From 6e71513bcdc263f732496c915fe7de09531dc37f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shaun McCance <>
Date: Nov 11 2024 16:34:07 +0000
Subject: Announcing 2025


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+       id="path57" />
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+       id="title57">Light Logo</title>
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+  </g>
+  <g>
+    <path
+       fill="#FFFFFF"
+       d="m 23.372364,7.835345 c -3.028987,0 -5.704663,2.236586 -6.075082,5.170741 -0.0249,0.245618 -0.03219,0.422251 -0.03359,0.644922 l 0.0036,11.996684 c 0,2.301235 -1.756209,3.867465 -3.950663,3.867465 -2.197484,0 -3.967716,-1.722149 -3.967716,-3.871082 0.03604,-2.359086 1.961319,-3.855522 4.206978,-3.920691 h 0.01188 l 2.279965,-0.02066 v -3.16725 l -2.279965,0.01654 c -4.087331,-0.03604 -7.331689,3.103025 -7.45019,7.093624 0,3.880591 3.251028,7.044531 7.198008,7.044531 3.723171,0 6.821405,-2.852806 7.15977,-6.422347 0.04877,-1.215007 0.02532,-2.818432 0.02532,-2.818432 0.0068,-0.66023 -0.0105,-0.42328 -0.0036,-1.734261 l 2.827734,-0.02016 c 2.188181,0.01519 2.163443,-3.217921 -0.02532,-3.17345 l -2.80293,0.02066 c 0,-1.627346 0.02609,-3.244826 0,-4.874638 0.0019,-1.409608 1.362887,-2.655134 2.873208,-2.655134 1.510702,0 3.108854,0.739495 3.108854,2.655134 0,0.27369 -0.0057,0.43294 -0.02119,0.534336 -0.168616,0.888402 0.450459,1.737858 1.362189,1.866035 0.911733,0.126699 1.748824,-0.519356 1.839166,-1.418 0.05223,-0.355248 0.05013,-0.66852 0.05013,-0.981853 0,-3.377975 -3.07825,-5.826519 -6.338631,-5.826519 z" />
+  </g>
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+<!doctype html>
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+<meta property="og:title" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM"></meta>
+<meta property="og:description" content="Free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream, the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem"></meta>
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+<meta name="twitter:title" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM"></meta>
+<meta name="twitter:description" content="Free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream, the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem"></meta>
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+<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM - February 1-2, 2024 - Brussels, Belgium"></meta>
+<div class="header">
+  <div class="container">
+    <div class="leftright">
+      <div class="left"><a href=""><img src="" alt="CentOS logo" height="32"></a></div>
+      <div class="right">
+        <a href="#register">Register</a>
+        <a href="#venue">Venue</a>
+        <a href="#schedule">Schedule</a>
+        <a href="#speakers">Speakers</a>
+        <a href="#conduct">Conduct</a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<div class="banner">
+  <div class="container">
+    <div class="banner-connect">Connect</div>
+    <div class="banner-info"><span class="banner-when">February 1-2, 2024</span><span class="banner-dash"> — </span><span class="banner-where">Brussels, Belgium</span></div>
+    <div class="banner-desc">Connect with the CentOS community to learn
+      about the latest developments in the Enterprise Linux ecosystem.</div>
+  </div>
+<div class="container">
+<p class="lead">CentOS Connect is the contributor conference for CentOS, focusing
+on CentOS Stream, Special Interest Groups, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem.
+CentOS Connect at FOSDEM happens February 1-2, 2024, as part of the
+<a href="">FOSDEM</a> Fringe.</p>
+<section id="register">
+<p>CentOS Connect is a free event, but we strongly encourage registration to
+help us ensure we have enough space and catering for everyone. Your registration
+includes two days of presentations and meetups, lunch on both days, and access
+to our birthday party.</p>
+<ul><li><a href="">Register for in person</a></li></ul>
+<p>We will also live stream the event, and make every effort to include online
+participants. The live stream will be public, but registering allows us to
+keep you updated.</p>
+<li><a href="">Register for online</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Watch the live stream</a></li>
+<section id="venue">
+<p>CentOS Connect 2024 will be held at the <a href="">Radisson
+Collection Hotel, Grand Place Brussels</a> in the Royal room.</p>
+<p>Our room block is full, but there may still be rooms available outside the room block.</p>
+<section id="schedule">
+<p>All times are UTC+1, Brussels local time.</p>
+<div class="schedule">
+<h3>Thursday meetups</h3>
+  <th>Time</th>
+  <th>Brussels</th>
+  <th>Stockholm</th>
+  <th>Copenhagen</th>
+  <th>Oslo</th>
+  <td>9:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#integration-meetup">CentOS Integration SIG Meetup</a></td>
+  <td><a href="#hyperscale-meetup">Hyperscale SIG meetup</a></td>
+  <td><a href="#packaging-workshop">Packaging Workshop</a></td>
+  <td><a href="#rocky-meetup">Rocky Linux Release Engineering - Meetup and Planning</a></td>
+  <td>11:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#cloud-meetup">CentOS Cloud SIG Meetup</a></td>
+  <td><a href="#altimages-meetup">Alternative Images SIG meetup</a></td>
+  <td><a href="#packaging-meetup">Packagers Meetup: Share your experience with packaging RPMs</a></td>
+  <td>Speaker ready room</td>
+<div class="schedule">
+<h3>Thursday sessions</h3>
+  <th>Time</th>
+  <th>Title</th>
+  <th>Presenter</th>
+<tr class="break">
+  <td>13:00</td>
+  <td>Lunch</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td>14:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#altimages">Alternative Image SIG - Let's Talk About It</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></td>
+  <td>14:30</td>
+  <td><a href="#ansible">Ansible usage in CentOS Infra</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#arrotin"><img src="arrotin.jpg">Fabian Arrotin</a></td>
+  <td>15:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#integration">CentOS Integration SIG: current state and future plans</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#fedorova"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">-->Aleksandra Fedorova</a></td>
+  <td>15:30</td>
+  <td><a href="#hyperscale">Hyperscale SIG update</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#cavalca"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">-->Davide Cavalca</a>
+    <a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a></td>
+<tr class="break">
+  <td>16:00</td>
+  <td>Break</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td>16:15</td>
+  <td><a href="#epel-state">State of EPEL</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></td>
+  <td>16:45</td>
+  <td><a href="#epel10">EPEL 10 Overview</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#george"><img src="george.jpg">Carl George</a></td>
+  <td>17:15</td>
+  <td>Board Panel <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td>CentOS Board</td>
+<div class="schedule">
+<h3>Thursday evening</h3>
+  <th>Start</th>
+  <th>End</th>
+  <th>Title</th>
+  <td>20:00</td>
+  <td>22:00</td>
+  <td>Reception: Join us for drinks and cake as we celebrate 20 years of CentOS.
+  Location to be announced.</td>
+<div class="schedule">
+<h3>Friday sessions</h3>
+  <th>Time</th>
+  <th>Title</th>
+  <th>Presenter</th>
+  <td>9:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#promodocs">Promo SIG and Docs SIG Updates</a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#mccance"><img src="mccance.jpg">Shaun McCance</a></td>
+  <td>9:30</td>
+  <td><a href="#packit">Bridging the Gap: Packit automation for CentOS and upstream projects</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#lachman"><img src="lachman.jpg">František Lachman</a>
+    <a href="#fedin"><img src="fedin.jpg">Evgeny Fedin</a></td>
+  <td>10:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#secrets">Open Secrets of CentOS Stream</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></td>
+  <td>10:30</td>
+  <td><a href="#selfabolition">The self-abolition of Enterprise Linux Distributions</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#cermak"><img src="cermak.jpg">Dan Čermák</a></td>
+<tr class="break">
+  <td>11:00</td>
+  <td>Break</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td>11:15</td>
+  <td><a href="#cloudsig">Cloud SIG Update</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#capitao"><img src="capitao.jpg">Joel Capitao</a>
+    <a href="#glombek"><img src="glombek.jpg">Christian Glombek</a></td>
+  <td>11:45</td>
+  <td><a href="#rdo-okd">OpenStack RDO deployment on Community Distribution of Kubernetes (OKD)</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#kula"><img src="kula.jpg">Karolina Kula</a>
+    <a href="#moralejo"><img src="moralejo.jpg">Alfredo Moralejo Alonso</a></td>
+<tr class="break">
+  <td>12:45</td>
+  <td>Lunch</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td>13:45</td>
+  <td><a href="#mkosi">Building And Utilizing Purpose-Built GNU/Linux Distribution Images Using Mkosi</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#dhar"><img src="dhar.jpg">Akashdeep Dhar</a></td>
+  <td>14:15</td>
+  <td><a href="#mkosi-hyperscale">Testing the CentOS Hyperscale systemd backport with mkosi</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#demeyer"><img src="demeyer.jpg">Daan De Meyer</a></td>
+  <td>14:45</td>
+  <td><a href="#sigs-kernel">How SIGs can facilitate contributions to the CentOS Stream kernel</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#bonzini"><img src="bonzini.jpg">Paolo Bonzini</a></td>
+  <td>15:15</td>
+  <td><a href="#almalinux">AlmaLinux: How we automated testing without inventing the wheel and instead improving it</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#mammadli"><img src="mammadli.jpg">Elkhan Mammadli</a></td>
+<tr class="break">
+  <td>15:45</td>
+  <td>Break</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td>16:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#freeipa">Discuss your identity: how FreeIPA helps running CentOS community infrastructure</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#bokovoy"><img src="bokovoy.jpg">Alexander Bokovoy</a></td>
+  <td>16:30</td>
+  <td><a href="#automotive">CentOS Automotive SIG update</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#curtin"><img src="curtin.jpg">Eric Curtin</a>
+    <a href="#chibon"><!--<img src="chibon.jpg">-->Pierre-Yves Chibon</a></td>
+  <td>17:00</td>
+  <td><a href="#foreman">Provisioning hosts with Foreman</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#shtein"><!--<img src="shtein.jpg">-->Shimon Shtein</a></td>
+  <td>17:30</td>
+  <td><a href="#poi">Using PoI Tracker for Enterprise Linux preparedness and to audit your dependencies</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
+  <td class="who"><a href="#lind"><img src="lind.jpg">Michel Lind</a></td>
+  <td>18:00</td>
+  <td>Closing Remarks</td>
+  <td></td>
+<div class="schedule">
+<h3>Saturday and Sunday (FOSDEM)</h3>
+<p>Going to FOSDEM? Of course you are. Come see us Saturday and Sunday at
+<a href="">our stand in the AW building</a>.
