2 z" + id="path34" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st5" + d="m 13.7,-71.9 c 0.2,0 0.7,0.1 1.2,0.2 3.7,0.7 6,-0.6 7.2,-4.1 0.8,-2.3 2.5,-3 4.7,-1.8 0.1,0 0.1,0.1 0.2,0.1 2.2,1.3 2.2,1.5 0.7,3.5 -1.2,1.6 -1.8,3.4 -2.1,5.3 -0.2,1.1 -0.6,1.3 -1.6,0.9 -1.6,-0.6 -3.3,-0.6 -5,0 -1.9,0.6 -2.7,2.3 -2.1,4.2 0.8,2.5 3,3.6 4.9,4.9 1.9,1.3 4.1,2 6.2,2.9 0.3,0.1 0.8,0.1 0.7,0.6 -0.1,0.3 -0.5,0.3 -0.9,0.3 -4.5,0.2 -8.8,-0.5 -12.3,-3.5 -3.3,-2.7 -5.7,-6 -5.3,-10.6 0.5,-1.5 1.6,-2.6 3.5,-2.9 z" + id="path35" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st4" + d="m 5.5,-43.8 c -2.4,0.3 -4.8,-1.7 -5,-4.2 -0.2,-2.4 1.8,-4.8 4.1,-5 2.6,-0.3 5,1.5 5.2,3.9 0.1,2.3 -1.4,5.1 -4.3,5.3 z" + id="path36" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st3" + d="m 47.5,-79.4 c 2.5,-0.2 4.9,1.8 5.1,4.3 0.2,2.4 -1.8,4.7 -4.2,4.9 -2.6,0.2 -4.9,-1.7 -5.1,-4.2 -0.2,-2.5 1.6,-4.8 4.2,-5 z" + id="path37" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + <path + class="st5" + d="m 21.4,-77.5 c 0.3,2.6 -1.5,4.8 -4.2,5.2 -2.3,0.3 -4.7,-1.6 -5,-3.8 -0.3,-2.9 1.3,-5 4,-5.3 2.5,-0.3 4.9,1.6 5.2,3.9 z" + id="path38" + style="stroke-width:0.968168" /> + </g> + <g + transform="translate(0,74.343826)" + id="g57"> + <title + id="title38">Light Logo</title> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 96.2,48.5 -2.1,-6.3 h -14 L 78,48.5 h -7.5 l 12.2,-35 h 8.6 l 12.3,35 z M 82.3,35.7 h 9.6 L 87.1,21.4 Z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path39" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="M 106.8,48.5 V 12 h 6.5 v 36.5 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path40" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 146.8,22.8 c 2.9,0 5.1,0.9 6.8,2.8 1.7,1.9 2.6,4.4 2.6,7.5 v 15.4 h -6.4 v -15 c 0,-1.5 -0.4,-2.7 -1.1,-3.5 -0.7,-0.8 -1.8,-1.2 -3.1,-1.2 -1.5,0 -2.6,0.5 -3.4,1.5 -0.8,1 -1.2,2.4 -1.2,4.2 v 14 h -6.4 v -15 c 0,-1.5 -0.4,-2.7 -1.1,-3.5 -0.7,-0.8 -1.8,-1.2 -3.1,-1.2 -1.4,0 -2.6,0.5 -3.5,1.5 -0.8,1 -1.2,2.4 -1.2,4.2 v 14 h -6.4 v -25 h 6.4 v 2.6 c 1.5,-2.2 3.8,-3.4 7,-3.4 3.1,0 5.3,1.2 6.8,3.6 1.5,-2.3 4,-3.5 7.3,-3.5 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path41" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 180.7,23.5 h 6.4 v 25 h -6.4 v -3 c -1.9,2.4 -4.7,3.7 -8.2,3.7 -3.3,0 -6.2,-1.3 -8.6,-3.8 -2.4,-2.6 -3.6,-5.7 -3.6,-9.4 0,-3.7 1.2,-6.8 3.6,-9.4 2.4,-2.6 5.3,-3.9 8.6,-3.9 3.5,0 6.2,1.2 8.2,3.7 z m -11.9,17.6 c 1.3,1.3 2.9,2 4.9,2 2,0 3.7,-0.6 5,-2 1.3,-1.3 2,-3 2,-5.1 0,-2.1 -0.7,-3.8 -2,-5 -1.3,-1.3 -3,-2 -5,-2 -2,0 -3.6,0.7 -4.9,2 -1.3,1.3 -1.9,3 -1.9,5 0,2 0.6,3.8 1.9,5.1 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path42" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 