diff --git a/src/centpkg/__init__.py b/src/centpkg/__init__.py
index 1956a2b..df96f82 100644
--- a/src/centpkg/__init__.py
+++ b/src/centpkg/__init__.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from pyrpkg.utils import cached_property
 # doc/centpkg_man_page.py uses the 'cli' import
 from . import cli  # noqa
-from .lookaside import StreamLookasideCache, SIGLookasideCache
+from .lookaside import StreamLookasideCache, SIGLookasideCache, CLLookasideCache
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class DistGitDirectory(object):
     projectname = None
     releasename = None
     distrobranch = False
+    sigbranch = False
     repo = None
     git_origin_substr = 'git@gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream'
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ class DistGitDirectory(object):
             self.centosversion = gd['major']
         elif sigmatch:
             gd = sigmatch.groupdict()
+            self.sigbranch = True
             self.signame = gd['signame']
             self.centosversion = gd['centosversion']
@@ -163,18 +165,30 @@ class Commands(Commands):
     def lookasidecache(self):
-        if self.distgitdir.distrobranch:
+        if self.layout.sources_file_template == "sources":
             return StreamLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,
-            return SIGLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,
-                                     self.lookaside,
-                                     self.lookaside_cgi,
-                                     self.repo_name,
-                                     self.branch_merge,
-                                     structure=self.lookaside_structure)
+            if self.distgitdir.sigbranch:
+                self.log.info("    Centpkg: Commands lookasidecache: SIGLookasideCache")
+                self.log.info("        lookaside_structure " + self.lookaside_structure)
+                return SIGLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,
+                                        self.lookaside,
+                                        self.lookaside_cgi,
+                                        self.repo_name,
+                                        self.branch_merge,
+                                        structure=self.lookaside_structure)
+            else:
+                self.log.info("    Centpkg: Commands lookasidecache: CLLookasideCache")
+                self.log.info("        lookaside_structure " + self.lookaside_structure)
+                return CLLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,
+                                            self.lookaside,
+                                            self.lookaside_cgi,
+                                            self.repo_name,
+                                            self.branch_merge,
+                                            )
     # redefined loaders
     def load_rpmdefines(self):
diff --git a/src/centpkg/lookaside.py b/src/centpkg/lookaside.py
index 7bbe988..d9a97a6 100644
--- a/src/centpkg/lookaside.py
+++ b/src/centpkg/lookaside.py
@@ -168,7 +168,45 @@ class StreamLookasideCache(CGILookasideCache):
            _name, filename, hashstr, outfile, hashtype=hashtype, **kwargs)
+class CLLookasideCache(CGILookasideCache):
+    """
+    Centos Linux lookaside specialized class.
+    It inherits most of its behavior from `pyrpkg.lookasideCGILookasideCache`.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hashtype, download_url, upload_url, name, branch):
+        super(CLLookasideCache, self).__init__(
+            hashtype, download_url, upload_url, name, branch)
+        self.log.info("  Centpkg: CLLookasideCache __init__")
+        self.name = name
+        self.branch = branch
+    def get_download_url(self, name, filename, hash, hashtype=None, **kwargs):
+        print("  Centpkg: CLLookasideCache get_download_url")
+        self.download_path='%(name)s/%(branch)s/%(hash)s'
+        print("    Centpkg: CLLookasideCache get_download_url download_path: " + self.download_path)
+        if "/" in name:
+                real_name = name.split("/")[-1]
+        else:
+                real_name = name
+        path_dict = {
+                'name': real_name,
+                'filename': filename,
+                'branch': self.branch,
+                'hash': hash,
+                'hashtype': hashtype
+        }
+        path = self.download_path % path_dict
+        return os.path.join(self.download_url, path)
 class SIGLookasideCache(CGILookasideCache):
+    """
+    Centos SIG lookaside specialized class.
+    It inherits most of its behavior from `pyrpkg.lookasideCGILookasideCache`.
+    """
     def __init__(self, hashtype, download_url, upload_url, name, branch, structure='hash'):
         super(SIGLookasideCache, self).__init__(
             hashtype, download_url, upload_url,