+Then join us for more great talks in the
+<a href="">Distributions Devroom</a>
+on Sunday.</p>
+<div class="schedule">
+<p>We're hosting a web+docs hackfest on Monday, February 5.
+You're welcome to join and help us improve the website and docs.
+<a href="">Let us know you're coming</a>.</p>
+<section id="speakers">
+  <div class="speaker" id="arrotin">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="arrotin.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Fabian Arrotin</h3>
+      <p>hybrid clown @ centos infra</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="bokovoy">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="bokovoy.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Alexander Bokovoy</h3>
+      <p>Sr. Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, working on security and
+        identity management. Actively participates in FreeIPA, SSSD, Samba,
+        and many other free software projects targeting open source enterprise
+        environments.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="bonzini">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="bonzini.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Paolo Bonzini</h3>
+      <p>Paolo is a long time contributor to FOSS and also a distinguished engineer
+        at Red Hat. He works on the virtualization team and contributes both upstream
+        (as the maintainer of KVM and of several subsystems in QEMU) and to CentOS
+        Stream.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="capitao">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="capitao.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Joel Capitao</h3>
+      <p>RDO core maintainer contributing to Openstack, Fedora and CentOS communities.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="cavalca">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">--></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Davide Cavalca</h3>
+      <p>Davide is one of the founding members of the Hyperscale SIG, which he
+        currently co-chairs, and also serves as a director on the CentOS Board.
+        In his day job, Davide is a Production Engineer on the Linux Userspace
+        team at Meta, which is responsible for the CentOS deployment on the
+        production fleet.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-threads"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="cermak">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="cermak.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Dan Čermák</h3>
+      <p>Dan is building container images, creating developer tools and
+        sometimes works on QA at SUSE, which he joined after working as
+        an embedded firmware developer. Originally he started out as a
+        theoretical astrophysicist, but after becoming a contributor to
+        various Open Source projects, he finally made this his full time
+        job at SUSE.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="chibon">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="chibon.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Pierre-Yves Chibon</h3>
+      <p>Pierre-Yves Chibon (aka pingou) has spent nearly 15 years in the Fedora
+        community and is now looking at the challenges the automotive industry offers
+        to the FOSS ecosystems.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="curtin">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="curtin.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Eric Curtin</h3>
+      <p>Red Hat Engineer working with CentOS Automotive SIG. Upstream
+        maintainer of inotify-tools, ostree, etc.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="dawson">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="dawson.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Troy Dawson</h3>
+      <p>Troy works on the Emerging RHEL and CentOS Stream teams at Red Hat.
+        He is the Chair for the CentOS Alternative Images SIG and the EPEL
+        Steering committee.  He loves Penguins, Hawaiian Shirts, Penguins
+        on Hawaiian Shirts and making Linux distributions.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="demeyer">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="demeyer.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Daan De Meyer</h3>
+      <p>Systemd and mkosi maintainer. Member of the Linux Userspace team @ Meta.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="dhar">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="dhar.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertext">
+      <h3>Akashdeep Dhar</h3>
+      <p>Akashdeep Dhar is a Software Engineer in the Red Hat Community
+        Platform Engineering team and an Elected Representative in Fedora
+        Council. He works primarily in developing and maintaining applications
+        on Fedora Infrastructure and likes to selfhost services in his homelab.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="fedin">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="fedin.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertext">
+      <h3>Evgeny Fedin</h3>
+      <p>Evgeny is a Senior Software Quality Engineer at Red Hat and one of the
+        developers of Testing Farm. Free open-source software enthusiast and
+        musician after-hours.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="fedorova">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">--></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Aleksandra Fedorova</h3>
+      <p>Aleksandra is a longtime Fedora contributor and a former Fedora Council
+        member. She is a Senior Principal Engineer in Red Hat involved in CentOS
+        Stream and RHEL bootstrap initiatives, Fedora ELN and other topics
+        related to the Continuous Integration of RHEL and CentOS.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="george">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="george.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Carl George</h3>
+      <p>Carl George is the EPEL team lead in the Community Platform Engineering (CPE)
+        group at Red Hat.  He is active in the EPEL, Fedora, and CentOS communities.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="glombek">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="glombek.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Christian Glombek</h3>
+      <p>Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat; OKD Maintainer; Gnome, Fedora & CentOS Contributor</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="gompa">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="gompa.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Neal Gompa</h3>
+      <p>Neal is a developer and contributor in Fedora; CentOS; Mageia; and openSUSE,
+        focusing primarily on the base Linux system components, such as package and
+        software management, as well as the Linux desktop. He's a big believer in
+        "upstream first", which has led him all over the open source world.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="hanlon">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="hanlon.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Neil Hanlon</h3>
+      <p>I love Open Source, Linux, and building cool things with great people. I am
+        currently employed by CIQ where I help lead the Open Source Program Office and
+        work to enable the needs of the communities like Rocky Linux, OpenELA, Warewulf,
+        Apptainer, and more, in part through my role as the Infrastructure Team Lead for
+        the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation--an organization I have been part of
+        since its inception. I maintain Rocky Linux as part of the Core SIG responsible
+        for the entire operating system build and release process. In addition, I am a
+        contributor to OpenInfra projects like OpenStack-Ansible and Kolla, CentOS and
+        its SIGs, Fedora, Fedora EPEL, and many more.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="kula">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="kula.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Karolina Kula</h3>
+      <p>An open source enthusiast who is contributing to the upstream RDO
+        project in Red Hat (for not so very long time). Interested in
+        security, Internet privacy and devopsing. Artist afterwork.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="lachman">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="lachman.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>František Lachman</h3>
+      <p>Senior Software Engineer and Packit Product Owner at Red Hat. Occasional
+        teacher at Masaryk University, Brno CZ. Instructor of scout leaders. Python
+        and non-formal education enthusiast.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="lind">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="lind.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Michel Lind</h3>
+      <p>Michel Lind (né Salim) is a long-term Fedora contributor who more
+        recently also contribute to EPEL and the Hyperscale SIG. In his day job,
+        Michel is a Production Engineer on the Linux Userspace team at Meta,
+        which is responsible for the CentOS deployment on the production fleet.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-threads"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="mammadli">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="mammadli.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Elkhan Mammadli</h3>
+      <p>Elkhan is a FLOSS enthusiast and contributor who maintains the cloud, container,
+        live media and WSL images, automates testing of ISOs and projects like ELevate
+        and AlmaLinux Deploy at AlmaLinux OS Foundation. He works as a Cloud Engineer
+        at CloudLinux.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="mccance">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="mccance.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Shaun McCance</h3>
+      <p>Shaun is the Community Architect for the CentOS project, taking care of the
+        non-technical bits to keep the project running. He's the chair of the Promo
+        SIG and co-chair of the Docs SIG. When not working on CentOS, he likes to
+        pretend he still works on GNOME.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="moralejo">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="moralejo.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Alfredo Moralejo Alonso</h3>
+      <p>Alfredo Moralejo is a long-time IT infrastructure specialist with proven
+        experience in the adoption of OpenSource technologies in the enterprise.
+        In the last few years he has been working as Principal Software Engineer
+        in the OpenStack ecosystem mainly maintaining the RDO community distribution.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="samalik">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="samalik.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Adam Samalik</h3>
+      <p>Adam is a principal software engineer with Red Hat mostly contributing
+        to Fedora ELN, CentOS Stream, and RHEL.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="speaker" id="sella">
+    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="sella.jpg"></div>
+    <div class="speakertxt">
+      <h3>Nicola Sella</h3>
+      <p>Nicola is a free software enthusiast. He is a software engineer working
+        at Red Hat. Part of the RPM software management team, developing and
+        maintaining DNF and DNF5.</p>
+      <div class="speakerlinks">
+        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<section id="sessions">
+  <div class="session" id="hyperscale">
+    <h3>Hyperscale SIG update <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#cavalca"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">-->Davide Cavalca</a>
+      <a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a></p>
+    <p>Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what deliverables are
+      available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="epel-state">
+    <h3>State of EPEL <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
+    <p>Troy Dawson, the EPEL Steering Committee chair, presents the State of EPEL.
+      What has EPEL done, what it's currently working on, and what to expect in
+      the future.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="epel10">
+    <h3>EPEL 10 Overview <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#george"><img src="george.jpg">Carl George</a></p>
+    <p>Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is a yum repository of community
+      maintained packages for use on CentOS Stream and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
+      In EPEL 9, package maintainers were able to build against CentOS Stream 9 early
+      to have packages ready before the RHEL 9.0 launch. For EPEL 10, the EPEL Steering
+      Committee is planning on expanding that strategy to all minor versions of RHEL 10.