200.2,41.9 h 13.3 v 6.6 h -20.2 v -35 h 6.9 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path43" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 220.4,20.5 c -1.1,0 -2,-0.4 -2.8,-1.1 -0.8,-0.8 -1.2,-1.7 -1.2,-2.8 0,-1.1 0.4,-2 1.2,-2.8 0.8,-0.8 1.7,-1.2 2.8,-1.2 1.1,0 2,0.4 2.8,1.2 0.8,0.8 1.2,1.7 1.2,2.8 0,1.1 -0.4,2 -1.2,2.8 -0.8,0.7 -1.7,1.1 -2.8,1.1 z m -3.2,28 v -25 h 6.5 v 25 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path44" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 243.4,22.8 c 2.7,0 5,0.9 6.8,2.8 1.8,1.8 2.7,4.4 2.7,7.6 v 15.3 h -6.4 V 33.9 c 0,-1.7 -0.5,-2.9 -1.4,-3.8 -0.9,-0.9 -2.1,-1.4 -3.6,-1.4 -1.7,0 -3,0.5 -4,1.6 -1,1.1 -1.5,2.6 -1.5,4.7 v 13.5 h -6.4 v -25 h 6.4 v 2.8 c 1.6,-2.3 4,-3.5 7.4,-3.5 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path45" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 274.9,23.5 h 6.5 v 25 h -6.5 v -2.8 c -1.6,2.3 -4,3.5 -7.4,3.5 -2.7,0 -5,-0.9 -6.8,-2.8 -1.8,-1.8 -2.6,-4.4 -2.6,-7.6 V 23.5 h 6.5 V 38 c 0,1.7 0.4,3 1.3,3.9 0.9,0.9 2.1,1.3 3.6,1.3 1.7,0 3,-0.5 4,-1.5 1,-1 1.5,-2.6 1.5,-4.7 V 23.5 Z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path46" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 310.3,48.5 h -7.5 l -5.4,-7.6 -5.5,7.6 h -7.4 l 9.1,-12.8 -8.8,-12.2 h 7.4 l 5.1,7 5,-7 h 7.4 l -8.8,12.2 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path47" /> + <path + class="st1" + d="m 56.6,34.3 c 2.6,-0.2 4.7,1.5 4.9,4.1 0.2,2.7 -1.7,4.9 -4.3,5.1 -2.5,0.2 -4.7,-1.7 -4.9,-4.2 -0.2,-2.7 1.6,-4.7 4.3,-5 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path48" /> + <path + class="st2" + d="M 25,55.6 C 25,53 27,51 29.4,51 c 2.4,0 4.7,2.2 4.7,4.7 0,2.4 -2,4.5 -4.3,4.6 -2.9,0 -4.8,-1.8 -4.8,-4.7 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path49" /> + <path + class="st3" + d="M 32.1,26.4 C 31.7,26.6 31.5,26.3 31.4,26 27.7,19.1 28.8,10.4 35.3,5.2 37,3.8 40.2,3.5 41.6,4.9 c 0.6,0.5 0.7,1.1 0.8,1.8 0.2,1.5 0.5,3 1.5,4.2 1.1,1.3 2.5,1.8 4.1,1.7 1.4,0 2.8,-0.2 3.7,1.4 0.5,0.9 0.3,4.4 -0.5,5.1 -0.4,0.3 -0.7,0.1 -1,0 -2.3,-0.9 -4.7,-0.9 -7.1,-0.5 -0.8,0.1 -1.2,-0.1 -1.2,-1 -0.1,-1.5 -0.4,-2.9 -1.2,-4.2 -1.5,-2.7 -4.3,-2.8 -6.1,-0.3 -1.5,2 -1.9,4.4 -2.3,6.8 -0.4,2.1 -0.3,4.3 -0.2,6.5 0,0 -0.1,0 0,0 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path50" /> + <path + class="st1" + d="m 34.6,27.9 c -0.2,-0.3 -0.1,-0.6 0.2,-0.8 5.7,-5.2 14.2,-6.2 20.8,-1.1 1.7,1.4 2.8,4.3 1.9,6 -0.4,0.7 -0.9,1 -1.5,1.2 -1.4,0.6 -2.7,1.2 -3.6,2.5 -0.9,1.3 -1.1,2.8 -0.7,4.4 0.3,1.3 0.8,2.7 -0.5,3.9 -0.7,0.7 -4.1,1.3 -5,0.7 -0.4,-0.3 -0.3,-0.6 -0.2,-1 0.3,-2.5 -0.3,-4.8 -1.2,-7 -0.3,-0.8 -0.2,-1.2 0.6,-1.4 1.4,-0.4 2.7,-1.1 3.7,-2.1 2.2,-2.1 1.7,-4.8 -1.2,-6 -2.3,-1 -4.7,-0.8 -7,-0.6 -2.2,0.1 -4.3,0.7 -6.3,1.3 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path51" /> + <path + class="st2" + d="m 33.3,30.5 c 0.3,-0.3 0.5,-0.2 0.8,0 6.6,4 10,11.9 7,19.6 -0.8,2 -3.4,4 -5.3,3.5 C 35,53.4 34.6,53 34.2,52.5 33.3,51.3 32.3,50.2 30.8,49.7 29.2,49.2 27.8,49.5 26.4,50.3 25.2,51 24,51.9 22.5,51 21.6,50.5 20.1,47.4 20.4,46.4 20.6,46 21,46 21.4,46 c 2.5,-0.4 4.5,-1.6 6.4,-3.2 0.6,-0.5 1.1,-0.5 1.6,0.2 0.8,1.2 1.8,2.2 3.1,2.9 2.6,1.5 5.1,0.2 5.4,-2.8 0.3,-2.5 -0.6,-4.7 -1.4,-6.9 -0.9,-2 -2,-3.9 -3.2,-5.7 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path52" /> + <path + class="st4" + d="m 30.1,31.1 c -0.4,2 -1.3,3.9 -2.5,5.6 -3.6,5.4 -8.8,7.6 -15.2,7 -2.3,-0.2 -4.2,-2.1 -4.4,-4 -0.1,-0.8 0.1,-1.4 0.6,-2 0.7,-0.9 1.3,-1.7 1.6,-2.8 0.6,-2.2 -0.2,-4 -1.8,-5.6 -2.2,-2.2 -1.9,-4.2 0.7,-5.8 0.3,-0.2 0.7,-0.4 1.1,-0.6 0.6,-0.3 1.1,-0.3 1.3,0.4 0.9,2.3 2.7,4 4.7,5.4 0.7,0.6 0.7,1 0.1,1.7 -1.2,1.3 -1.9,2.9 -2,4.7 -0.2,2.2 1.1,3.6 3.3,3.6 1.4,0 2.7,-0.5 3.9,-1.1 3.1,-1.6 5.5,-3.9 7.8,-6.3 0.3,-0.1 0.4,-0.3 0.8,-0.2 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path53" /> + <path + class="st5" + d="m 13.7,10.1 c 0.2,0 0.7,0.1 1.2,0.2 3.7,0.7 6,-0.6 7.2,-4.1 0.8,-2.3 2.5,-3 4.7,-1.8 0.1,0 0.1,0.1 0.2,0.1 2.3,1.3 2.3,1.5 0.9,3.5 -1.2,1.6 -1.8,3.4 -2.1,5.3 -0.2,1.1 -0.6,1.3 -1.6,0.9 -1.6,-0.6 -3.3,-0.6 -5,0 -1.9,0.6 -2.7,2.3 -2.1,4.2 0.8,2.5 3,3.6 4.9,4.9 1.9,1.3 4.1,2 6.2,2.9 0.3,0.1 0.8,0.1 0.7,0.6 -0.1,0.3 -0.5,0.3 -0.9,0.3 -4.5,0.2 -8.8,-0.5 -12.3,-3.5 -3.3,-2.7 -5.7,-6 -5.3,-10.6 0.3,-1.5 1.4,-2.6 3.3,-2.9 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path54" /> + <path + class="st4" + d="M 5.5,38.2 C 3.1,38.5 0.7,36.5 0.5,34 0.3,31.6 2.3,29.2 4.6,29 c 2.6,-0.3 5,1.5 5.2,3.9 0.1,2.3 -1.4,5.1 -4.3,5.3 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path55" /> + <path + class="st3" + d="m 47.5,2.6 c 2.5,-0.2 4.9,1.8 5.1,4.3 0.2,2.4 -1.8,4.7 -4.2,4.9 -2.6,0.2 -4.9,-1.7 -5.1,-4.2 -0.2,-2.5 1.6,-4.8 4.2,-5 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path56" /> + <path + class="st5" + d="m 21.4,4.5 c 0.3,2.6 -1.5,4.8 -4.2,5.2 -2.3,0.3 -4.7,-1.6 -5,-3.8 -0.3,-2.9 1.3,-5 4,-5.3 2.5,-0.3 4.9,1.6 5.2,3.9 z" + style="fill:#000000" + id="path57" /> + </g> + <g + transform="translate(0,146.76521)" + id="g76"> + <title + id="title57">Light Logo</title> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 96.2,48.5 -2.1,-6.3 h -14 L 78,48.5 h -7.5 l 12.2,-35 h 8.6 l 12.3,35 z M 82.3,35.7 h 9.6 L 87.1,21.4 Z" + id="path58" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="M 106.8,48.5 V 