+      Attend this talk to learn more about this initiative and the progress towards it
+      so far.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="almalinux">
+    <h3>AlmaLinux: How we automated testing without inventing the wheel and instead improving it <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#mammadli"><img src="mammadli.jpg">Elkhan Mammadli</a></p>
+    <p>As the AlmaLinux OS Foundation, we take the testing seriously while pioneering
+      on the speed of the delivery. When you have multiple major versions with the
+      support of multiple architecutes, testing of a GNU/Linux distribution can be
+      exhausting. One of the phase on our journey of testing was the automation. We
+      will talk about the openQA and Testinfra as the technologies choice of us, the
+      challenges we faced while adopting them and how we handled them with contributing
+      back to upstream and Enterprise Linux ecosystem.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="packit">
+    <h3>Bridging the Gap: Packit automation for CentOS and upstream projects <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#lachman"><img src="lachman.jpg">František Lachman</a>
+      <a href="#fedin"><img src="fedin.jpg">Evgeny Fedin</a></p>
+    <p>Are you a package maintainer striving for a seamless integration with upstream
+      projects? Are you an upstream project developer aiming to ensure your software
+      functions flawlessly on CentOS Stream? Look no further – Packit is your solution!</p>
+    <p>Since the beginning of CentOS Stream, Packit has allowed developers to execute
+      CentOS Stream RPM builds directly from their upstream changes. But that's just
+      the beginning – delve into the possibilities of running tmt-based tests on a
+      pristine virtual machine with the newly-built RPMs installed. This approach
+      enables you to identify and address potential issues as they are introduced
+      to the codebase, ensuring robust and reliable software when the new code
+      reaches the user.</p>
+    <p>More and more projects are using Packit to automatically synchronise upstream
+      releases to Fedora. And we are pleased to announce that the very same is now
+      available for CentOS Stream as well!</p>
+    <p>In this talk, we will guide you through the functionalities Packit brings
+      to the table specifically tailored for CentOS Stream. Discover how you can
+      effortlessly enhance collaboration between upstream projects and CentOS
+      Stream, fostering a more efficient and reliable development process.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="altimages">
+    <h3>Alternative Image SIG - Let's Talk About It <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
+    <p>An update on the CentOS Alternative Images SIG. What are our goals. What
+      progress have we made. What do we see in the near, and far future.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="freeipa">
+    <h3>Discuss your identity: how FreeIPA helps running CentOS community infrastructure <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#bokovoy"><img src="bokovoy.jpg">Alexander Bokovoy</a></p>
+    <p>It is time to gather a feedback!</p>
+    <p>CentOS Stream upstream and downstream communities rely on infrastructure bits
+      provided by FreeIPA project. Fedora uses FreeIPA since 2017, providing the shared
+      infrastructure together with the CentOS project.</p>
+    <p>FreeIPA team would like to hear a community feedback! At this session let us dive
+      into what is working and what could be improved in CentOS community's usage of
+      FreeIPA.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="secrets">
+    <h3>Open Secrets of CentOS Stream <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
+    <p>CentOS Stream has a goal of being as open as possible. Even though it has
+      been around for several years, many people think it is still keeping secrets.
+      Join Troy, from the CentOS Stream team at Red Hat, as he works through the
+      whole development workflow, showing how everything is hidden in plain site.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="promodocs">
+    <h3>Promo SIG and Docs SIG Updates</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#mccance"><img src="mccance.jpg">Shaun McCance</a></p>
+    <p>Did you know we have SIGs for Promo and Docs? The Promo SIG has been recently
+      revitalized, while Docs has finally been officially recognized as a SIG. This
+      talk will showcase the work being done in both SIGs, and show you how you can
+      get involved. Spoiler: we're having a working day on Monday after FOSDEM, and
+      you're invited!</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="ansible">
+    <h3>Ansible usage in CentOS Infra <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#arrotin"><img src="arrotin.jpg">Fabian Arrotin</a></p>
+    <p>CentOS Infrastructure is heavily relying on Ansible for automation. Let's
+      summarize how we use it, where to find the roles, describe the modular
+      approach with multiple inventories (why and how) and how we maintain these.
+      Also how we use ARA to browse the ansible logs/reports.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="mkosi">
+    <h3>Building And Utilizing Purpose-Built GNU/Linux Distribution Images Using Mkosi <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#dhar"><img src="dhar.jpg">Akashdeep Dhar</a></p>
+    <p>Mkosi is a tool in the Systemd software suite, facilitating the creation of
+      customized distribution images for various Linux bases like Fedora, Debian,
+      Ubuntu, Arch, Red Hat, Rocky, Alma, Gentoo, etc. It supports multiple system
+      architectures and deployment methods, offering finer control than alternatives
+      like Cloud-init and Ignition, using an INI-styled format for configuration.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="sigs-kernel">
+    <h3>How SIGs can facilitate contributions to the CentOS Stream kernel <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#bonzini"><img src="bonzini.jpg">Paolo Bonzini</a></p>
+    <p>The CentOS Stream kernel receives backports for thousands of upstream
+      commits every month. In this talk, I will show how CentOS SIGs can be
+      used to help testing and tracking future contributions to CentOS Stream,
+      helping to structure them into multiple merge requests for the CentOS
+      Stream kernel project on GitLab. The content of this talk are based on
+      the experience gained when developing a TDX-enabled kernel variant within
+      the Virtualization SIG.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="selfabolition">
+    <h3>The self-abolition of Enterprise Linux Distributions <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#cermak"><img src="cermak.jpg">Dan Čermák</a></p>
+    <p>Enterprise Linux Distributions have been caught in a downward spiral
+      for the past decade. The distributions have been steadily reducing
+      their package sets, as it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain
+      packages in a faster moving ecosystem. This in turn renders enterprise
+      distributions less desirable as a deployment or a development target
+      and especially as a workstation. There is a growing realization that
+      the current release cadence and package maintenance workflow become
+      less suitable for the world where workloads are run as containers
+      based on non-enterprise distributions.</p>
+    <p>What is the way out of this? How can enterprise vendors solve the
+      problem to remain relevant in a cloud native world? Will a more
+      modular distribution be the solution? Or perhaps the container
+      ecosystem, where everything is containerized, is the answer?</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="mkosi-hyperscale">
+    <h3>Testing the CentOS Hyperscale systemd backport with mkosi <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#demeyer"><img src="demeyer.jpg">Daan De Meyer</a></p>
+    <p>The CentOS Hyperscale SIG maintains a backport of the latest systemd.
+      This talk will discuss how we use mkosi to test this backport. mkosi is
+      the image building sister project of systemd
+      (<a href=""></a>).
+      We'll start with a brief introduction to mkosi before moving on to discussing
+      how we use it to test the backport. This involves locally building the systemd
+      rpm locally from the systemd and Hyperscale systemd rpm sources within mkosi,
+      building initrd and system images including the newly build systemd rpms and
+      finally booting the resulting image with qemu. If there's time left, we'll
+      also discuss the SELinux policy module we maintain for the systemd backport.</p>
+    <p>My previous talk on mkosi at ASG:
+      <a href=""></a></p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="poi">
+    <h3>Using PoI Tracker for Enterprise Linux preparedness and to audit your dependencies <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#lind"><img src="lind.jpg">Michel Lind</a></p>
+    <p>PoI Tracker is a tool intended to improve organizations' readiness to adopt
+      the next major Enterprise Linux release, and also make it easier to track the
+      packages they need - especially those community-maintained in the Extra Packages
+      for Enterprise Linux repository as well as projects such as the Hyperscale SIG
+      - and the dependency graph of these packages. This talk will cover both the
+      rationale, the development of the tool itself, and some of its use cases.</p>
+    <p>In addition, having this information about not only the leaf packages organizations
+      care about but also their dependencies, PoI tracker can be used to analyze the health
+      of these dependencies (e.g. surfacing dependencies that have major unfixed bugs, have
+      only a single maintainer) as well as their criticality (e.g. surfacing packages that
+      it turns out is used by many leaf packages) - organizations can then hopefully use
+      this information to invest resources in this (e.g. helping with packaging, contributing
+      code fixes, or funding the development)</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="rdo-okd">
+    <h3>OpenStack RDO deployment on Community Distribution of Kubernetes (OKD) <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#kula"><img src="kula.jpg">Karolina Kula</a>
+      <a href="#moralejo"><img src="moralejo.jpg">Alfredo Moralejo Alonso</a></p>
+    <p>During the last year a new mechanism to deploy OpenStack has been created
+      in the OpenStack Kubernetes Operators project
+      (<a href=""></a>).
+      In this session we are going to share update about our ongoing work on
+      adopting this project for testing and deploying RDO repositories. We will
+      provide a high level overview of the architecture and concepts behind this
+      model and also share some ideas about CI usage and community-friendly way
+      of deploy full stack RDO.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="automotive">
+    <h3>CentOS Automotive SIG update <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#curtin"><img src="curtin.jpg">Eric Curtin</a>
+      <a href="#chibon"><!--<img src="chibon.jpg">-->Pierre-Yves Chibon</a></p>
+    <p>It's going to be similar to the
+      <a href="">CentOS Connect talk at flock</a>,
+      but with new content with updated information.</p>
+    <p>We will speak about newer projects such as initoverlayfs, maybe our work
+      with Texas Instruments.</p>
+    <p>In the new year, we will meet with Red Hat Automotive people internally
+      and the CentOS Automotive SIG community externally to decide what content
+      we present.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="integration">
+    <h3>CentOS Integration SIG: current state and future plans <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#fedorova"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">-->Aleksandra Fedorova</a></p>
+    <p>In this talk I would like to introduce the CentOS Integration SIG.</p>
+    <p>We will discuss our current work, plans and possibilities how you can join
+      and use the</p>
+    <p>We will discuss the current work and the possibilities how the SIG can
+      help you integrate CentOS Stream in your infrastructure or develop your
+      own projects on top of it.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="foreman">
+    <h3>Provisioning hosts with Foreman <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#shtein"><!--<img src="shtein.jpg">-->Shimon Shtein</a></p>
+    <p>I would like to introduce the Foreman project that deals with provisioning,
+      configuration management and configuration monitoring aspects of datacenter
+      management. This project allows to manage systems no matter the deployment
+      architecture: physical, virtual or on-cloud. It allows a single pane of glass
+      for most management aspects of the infrastructure.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="cloudsig">
+    <h3>Cloud SIG Update <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#capitao"><img src="capitao.jpg">Joel Capitao</a>
+      <a href="#glombek"><img src="glombek.jpg">Christian Glombek</a></p>
+    <p>Please come join the chairs of the CentOS Cloud SiG as they provide a review
+      of the SiG over the past year and where the SiG is going in the next. This
+      review will include information on both RDO and SCOS as the two leading
+      components of the SiG but will also provide information how you and your
+      cloud related project can be a part.</p>
+  </div>
+<section id="meetups">
+  <div class="session" id="hyperscale-meetup">
+    <h3>Hyperscale SIG meetup</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#cavalca"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">-->Davide Cavalca</a>
+      <a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a></p>
+    <p>In-person meetup for the CentOS <a href="">Hyperscale SIG</a>.
+      The meetup is open to everybody interested -- you don't have to be a member
+      of the SIG to attend, and we'd welcome participation from anyone interested
+      in this space.</p>
+    <p>The Hyperscale meetup will include virtual participants over Zoom.</p>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="">Join the Zoom meeting</a></li>
+      <li>Meeting ID: 837 4502 1191</li>
+      <li>Passcode: 069851</li>
+    </ul>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="altimages-meetup">
+    <h3>Alternative Images SIG meetup</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a>
+      <a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
+    <p>Meetup for face-to-face meeting and roadmap for the next year of Alternative
+      Images. Primary focus on looking forward to CentOS Stream 10.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="packaging-meetup">
+    <h3>Packagers Meetup: Share your experience with packaging RPMs</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#sella"><img src="sella.jpg">Nicola Sella</a></p>
+    <p>Are you an RPM packager? Do you work with packages downstream? Do you
+      have experience with automation and build systems, or are you just
+      learning how to approach this world?</p>
+    <p>Whether you work with Fedora, CentOS, Enterprise solutions or other RPM
+      environments, join me to discuss the state of packaging in the domain of
+      RPM-based distributions. This will be an opportunity to connect with
+      people involved in the creation, delivery, and maintenance of packages
+      in different distributions.</p>
+    <p>Both beginners and experienced packagers will be able to introduce
+      themselves, share their experiences with different RPM systems, and
+      learn from each other. There is no set plan or schedule. Everybody is
+      welcome, and we will have an open discussion. Bring a topic or question
+      you would like to discuss and meet the people that work behind the spec
+      files.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="integration-meetup">
+    <h3>CentOS Integration SIG Meetup</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#fedorova"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">-->Aleksandra Fedorova</a>
+      <a href="#samalik"><img src="samalik.jpg">Adam Samalik</a></p>
+    <p>CentOS Integration SIG is a relatively new addition to the CentOS Special
+      Interest Groups family, focused on making it easier to react on updates in
+      the CentOS Stream and integrate third-party CI services to provide feedback
+      and test results on changes.</p>
+    <p>This is the first meetup for the group and our main goals would be to learn
+      about each others use-cases and brainstorm the work items.</p>
+    <p>The highlight of this year will be the introduction of the TMT tool to manage
+      CentOS compose tests, see
+      <a href="">the MVP</a>.
+      But everyone is welcome to bring new questions and ideas to the table.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="rocky-meetup">
+    <h3>Rocky Linux Release Engineering - Meetup and Planning</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#hanlon"><img src="hanlon.jpg">Neil Hanlon</a></p>
+    <p>Join members of the Rocky Linux Release Engineering team as we work to plan
+      the road ahead for Peridot, the build system built specifically to enable
+      Rocky Linux and its Special Interest Groups (SIGs). This meetup offers a
+      platform for the Peridot developers and release engineering teams, as well
+      as other interested parties to come together to analyze, plan, organize,
+      and pave the way for a more efficient and streamlined release process for
+      the core Operating System and SIGs. All are welcome to join this conversation
+      regardless of your familiarity with Peridot or the Rocky Linux project!</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="cloud-meetup">
+    <h3>CentOS Cloud SIG Meetup</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#glombek"><img src="glombek.jpg">Christian Glombek</a></p>
+    <p>Let's talk about the CentOS Cloud SIG, OKD, OpenShift, ,Kubernetes, Operators,
+      RDO, bootc and more!</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="session" id="packaging-workshop">
+    <h3>Packaging Workshop</h3>
+    <p class="who"><a href="#george"><img src="george.jpg">Carl George</a></p>
+    <p>In this workshop, attendees will learn how to package software using RPM,
+      the native packaging format for Fedora, CentOS Stream, and Red Hat Enterprise
+      Linux. They will write RPM spec files, build software from source code into
+      RPM packages, run quality checks on RPM packages, and install the packaged
+      software.</p>
+    <p>The only prerequisite for the workshop is basic command line familiarity,
+      such as navigating directories and editing files.  Attendees should bring
+      their own laptop to the workshop.  The hands-on portion of the lab is
+      web-based and can be completed from any operating system with a web browser.</p>
+  </div>
+<section id="sponsors">
+<p>Thanks to our generous sponsors for helping us put on a great event.
+Interested in sponsoring?
+Email the <a href="">Promo SIG</a>.</p>
+<div id="sponsorlist">
+<a href=""><img src="almalinux.svg"></a>
+<a href=""><img src="fedora.svg"></a>
+<a href=""><img src="redhat.svg"></a>
+<a href=""><img src="rockylinux.svg"></a>
+<a href=""><img src="meta.svg"></a>
+var sponsorlist = document.getElementById("sponsorlist");
+var sponsors = Array.from(sponsorlist.children);
+while (sponsors.length > 0) {
+  var ix = Math.floor(Math.random() * sponsors.length);
+  var el = sponsors[ix];
+  sponsors.splice(ix, 1);
+  sponsorlist.removeChild(el);
+  sponsorlist.appendChild(el);
+<section id="conduct">
+<h2>Code of Conduct</h2>
+<p>CentOS is committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free experience
+for participants at all of our events. All participants, whether in-person or
+virtual, are expected to follow the
+<a href="">CentOS Code of Conduct</a>. and the
+<a href="">Fedora Code of Conduct</a>.</p>
+To report violations or for any concerns, contact the Community Architect
+<a href="">Shaun McCance</a>.</p>
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-       d="M 19.425524,0 C 8.7036299,0 0.02255219,8.5217564 0.00358427,19.042607 H 0 v 14.740952 h 0.00358427 c 0.00501796,2.386017 1.97822803,4.318724 4.41166503,4.318724 H 19.427422 C 30.151216,38.09549 38.830397,29.574834 38.830397,19.059678 38.830412,8.5388268 30.139837,0.01706971 19.408455,0.01706971 Z m 33.969432,7.6891164 c -4.104402,0 -6.738883,3.0593346 -6.763538,5.9214166 v 16.594 c -0.0052,2.046517 3.173135,2.046517 3.167445,0 v -11.07468 h 3.25659 c 0.761704,0 1.412072,-0.54131 1.412072,-1.409606 0,-0.868298 -0.696647,-1.393109 -1.412072,-1.393109 h -3.25659 v -2.551026 c 0,-1.633414 1.303205,-2.994848 3.926115,-2.962605 0.9123,0.0118 1.233977,0.228171 1.567032,0.427321 1.8191,1.181628 3.56954,-1.5543242 1.663384,-2.60034 C 55.786853,7.9392881 54.696454,7.6912032 53.39344,7.6912032 Z m 34.709132,0.2959385 c -0.987982,-0.051872 -1.714784,0.9077484 -1.562862,1.8204278 v 7.0689033 c -3.133307,-2.575683 -8.23346,-2.395498 -11.123991,0.456151 -2.924676,2.556717 -3.480402,7.188396 -1.35347,10.380495 1.562482,2.410675 4.421149,4.130958 7.366685,3.994398 1.852291,-0.01685 3.687135,-0.801729 5.111536,-1.959268 -0.146138,0.914575 0.574501,1.883404 1.571207,1.8246 0.97849,0.0428 1.738297,-0.904331 1.58808,-1.820427 C 89.68414,22.95266 89.718407,16.156876 89.68414,9.3610919 89.633452,8.5973013 88.890188,7.9672261 88.112932,7.9884685 h -0.0036 z m 12.239242,6.9209641 c -4.777954,-2e-6 -8.651554,3.767458 -8.652631,8.415541 -0.0011,4.649567 3.873152,8.419342 8.652631,8.41934 4.77947,-4e-6 8.6537,-3.769777 8.65262,-8.41934 -10e-4,-4.648079 -3.87467,-8.415537 -8.65262,-8.415541 z m 28.26045,0.07396 c -2.16032,0 -3.71749,0.629127 -4.8517,1.425919 -1.72142,1.208751 0.1307,3.736449 1.8521,2.526372 0.78351,-0.549846 1.36541,-0.842503 3.00054,-0.842503 2.03514,0.04008 3.67007,0.788257 3.67007,2.279802 -1.09097,0.676925 -5.83418,1.238335 -8.37952,2.659138 -2.54722,1.420416 -2.41256,3.212965 -2.41256,4.375628 0,2.551023 2.74449,4.273206 5.12102,4.273206 2.37464,0 3.38366,-0.488773 5.7071,-2.050308 v 0.443825 c -0.0751,2.143239 3.24709,2.143239 3.17122,0 v -9.15904 c 0.0104,-3.799038 -2.76913,-5.875897 -6.87543,-5.934694 z m -15.75567,0.03286 c -1.37453,0 -1.60365,1.112779 -1.59644,1.561531 v 13.511904 c -0.0377,0.873421 0.69891,1.598518 1.62166,1.598518 0.92272,0 1.65921,-0.725097 1.62166,-1.598518 0,0 0.0244,-5.026187 0,-8.242943 -0.0244,-3.216758 2.64585,-3.912838 3.57333,-3.912838 0.68962,0 1.2427,0.377627 1.78913,0.357522 0.81121,-0.02999 1.47485,-0.56445 1.47485,-1.499888 -0.0244,-1.511271 -1.91183,-1.725216 -3.3059,-1.697144 -1.39386,0.02795 -2.57189,0.446855 -3.5904,1.043739 0,0 -0.21338,-1.121883 -1.58809,-1.121883 z m -48.668665,0.03286 c -1.052274,-0.07935 -2.215314,0.08606 -3.493673,0.57128 -3.097268,1.174041 -5.198783,4.058883 -5.208267,7.618938 -0.0086,3.728864 2.65155,8.540726 8.170873,8.576763 3.711789,0.02394 5.568632,-1.335827 6.570076,-2.26084 0.664788,-0.577727 0.713907,-1.581636 0.104776,-2.215313 -0.610351,-0.63463 -1.634368,-0.650179 -2.262732,-0.03284 -0.748052,0.68906 -1.849826,1.712697 -4.973082,1.372622 -1.340379,-0.145514 -2.778627,-1.213495 -3.260383,-2.02944 l 10.232559,-4.269414 c 0.782567,-0.341019 1.144069,-1.231324 0.812912,-2.004786 C 69.50216,17.728705 67.337106,15.28579 64.181039,15.04681 Z m 36.169585,3.01192 c 2.98881,9e-6 5.41201,2.356145 5.41309,5.263268 0.002,2.909348 -2.42199,5.268956 -5.41309,5.268965 -2.991106,5e-6 -5.415274,-2.359607 -5.413116,-5.268965 0.0011,-2.907133 2.424298,-5.263273 5.413116,-5.263268 z m -19.09952,0.0822 c 2.827942,-0.07241 5.354312,2.425849 5.301207,5.174128 0.05943,2.750179 -2.475157,5.244305 -5.301214,5.174124 -2.687576,0.06989 -5.151365,-2.162208 -5.287925,-4.779618 -0.286205,-2.697067 1.972543,-5.329654 4.739789,-5.543978 0.182476,-0.01752 0.365489,-0.02474 0.548895,-0.02474 z m -17.859081,0.0822 c 1.538774,0.0015 2.991055,0.779723 3.728861,2.033236 l -8.517963,3.567642 c -0.608074,-2.226696 1.88757,-4.842208 3.247105,-5.329652 0.509638,-0.182669 1.028946,-0.271604 1.541997,-0.271226 z m 69.000991,5.210166 c -7.1e-4,1.007321 0.0155,1.298464 -0.0121,2.30446 -0.007,1.209317 -0.78105,1.768648 -1.59226,2.230488 -0.81102,0.462787 -2.45999,0.867917 -3.41402,0.912297 -1.10102,0.0357 -2.55861,-0.206928 -2.63638,-1.487556 7.2e-4,-0.773092 0.38294,-1.253705 1.0098,-1.787618 1.48471,-1.092298 3.49367,-1.457971 6.64593,-2.173591 z" />