12 h 6.5 v 36.5 z" + id="path59" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 146.8,22.8 c 2.9,0 5.1,0.9 6.8,2.8 1.7,1.9 2.6,4.4 2.6,7.5 v 15.4 h -6.4 v -15 c 0,-1.5 -0.4,-2.7 -1.1,-3.5 -0.7,-0.8 -1.8,-1.2 -3.1,-1.2 -1.5,0 -2.6,0.5 -3.4,1.5 -0.8,1 -1.2,2.4 -1.2,4.2 v 14 h -6.4 v -15 c 0,-1.5 -0.4,-2.7 -1.1,-3.5 -0.7,-0.8 -1.8,-1.2 -3.1,-1.2 -1.4,0 -2.6,0.5 -3.5,1.5 -0.8,1 -1.2,2.4 -1.2,4.2 v 14 h -6.4 v -25 h 6.4 v 2.6 c 1.5,-2.2 3.8,-3.4 7,-3.4 3.1,0 5.3,1.2 6.8,3.6 1.5,-2.3 4,-3.5 7.3,-3.5 z" + id="path60" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 180.7,23.5 h 6.4 v 25 h -6.4 v -3 c -1.9,2.4 -4.7,3.7 -8.2,3.7 -3.3,0 -6.2,-1.3 -8.6,-3.8 -2.4,-2.6 -3.6,-5.7 -3.6,-9.4 0,-3.7 1.2,-6.8 3.6,-9.4 2.4,-2.6 5.3,-3.9 8.6,-3.9 3.5,0 6.2,1.2 8.2,3.7 z m -11.9,17.6 c 1.3,1.3 2.9,2 4.9,2 2,0 3.7,-0.6 5,-2 1.3,-1.3 2,-3 2,-5.1 0,-2.1 -0.7,-3.8 -2,-5 -1.3,-1.3 -3,-2 -5,-2 -2,0 -3.6,0.7 -4.9,2 -1.3,1.3 -1.9,3 -1.9,5 0,2 0.6,3.8 1.9,5.1 z" + id="path61" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 200.2,41.9 h 13.3 v 6.6 h -20.2 v -35 h 6.9 z" + id="path62" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 220.4,20.5 c -1.1,0 -2,-0.4 -2.8,-1.1 -0.8,-0.8 -1.2,-1.7 -1.2,-2.8 0,-1.1 0.4,-2 1.2,-2.8 0.8,-0.8 1.7,-1.2 2.8,-1.2 1.1,0 2,0.4 2.8,1.2 0.8,0.8 1.2,1.7 1.2,2.8 0,1.1 -0.4,2 -1.2,2.8 -0.8,0.7 -1.7,1.1 -2.8,1.1 z m -3.2,28 v -25 h 6.5 v 25 z" + id="path63" /> + <path + class="st0" + d="m 243.4,22.8 c 2.7,0 5,0.9 6.8,2.8 1.8,1.8 2.7,4.4 2.7,7.6 v 15.3 h -6.4 V 33.9 c 0,-1.7 -0.5,-2.9 -1.4,-3.8 -0.9,-0.9 -2.1,-1.4 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3.89,0.144 3.55,0 6.53,-0.864 8.93,-2.59 2.5,-1.73 4.46,-4.27 5.9,-7.63 z m 94.1,-3.46 v -101 h 11.1 v 90.9 h 60 v 9.94 H 739 Z m 90.2,-86 c -1.92,0 -3.6,-0.72 -5.04,-2.16 -1.44,-1.44 -2.16,-3.12 -2.16,-5.04 0,-2.02 0.72,-3.7 2.16,-5.04 1.44,-1.44 3.12,-2.16 5.04,-2.16 2.02,0 3.7,0.72 5.04,2.16 1.44,1.34 2.16,3.02 2.16,5.04 0,1.92 -0.72,3.6 -2.16,5.04 -1.34,1.44 -3.02,2.16 -5.04,2.16 z m 5.33,13.8 v 72.1 h -10.7 v -72.1 z m 18.2,72.1 v -72.1 h 10.7 v 8.5 c 2.78,-3.26 6.1,-5.71 9.94,-7.34 3.84,-1.73 8.11,-2.59 12.8,-2.59 8.16,0 14.8,2.59 20,7.78 5.2,5.19 7.78,11.9 7.78,20.2 v 45.6 h -10.5 v -43.5 c 0,-6.34 -1.82,-11.4 -5.47,-15.1 -3.65,-3.7 -8.54,-5.62 -14.7,-5.62 -4.32,0 -8.21,0.96 -11.7,2.88 -3.36,1.92 -6.1,4.66 -8.21,8.21 v 53.1 h -10.7 z m 88.6,-72.1 v 43.5 c 0,6.34 1.82,11.4 5.47,15.1 3.65,3.7 8.54,5.62 14.7,5.62 4.32,0 8.16,-0.96 11.5,-2.88 3.46,-2.02 6.24,-4.8 8.35,-8.35 v -53 h 10.7 v 72.1 h -10.7 v -8.35 c -2.78,3.26 -6.1,5.71 -9.94,7.34 -3.74,1.63 -7.97,2.45 -12.7,2.45 -8.26,0 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