-  </g>
-  <g>
-    <path
-       fill="#FFFFFF"
-       d="m 23.372364,7.835345 c -3.028987,0 -5.704663,2.236586 -6.075082,5.170741 -0.0249,0.245618 -0.03219,0.422251 -0.03359,0.644922 l 0.0036,11.996684 c 0,2.301235 -1.756209,3.867465 -3.950663,3.867465 -2.197484,0 -3.967716,-1.722149 -3.967716,-3.871082 0.03604,-2.359086 1.961319,-3.855522 4.206978,-3.920691 h 0.01188 l 2.279965,-0.02066 v -3.16725 l -2.279965,0.01654 c -4.087331,-0.03604 -7.331689,3.103025 -7.45019,7.093624 0,3.880591 3.251028,7.044531 7.198008,7.044531 3.723171,0 6.821405,-2.852806 7.15977,-6.422347 0.04877,-1.215007 0.02532,-2.818432 0.02532,-2.818432 0.0068,-0.66023 -0.0105,-0.42328 -0.0036,-1.734261 l 2.827734,-0.02016 c 2.188181,0.01519 2.163443,-3.217921 -0.02532,-3.17345 l -2.80293,0.02066 c 0,-1.627346 0.02609,-3.244826 0,-4.874638 0.0019,-1.409608 1.362887,-2.655134 2.873208,-2.655134 1.510702,0 3.108854,0.739495 3.108854,2.655134 0,0.27369 -0.0057,0.43294 -0.02119,0.534336 -0.168616,0.888402 0.450459,1.737858 1.362189,1.866035 0.911733,0.126699 1.748824,-0.519356 1.839166,-1.418 0.05223,-0.355248 0.05013,-0.66852 0.05013,-0.981853 0,-3.377975 -3.07825,-5.826519 -6.338631,-5.826519 z" />
-  </g>
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@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
 <meta property="og:url" content=""></meta>
 <meta property="og:title" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM"></meta>
 <meta property="og:description" content="Free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream, the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem"></meta>
-<meta property="og:image" content=""></meta>
-<meta property="og:image:url" content=""></meta>
+<meta property="og:image" content=""></meta>
+<meta property="og:image:url" content=""></meta>
 <meta property="og:image:type" content="png"></meta>
 <meta property="og:image:width" content="600"></meta>
 <meta property="og:image:height" content="300"></meta>
-<meta property="og:image:alt" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM - February 1-2, 2024 - Brussels, Belgium"></meta>
+<meta property="og:image:alt" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM - January 30-31, 2025 - Brussels, Belgium"></meta>
 <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"></meta>
 <meta name="twitter:site:id" content="@CentOS"></meta>
 <meta name="twitter:creator:id" content="@CentOS"></meta>
 <meta name="twitter:title" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM"></meta>
 <meta name="twitter:description" content="Free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream, the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem"></meta>
-<meta name="twitter:image" content=""></meta>
-<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM - February 1-2, 2024 - Brussels, Belgium"></meta>
+<meta name="twitter:image" content=""></meta>
+<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="CentOS Connect at FOSDEM - January 30-31, 2025 - Brussels, Belgium"></meta>
@@ -40,8 +40,11 @@
       <div class="right">
         <a href="#register">Register</a>
         <a href="#venue">Venue</a>
+        <a href="#cfp">CFP</a>
         <a href="#schedule">Schedule</a>
         <a href="#speakers">Speakers</a>
         <a href="#conduct">Conduct</a>
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@
 <div class="banner">
   <div class="container">
     <div class="banner-connect">Connect</div>
-    <div class="banner-info"><span class="banner-when">February 1-2, 2024</span><span class="banner-dash"> — </span><span class="banner-where">Brussels, Belgium</span></div>
+    <div class="banner-info"><span class="banner-when">January 30-31, 2025</span><span class="banner-dash"> — </span><span class="banner-where">Brussels, Belgium</span></div>
     <div class="banner-desc">Connect with the CentOS community to learn
       about the latest developments in the Enterprise Linux ecosystem.</div>
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@
 <p class="lead">CentOS Connect is the contributor conference for CentOS, focusing
 on CentOS Stream, Special Interest Groups, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem.
-CentOS Connect at FOSDEM happens February 1-2, 2024, as part of the
+CentOS Connect 2025 is happening January 30-31, as part of the
 <a href="">FOSDEM</a> Fringe.</p>
 <section id="register">
@@ -72,948 +75,66 @@ help us ensure we have enough space and catering for everyone. Your registration
 includes two days of presentations and meetups, lunch on both days, and access
 to our birthday party.</p>
-<ul><li><a href="">Register for in person</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="">Register for in person</a></li></ul>
 <p>We will also live stream the event, and make every effort to include online
 participants. The live stream will be public, but registering allows us to
 keep you updated.</p>
-<li><a href="">Register for online</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Watch the live stream</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Register for online</a></li>
 <section id="venue">
-<p>CentOS Connect 2024 will be held at the <a href="">Radisson
-Collection Hotel, Grand Place Brussels</a> in the Royal room.</p>
-<p>Our room block is full, but there may still be rooms available outside the room block.</p>
-<section id="schedule">
-<p>All times are UTC+1, Brussels local time.</p>
-<div class="schedule">
-<h3>Thursday meetups</h3>
-  <th>Time</th>
-  <th>Brussels</th>
-  <th>Stockholm</th>
-  <th>Copenhagen</th>
-  <th>Oslo</th>
-  <td>9:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#integration-meetup">CentOS Integration SIG Meetup</a></td>
-  <td><a href="#hyperscale-meetup">Hyperscale SIG meetup</a></td>
-  <td><a href="#packaging-workshop">Packaging Workshop</a></td>
-  <td><a href="#rocky-meetup">Rocky Linux Release Engineering - Meetup and Planning</a></td>
-  <td>11:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#cloud-meetup">CentOS Cloud SIG Meetup</a></td>
-  <td><a href="#altimages-meetup">Alternative Images SIG meetup</a></td>
-  <td><a href="#packaging-meetup">Packagers Meetup: Share your experience with packaging RPMs</a></td>
-  <td>Speaker ready room</td>
-<div class="schedule">
-<h3>Thursday sessions</h3>
-  <th>Time</th>
-  <th>Title</th>
-  <th>Presenter</th>
-<tr class="break">
-  <td>13:00</td>
-  <td>Lunch</td>
-  <td></td>
-  <td>14:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#altimages">Alternative Image SIG - Let's Talk About It</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></td>
-  <td>14:30</td>
-  <td><a href="#ansible">Ansible usage in CentOS Infra</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#arrotin"><img src="arrotin.jpg">Fabian Arrotin</a></td>
-  <td>15:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#integration">CentOS Integration SIG: current state and future plans</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#fedorova"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">-->Aleksandra Fedorova</a></td>
-  <td>15:30</td>
-  <td><a href="#hyperscale">Hyperscale SIG update</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#cavalca"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">-->Davide Cavalca</a>
-    <a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a></td>
-<tr class="break">
-  <td>16:00</td>
-  <td>Break</td>
-  <td></td>
-  <td>16:15</td>
-  <td><a href="#epel-state">State of EPEL</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></td>
-  <td>16:45</td>
-  <td><a href="#epel10">EPEL 10 Overview</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#george"><img src="george.jpg">Carl George</a></td>
-  <td>17:15</td>
-  <td>Board Panel <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td>CentOS Board</td>
-<div class="schedule">
-<h3>Thursday evening</h3>
-  <th>Start</th>
-  <th>End</th>
-  <th>Title</th>
-  <td>20:00</td>
-  <td>22:00</td>
-  <td>Reception: Join us for drinks and cake as we celebrate 20 years of CentOS.
-  Location to be announced.</td>
-<div class="schedule">
-<h3>Friday sessions</h3>
-  <th>Time</th>
-  <th>Title</th>
-  <th>Presenter</th>
-  <td>9:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#promodocs">Promo SIG and Docs SIG Updates</a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#mccance"><img src="mccance.jpg">Shaun McCance</a></td>
-  <td>9:30</td>
-  <td><a href="#packit">Bridging the Gap: Packit automation for CentOS and upstream projects</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#lachman"><img src="lachman.jpg">František Lachman</a>
-    <a href="#fedin"><img src="fedin.jpg">Evgeny Fedin</a></td>
-  <td>10:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#secrets">Open Secrets of CentOS Stream</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></td>
-  <td>10:30</td>
-  <td><a href="#selfabolition">The self-abolition of Enterprise Linux Distributions</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#cermak"><img src="cermak.jpg">Dan Čermák</a></td>
-<tr class="break">
-  <td>11:00</td>
-  <td>Break</td>
-  <td></td>
-  <td>11:15</td>
-  <td><a href="#cloudsig">Cloud SIG Update</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#capitao"><img src="capitao.jpg">Joel Capitao</a>
-    <a href="#glombek"><img src="glombek.jpg">Christian Glombek</a></td>
-  <td>11:45</td>
-  <td><a href="#rdo-okd">OpenStack RDO deployment on Community Distribution of Kubernetes (OKD)</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#kula"><img src="kula.jpg">Karolina Kula</a>
-    <a href="#moralejo"><img src="moralejo.jpg">Alfredo Moralejo Alonso</a></td>
-<tr class="break">
-  <td>12:45</td>
-  <td>Lunch</td>
-  <td></td>
-  <td>13:45</td>
-  <td><a href="#mkosi">Building And Utilizing Purpose-Built GNU/Linux Distribution Images Using Mkosi</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#dhar"><img src="dhar.jpg">Akashdeep Dhar</a></td>
-  <td>14:15</td>
-  <td><a href="#mkosi-hyperscale">Testing the CentOS Hyperscale systemd backport with mkosi</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#demeyer"><img src="demeyer.jpg">Daan De Meyer</a></td>
-  <td>14:45</td>
-  <td><a href="#sigs-kernel">How SIGs can facilitate contributions to the CentOS Stream kernel</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#bonzini"><img src="bonzini.jpg">Paolo Bonzini</a></td>
-  <td>15:15</td>
-  <td><a href="#almalinux">AlmaLinux: How we automated testing without inventing the wheel and instead improving it</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#mammadli"><img src="mammadli.jpg">Elkhan Mammadli</a></td>
-<tr class="break">
-  <td>15:45</td>
-  <td>Break</td>
-  <td></td>
-  <td>16:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#freeipa">Discuss your identity: how FreeIPA helps running CentOS community infrastructure</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#bokovoy"><img src="bokovoy.jpg">Alexander Bokovoy</a></td>
-  <td>16:30</td>
-  <td><a href="#automotive">CentOS Automotive SIG update</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#curtin"><img src="curtin.jpg">Eric Curtin</a>
-    <a href="#chibon"><!--<img src="chibon.jpg">-->Pierre-Yves Chibon</a></td>
-  <td>17:00</td>
-  <td><a href="#foreman">Provisioning hosts with Foreman</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#shtein"><!--<img src="shtein.jpg">-->Shimon Shtein</a></td>
-  <td>17:30</td>
-  <td><a href="#poi">Using PoI Tracker for Enterprise Linux preparedness and to audit your dependencies</a> <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></td>
-  <td class="who"><a href="#lind"><img src="lind.jpg">Michel Lind</a></td>
-  <td>18:00</td>
-  <td>Closing Remarks</td>
-  <td></td>
-<div class="schedule">
-<h3>Saturday and Sunday (FOSDEM)</h3>
-<p>Going to FOSDEM? Of course you are. Come see us Saturday and Sunday at
-<a href="">our stand in the AW building</a>.
-Then join us for more great talks in the
-<a href="">Distributions Devroom</a>
-on Sunday.</p>
+<p>CentOS Connect 2025 will be held at the <a href="">DoubleTree
+Brussels</a> in the meeting rooms on the first floor above the ground floor.
+We will have a room block available. Check back for details.</p>
-<div class="schedule">
-<p>We're hosting a web+docs hackfest on Monday, February 5.
-You're welcome to join and help us improve the website and docs.
-<a href="">Let us know you're coming</a>.</p>
-<section id="speakers">
-  <div class="speaker" id="arrotin">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="arrotin.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Fabian Arrotin</h3>
-      <p>hybrid clown @ centos infra</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="bokovoy">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="bokovoy.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Alexander Bokovoy</h3>
-      <p>Sr. Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, working on security and
-        identity management. Actively participates in FreeIPA, SSSD, Samba,
-        and many other free software projects targeting open source enterprise
-        environments.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="bonzini">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="bonzini.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Paolo Bonzini</h3>
-      <p>Paolo is a long time contributor to FOSS and also a distinguished engineer
-        at Red Hat. He works on the virtualization team and contributes both upstream
-        (as the maintainer of KVM and of several subsystems in QEMU) and to CentOS
-        Stream.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="capitao">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="capitao.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Joel Capitao</h3>
-      <p>RDO core maintainer contributing to Openstack, Fedora and CentOS communities.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="cavalca">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">--></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Davide Cavalca</h3>
-      <p>Davide is one of the founding members of the Hyperscale SIG, which he
-        currently co-chairs, and also serves as a director on the CentOS Board.
-        In his day job, Davide is a Production Engineer on the Linux Userspace
-        team at Meta, which is responsible for the CentOS deployment on the
-        production fleet.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-threads"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="cermak">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="cermak.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Dan Čermák</h3>
-      <p>Dan is building container images, creating developer tools and
-        sometimes works on QA at SUSE, which he joined after working as
-        an embedded firmware developer. Originally he started out as a
-        theoretical astrophysicist, but after becoming a contributor to
-        various Open Source projects, he finally made this his full time
-        job at SUSE.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="chibon">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="chibon.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Pierre-Yves Chibon</h3>
-      <p>Pierre-Yves Chibon (aka pingou) has spent nearly 15 years in the Fedora
-        community and is now looking at the challenges the automotive industry offers
-        to the FOSS ecosystems.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="curtin">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="curtin.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Eric Curtin</h3>
-      <p>Red Hat Engineer working with CentOS Automotive SIG. Upstream
-        maintainer of inotify-tools, ostree, etc.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="dawson">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="dawson.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Troy Dawson</h3>
-      <p>Troy works on the Emerging RHEL and CentOS Stream teams at Red Hat.
-        He is the Chair for the CentOS Alternative Images SIG and the EPEL
-        Steering committee.  He loves Penguins, Hawaiian Shirts, Penguins
-        on Hawaiian Shirts and making Linux distributions.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="demeyer">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="demeyer.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Daan De Meyer</h3>
-      <p>Systemd and mkosi maintainer. Member of the Linux Userspace team @ Meta.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="dhar">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="dhar.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertext">
-      <h3>Akashdeep Dhar</h3>
-      <p>Akashdeep Dhar is a Software Engineer in the Red Hat Community
-        Platform Engineering team and an Elected Representative in Fedora
-        Council. He works primarily in developing and maintaining applications
-        on Fedora Infrastructure and likes to selfhost services in his homelab.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="fedin">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="fedin.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertext">
-      <h3>Evgeny Fedin</h3>
-      <p>Evgeny is a Senior Software Quality Engineer at Red Hat and one of the
-        developers of Testing Farm. Free open-source software enthusiast and
-        musician after-hours.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="fedorova">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">--></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Aleksandra Fedorova</h3>
-      <p>Aleksandra is a longtime Fedora contributor and a former Fedora Council
-        member. She is a Senior Principal Engineer in Red Hat involved in CentOS
-        Stream and RHEL bootstrap initiatives, Fedora ELN and other topics
-        related to the Continuous Integration of RHEL and CentOS.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="george">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="george.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Carl George</h3>
-      <p>Carl George is the EPEL team lead in the Community Platform Engineering (CPE)
-        group at Red Hat.  He is active in the EPEL, Fedora, and CentOS communities.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="glombek">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="glombek.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Christian Glombek</h3>
-      <p>Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat; OKD Maintainer; Gnome, Fedora & CentOS Contributor</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="gompa">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="gompa.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Neal Gompa</h3>
-      <p>Neal is a developer and contributor in Fedora; CentOS; Mageia; and openSUSE,
-        focusing primarily on the base Linux system components, such as package and
-        software management, as well as the Linux desktop. He's a big believer in
-        "upstream first", which has led him all over the open source world.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="hanlon">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="hanlon.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Neil Hanlon</h3>
-      <p>I love Open Source, Linux, and building cool things with great people. I am
-        currently employed by CIQ where I help lead the Open Source Program Office and
-        work to enable the needs of the communities like Rocky Linux, OpenELA, Warewulf,
-        Apptainer, and more, in part through my role as the Infrastructure Team Lead for
-        the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation--an organization I have been part of
-        since its inception. I maintain Rocky Linux as part of the Core SIG responsible
-        for the entire operating system build and release process. In addition, I am a
-        contributor to OpenInfra projects like OpenStack-Ansible and Kolla, CentOS and
-        its SIGs, Fedora, Fedora EPEL, and many more.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="kula">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="kula.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Karolina Kula</h3>
-      <p>An open source enthusiast who is contributing to the upstream RDO
-        project in Red Hat (for not so very long time). Interested in
-        security, Internet privacy and devopsing. Artist afterwork.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="lachman">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="lachman.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>František Lachman</h3>
-      <p>Senior Software Engineer and Packit Product Owner at Red Hat. Occasional
-        teacher at Masaryk University, Brno CZ. Instructor of scout leaders. Python
-        and non-formal education enthusiast.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="lind">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="lind.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Michel Lind</h3>
-      <p>Michel Lind (né Salim) is a long-term Fedora contributor who more
-        recently also contribute to EPEL and the Hyperscale SIG. In his day job,
-        Michel is a Production Engineer on the Linux Userspace team at Meta,
-        which is responsible for the CentOS deployment on the production fleet.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-threads"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="mammadli">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="mammadli.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Elkhan Mammadli</h3>
-      <p>Elkhan is a FLOSS enthusiast and contributor who maintains the cloud, container,
-        live media and WSL images, automates testing of ISOs and projects like ELevate
-        and AlmaLinux Deploy at AlmaLinux OS Foundation. He works as a Cloud Engineer
-        at CloudLinux.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="mccance">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="mccance.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Shaun McCance</h3>
-      <p>Shaun is the Community Architect for the CentOS project, taking care of the
-        non-technical bits to keep the project running. He's the chair of the Promo
-        SIG and co-chair of the Docs SIG. When not working on CentOS, he likes to
-        pretend he still works on GNOME.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i></a>
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="moralejo">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="moralejo.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Alfredo Moralejo Alonso</h3>
-      <p>Alfredo Moralejo is a long-time IT infrastructure specialist with proven
-        experience in the adoption of OpenSource technologies in the enterprise.
-        In the last few years he has been working as Principal Software Engineer
-        in the OpenStack ecosystem mainly maintaining the RDO community distribution.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="samalik">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="samalik.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Adam Samalik</h3>
-      <p>Adam is a principal software engineer with Red Hat mostly contributing
-        to Fedora ELN, CentOS Stream, and RHEL.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="speaker" id="sella">
-    <div class="speakerimg"><img src="sella.jpg"></div>
-    <div class="speakertxt">
-      <h3>Nicola Sella</h3>
-      <p>Nicola is a free software enthusiast. He is a software engineer working
-        at Red Hat. Part of the RPM software management team, developing and
-        maintaining DNF and DNF5.</p>
-      <div class="speakerlinks">
-        <a href=""><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i></a>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<section id="sessions">
-  <div class="session" id="hyperscale">
-    <h3>Hyperscale SIG update <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#cavalca"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">-->Davide Cavalca</a>
-      <a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a></p>
-    <p>Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what deliverables are
-      available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.</p>
-  </div>
+<section id="cfp">
+<h2>Call for Presentations</h2>
-  <div class="session" id="epel-state">
-    <h3>State of EPEL <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
-    <p>Troy Dawson, the EPEL Steering Committee chair, presents the State of EPEL.
-      What has EPEL done, what it's currently working on, and what to expect in
-      the future.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="epel10">
-    <h3>EPEL 10 Overview <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#george"><img src="george.jpg">Carl George</a></p>
-    <p>Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is a yum repository of community
-      maintained packages for use on CentOS Stream and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
-      In EPEL 9, package maintainers were able to build against CentOS Stream 9 early
-      to have packages ready before the RHEL 9.0 launch. For EPEL 10, the EPEL Steering
-      Committee is planning on expanding that strategy to all minor versions of RHEL 10.
-      Attend this talk to learn more about this initiative and the progress towards it
-      so far.</p>
-  </div>
+<p>Our Call for Presentations is open until December 16.
+We're interested in hearing about what you're doing across the CentOS ecosystem.
+These are all interesting topics for us:</p>
-  <div class="session" id="almalinux">
-    <h3>AlmaLinux: How we automated testing without inventing the wheel and instead improving it <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#mammadli"><img src="mammadli.jpg">Elkhan Mammadli</a></p>
-    <p>As the AlmaLinux OS Foundation, we take the testing seriously while pioneering
-      on the speed of the delivery. When you have multiple major versions with the
-      support of multiple architecutes, testing of a GNU/Linux distribution can be
-      exhausting. One of the phase on our journey of testing was the automation. We
-      will talk about the openQA and Testinfra as the technologies choice of us, the
-      challenges we faced while adopting them and how we handled them with contributing
-      back to upstream and Enterprise Linux ecosystem.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="packit">
-    <h3>Bridging the Gap: Packit automation for CentOS and upstream projects <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#lachman"><img src="lachman.jpg">František Lachman</a>
-      <a href="#fedin"><img src="fedin.jpg">Evgeny Fedin</a></p>
-    <p>Are you a package maintainer striving for a seamless integration with upstream
-      projects? Are you an upstream project developer aiming to ensure your software
-      functions flawlessly on CentOS Stream? Look no further – Packit is your solution!</p>
-    <p>Since the beginning of CentOS Stream, Packit has allowed developers to execute
-      CentOS Stream RPM builds directly from their upstream changes. But that's just
-      the beginning – delve into the possibilities of running tmt-based tests on a
-      pristine virtual machine with the newly-built RPMs installed. This approach
-      enables you to identify and address potential issues as they are introduced
-      to the codebase, ensuring robust and reliable software when the new code
-      reaches the user.</p>
-    <p>More and more projects are using Packit to automatically synchronise upstream
-      releases to Fedora. And we are pleased to announce that the very same is now
-      available for CentOS Stream as well!</p>
-    <p>In this talk, we will guide you through the functionalities Packit brings
-      to the table specifically tailored for CentOS Stream. Discover how you can
-      effortlessly enhance collaboration between upstream projects and CentOS
-      Stream, fostering a more efficient and reliable development process.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="altimages">
-    <h3>Alternative Image SIG - Let's Talk About It <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
-    <p>An update on the CentOS Alternative Images SIG. What are our goals. What
-      progress have we made. What do we see in the near, and far future.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="freeipa">
-    <h3>Discuss your identity: how FreeIPA helps running CentOS community infrastructure <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#bokovoy"><img src="bokovoy.jpg">Alexander Bokovoy</a></p>
-    <p>It is time to gather a feedback!</p>
-    <p>CentOS Stream upstream and downstream communities rely on infrastructure bits
-      provided by FreeIPA project. Fedora uses FreeIPA since 2017, providing the shared
-      infrastructure together with the CentOS project.</p>
-    <p>FreeIPA team would like to hear a community feedback! At this session let us dive
-      into what is working and what could be improved in CentOS community's usage of
-      FreeIPA.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="secrets">
-    <h3>Open Secrets of CentOS Stream <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
-    <p>CentOS Stream has a goal of being as open as possible. Even though it has
-      been around for several years, many people think it is still keeping secrets.
-      Join Troy, from the CentOS Stream team at Red Hat, as he works through the
-      whole development workflow, showing how everything is hidden in plain site.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="promodocs">
-    <h3>Promo SIG and Docs SIG Updates</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#mccance"><img src="mccance.jpg">Shaun McCance</a></p>
-    <p>Did you know we have SIGs for Promo and Docs? The Promo SIG has been recently
-      revitalized, while Docs has finally been officially recognized as a SIG. This
-      talk will showcase the work being done in both SIGs, and show you how you can
-      get involved. Spoiler: we're having a working day on Monday after FOSDEM, and
-      you're invited!</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="ansible">
-    <h3>Ansible usage in CentOS Infra <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#arrotin"><img src="arrotin.jpg">Fabian Arrotin</a></p>
-    <p>CentOS Infrastructure is heavily relying on Ansible for automation. Let's
-      summarize how we use it, where to find the roles, describe the modular
-      approach with multiple inventories (why and how) and how we maintain these.
-      Also how we use ARA to browse the ansible logs/reports.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="mkosi">
-    <h3>Building And Utilizing Purpose-Built GNU/Linux Distribution Images Using Mkosi <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#dhar"><img src="dhar.jpg">Akashdeep Dhar</a></p>
-    <p>Mkosi is a tool in the Systemd software suite, facilitating the creation of
-      customized distribution images for various Linux bases like Fedora, Debian,
-      Ubuntu, Arch, Red Hat, Rocky, Alma, Gentoo, etc. It supports multiple system
-      architectures and deployment methods, offering finer control than alternatives
-      like Cloud-init and Ignition, using an INI-styled format for configuration.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="sigs-kernel">
-    <h3>How SIGs can facilitate contributions to the CentOS Stream kernel <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#bonzini"><img src="bonzini.jpg">Paolo Bonzini</a></p>
-    <p>The CentOS Stream kernel receives backports for thousands of upstream
-      commits every month. In this talk, I will show how CentOS SIGs can be
-      used to help testing and tracking future contributions to CentOS Stream,
-      helping to structure them into multiple merge requests for the CentOS
-      Stream kernel project on GitLab. The content of this talk are based on
-      the experience gained when developing a TDX-enabled kernel variant within
-      the Virtualization SIG.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="selfabolition">
-    <h3>The self-abolition of Enterprise Linux Distributions <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#cermak"><img src="cermak.jpg">Dan Čermák</a></p>
-    <p>Enterprise Linux Distributions have been caught in a downward spiral
-      for the past decade. The distributions have been steadily reducing
-      their package sets, as it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain
-      packages in a faster moving ecosystem. This in turn renders enterprise
-      distributions less desirable as a deployment or a development target
-      and especially as a workstation. There is a growing realization that
-      the current release cadence and package maintenance workflow become
-      less suitable for the world where workloads are run as containers
-      based on non-enterprise distributions.</p>
-    <p>What is the way out of this? How can enterprise vendors solve the
-      problem to remain relevant in a cloud native world? Will a more
-      modular distribution be the solution? Or perhaps the container
-      ecosystem, where everything is containerized, is the answer?</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="mkosi-hyperscale">
-    <h3>Testing the CentOS Hyperscale systemd backport with mkosi <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#demeyer"><img src="demeyer.jpg">Daan De Meyer</a></p>
-    <p>The CentOS Hyperscale SIG maintains a backport of the latest systemd.
-      This talk will discuss how we use mkosi to test this backport. mkosi is
-      the image building sister project of systemd
-      (<a href=""></a>).
-      We'll start with a brief introduction to mkosi before moving on to discussing
-      how we use it to test the backport. This involves locally building the systemd
-      rpm locally from the systemd and Hyperscale systemd rpm sources within mkosi,
-      building initrd and system images including the newly build systemd rpms and
-      finally booting the resulting image with qemu. If there's time left, we'll
-      also discuss the SELinux policy module we maintain for the systemd backport.</p>
-    <p>My previous talk on mkosi at ASG:
-      <a href=""></a></p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="poi">
-    <h3>Using PoI Tracker for Enterprise Linux preparedness and to audit your dependencies <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#lind"><img src="lind.jpg">Michel Lind</a></p>
-    <p>PoI Tracker is a tool intended to improve organizations' readiness to adopt
-      the next major Enterprise Linux release, and also make it easier to track the
-      packages they need - especially those community-maintained in the Extra Packages
-      for Enterprise Linux repository as well as projects such as the Hyperscale SIG
-      - and the dependency graph of these packages. This talk will cover both the
-      rationale, the development of the tool itself, and some of its use cases.</p>
-    <p>In addition, having this information about not only the leaf packages organizations
-      care about but also their dependencies, PoI tracker can be used to analyze the health
-      of these dependencies (e.g. surfacing dependencies that have major unfixed bugs, have
-      only a single maintainer) as well as their criticality (e.g. surfacing packages that
-      it turns out is used by many leaf packages) - organizations can then hopefully use
-      this information to invest resources in this (e.g. helping with packaging, contributing
-      code fixes, or funding the development)</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="rdo-okd">
-    <h3>OpenStack RDO deployment on Community Distribution of Kubernetes (OKD) <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#kula"><img src="kula.jpg">Karolina Kula</a>
-      <a href="#moralejo"><img src="moralejo.jpg">Alfredo Moralejo Alonso</a></p>
-    <p>During the last year a new mechanism to deploy OpenStack has been created
-      in the OpenStack Kubernetes Operators project
-      (<a href=""></a>).
-      In this session we are going to share update about our ongoing work on
-      adopting this project for testing and deploying RDO repositories. We will
-      provide a high level overview of the architecture and concepts behind this
-      model and also share some ideas about CI usage and community-friendly way
-      of deploy full stack RDO.</p>
-  </div>
+<li>New developments or infrastructure for CentOS Stream.
+<li>Interesting developments in upstream projects.</li>
+<li>Updates and innovations happening in our Special Interest Groups.</li>
+<li>CentOS as a development platform for applications and derivatives.</li>
-  <div class="session" id="automotive">
-    <h3>CentOS Automotive SIG update <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#curtin"><img src="curtin.jpg">Eric Curtin</a>
-      <a href="#chibon"><!--<img src="chibon.jpg">-->Pierre-Yves Chibon</a></p>
-    <p>It's going to be similar to the
-      <a href="">CentOS Connect talk at flock</a>,
-      but with new content with updated information.</p>
-    <p>We will speak about newer projects such as initoverlayfs, maybe our work
-      with Texas Instruments.</p>
-    <p>In the new year, we will meet with Red Hat Automotive people internally
-      and the CentOS Automotive SIG community externally to decide what content
-      we present.</p>
-  </div>
+<p>We prefer short, 25-minute talks to keep things moving in our single-track conference.
+We do have a few long, 40-minute slots available for topics that require a deeper dive.</p>
-  <div class="session" id="integration">
-    <h3>CentOS Integration SIG: current state and future plans <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#fedorova"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">-->Aleksandra Fedorova</a></p>
-    <p>In this talk I would like to introduce the CentOS Integration SIG.</p>
-    <p>We will discuss our current work, plans and possibilities how you can join
-      and use the</p>
-    <p>We will discuss the current work and the possibilities how the SIG can
-      help you integrate CentOS Stream in your infrastructure or develop your
-      own projects on top of it.</p>
-  </div>
+<p>Returning from last year, we'll be hosting meetups on Thursday morning,
+before our session track starts in the afternoon.
+Meetups are for groups of 10-20 people to meet for two hours to discuss a topic.
+They're ideal for SIGs and project initiatives.</p>
-  <div class="session" id="foreman">
-    <h3>Provisioning hosts with Foreman <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#shtein"><!--<img src="shtein.jpg">-->Shimon Shtein</a></p>
-    <p>I would like to introduce the Foreman project that deals with provisioning,
-      configuration management and configuration monitoring aspects of datacenter
-      management. This project allows to manage systems no matter the deployment
-      architecture: physical, virtual or on-cloud. It allows a single pane of glass
-      for most management aspects of the infrastructure.</p>
-  </div>
+<p>New this year, we're providing space for Lunch & Learn sessions.
+We have some breakout rooms available during lunch, so we-re doing something new.
+Propose a topic and either present or lead a discussion during lunch.
+Remember that people are eating, so don't expect to run a workshop or working session.</p>
-  <div class="session" id="cloudsig">
-    <h3>Cloud SIG Update <a class="sessionvid" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-youtube"></i></a></h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#capitao"><img src="capitao.jpg">Joel Capitao</a>
-      <a href="#glombek"><img src="glombek.jpg">Christian Glombek</a></p>
-    <p>Please come join the chairs of the CentOS Cloud SiG as they provide a review
-      of the SiG over the past year and where the SiG is going in the next. This
-      review will include information on both RDO and SCOS as the two leading
-      components of the SiG but will also provide information how you and your
-      cloud related project can be a part.</p>
-  </div>
+<li><a href="">Submit proposal</a></li>
-<section id="meetups">
-  <div class="session" id="hyperscale-meetup">
-    <h3>Hyperscale SIG meetup</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#cavalca"><!--<img src="cavalca.jpg">-->Davide Cavalca</a>
-      <a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a></p>
-    <p>In-person meetup for the CentOS <a href="">Hyperscale SIG</a>.
-      The meetup is open to everybody interested -- you don't have to be a member
-      of the SIG to attend, and we'd welcome participation from anyone interested
-      in this space.</p>
-    <p>The Hyperscale meetup will include virtual participants over Zoom.</p>
-    <ul>
-      <li><a href="">Join the Zoom meeting</a></li>
-      <li>Meeting ID: 837 4502 1191</li>
-      <li>Passcode: 069851</li>
-    </ul>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="altimages-meetup">
-    <h3>Alternative Images SIG meetup</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#gompa"><img src="gompa.jpg">Neal Gompa</a>
-      <a href="#dawson"><img src="dawson.jpg">Troy Dawson</a></p>
-    <p>Meetup for face-to-face meeting and roadmap for the next year of Alternative
-      Images. Primary focus on looking forward to CentOS Stream 10.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="packaging-meetup">
-    <h3>Packagers Meetup: Share your experience with packaging RPMs</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#sella"><img src="sella.jpg">Nicola Sella</a></p>
-    <p>Are you an RPM packager? Do you work with packages downstream? Do you
-      have experience with automation and build systems, or are you just
-      learning how to approach this world?</p>
-    <p>Whether you work with Fedora, CentOS, Enterprise solutions or other RPM
-      environments, join me to discuss the state of packaging in the domain of
-      RPM-based distributions. This will be an opportunity to connect with
-      people involved in the creation, delivery, and maintenance of packages
-      in different distributions.</p>
-    <p>Both beginners and experienced packagers will be able to introduce
-      themselves, share their experiences with different RPM systems, and
-      learn from each other. There is no set plan or schedule. Everybody is
-      welcome, and we will have an open discussion. Bring a topic or question
-      you would like to discuss and meet the people that work behind the spec
-      files.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="integration-meetup">
-    <h3>CentOS Integration SIG Meetup</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#fedorova"><!--<img src="fedorova.jpg">-->Aleksandra Fedorova</a>
-      <a href="#samalik"><img src="samalik.jpg">Adam Samalik</a></p>
-    <p>CentOS Integration SIG is a relatively new addition to the CentOS Special
-      Interest Groups family, focused on making it easier to react on updates in
-      the CentOS Stream and integrate third-party CI services to provide feedback
-      and test results on changes.</p>
-    <p>This is the first meetup for the group and our main goals would be to learn
-      about each others use-cases and brainstorm the work items.</p>
-    <p>The highlight of this year will be the introduction of the TMT tool to manage
-      CentOS compose tests, see
-      <a href="">the MVP</a>.
-      But everyone is welcome to bring new questions and ideas to the table.</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="rocky-meetup">
-    <h3>Rocky Linux Release Engineering - Meetup and Planning</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#hanlon"><img src="hanlon.jpg">Neil Hanlon</a></p>
-    <p>Join members of the Rocky Linux Release Engineering team as we work to plan
-      the road ahead for Peridot, the build system built specifically to enable
-      Rocky Linux and its Special Interest Groups (SIGs). This meetup offers a
-      platform for the Peridot developers and release engineering teams, as well
-      as other interested parties to come together to analyze, plan, organize,
-      and pave the way for a more efficient and streamlined release process for
-      the core Operating System and SIGs. All are welcome to join this conversation
-      regardless of your familiarity with Peridot or the Rocky Linux project!</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="cloud-meetup">
-    <h3>CentOS Cloud SIG Meetup</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#glombek"><img src="glombek.jpg">Christian Glombek</a></p>
-    <p>Let's talk about the CentOS Cloud SIG, OKD, OpenShift, ,Kubernetes, Operators,
-      RDO, bootc and more!</p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="session" id="packaging-workshop">
-    <h3>Packaging Workshop</h3>
-    <p class="who"><a href="#george"><img src="george.jpg">Carl George</a></p>
-    <p>In this workshop, attendees will learn how to package software using RPM,
-      the native packaging format for Fedora, CentOS Stream, and Red Hat Enterprise
-      Linux. They will write RPM spec files, build software from source code into
-      RPM packages, run quality checks on RPM packages, and install the packaged
-      software.</p>
-    <p>The only prerequisite for the workshop is basic command line familiarity,
-      such as navigating directories and editing files.  Attendees should bring
-      their own laptop to the workshop.  The hands-on portion of the lab is
-      web-based and can be completed from any operating system with a web browser.</p>
-  </div>
 <section id="sponsors">
-<p>Thanks to our generous sponsors for helping us put on a great event.
 Interested in sponsoring?
 Email the <a href="">Promo SIG</a>.</p>
-<div id="sponsorlist">
-<a href=""><img src="almalinux.svg"></a>
-<a href=""><img src="fedora.svg"></a>
-<a href=""><img src="redhat.svg"></a>
-<a href=""><img src="rockylinux.svg"></a>
-<a href=""><img src="meta.svg"></a>
-var sponsorlist = document.getElementById("sponsorlist");
-var sponsors = Array.from(sponsorlist.children);
-while (sponsors.length > 0) {
-  var ix = Math.floor(Math.random() * sponsors.length);
-  var el = sponsors[ix];
-  sponsors.splice(ix, 1);
-  sponsorlist.removeChild(el);
-  sponsorlist.appendChild(el);
 <section id="conduct">
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