#66 Only do rhel-target if we are centpkg, not centpkg-sig
Merged a year ago by tdawson. Opened a year ago by tdawson.
centos/ tdawson/centpkg no-rhel-target-for-sig  into  develop

file modified
+80 -80
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ 

  import json

  import koji

  import os

+ import sys


  _DEFAULT_API_BASE_URL = 'https://gitlab.com'

@@ -157,91 +158,90 @@ 

      # Overloaded _build

      def _build(self, sets=None):


-         # Only run if we have internal configuraions, or scratch

-         internal_config_file = "/etc/rpkg/centpkg_internal.conf"

-         if os.path.exists(internal_config_file):

-             # Get our internal only variables

-             cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

-             cfg.read(internal_config_file)

-             pp_api_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'pp_api_url')

-             gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'gitbz_query_url')

-             rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'rhel_dist_git')


-             # Find out divergent branch and stabalization

-             self.log.info("Checking rhel-target information:")

-             stream_version = self.cmd.target.split('-')[0]

-             rhel_version = centpkg.utils.stream_mapping(stream_version)

-             active_y, in_stabilization = centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(rhel_version, pp_api_url)

-             divergent_branch = centpkg.utils.does_divergent_branch_exist(

-                                     self.cmd.repo_name, 

-                                     rhel_version, 

-                                     rhel_dist_git, 

-                                     pp_api_url, 

-                                     "rpms")


-             # Good to know

-             if divergent_branch :

-                 self.log.info("    a divergent branch was found.")

-             else:

-                 self.log.info("    a divergent branch was not found.")

-             if in_stabilization :

-                 self.log.info("    we are in stabilization mode.")

-             else:

-                 self.log.info("    we are not in stabilization mode.")


-             # Update args.custom_user_metadata

-             if hasattr(self.args, 'custom_user_metadata') and self.args.custom_user_metadata:

-                 try:

-                     temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)

-                 # Use ValueError instead of json.JSONDecodeError for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

-                 except ValueError as e:

-                     self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e)

-                 if not isinstance(temp_custom_user_metadata, dict):

-                     self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object")

-                 if hasattr(self.args, 'rhel_target') and self.args.rhel_target:

-                     temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = self.args.rhel_target

+         # Only do rhel-target if we are centpkg, not centpkg-sig

+         if not os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).endswith('-sig'):


+             # Only run if we have internal configuraions, or scratch

+             internal_config_file = "/etc/rpkg/centpkg_internal.conf"

+             if os.path.exists(internal_config_file):

+                 # Get our internal only variables

+                 cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

+                 cfg.read(internal_config_file)

+                 pp_api_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'pp_api_url')

+                 gitbz_query_url = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'gitbz_query_url')

+                 rhel_dist_git = config_get_safely(cfg, "centpkg.internal", 'rhel_dist_git')


+                 # Find out divergent branch and stabalization

+                 self.log.info("Checking rhel-target information:")

+                 stream_version = self.cmd.target.split('-')[0]

+                 rhel_version = centpkg.utils.stream_mapping(stream_version)

+                 active_y, in_stabilization = centpkg.utils.determine_active_y_version(rhel_version, pp_api_url)

+                 divergent_branch = centpkg.utils.does_divergent_branch_exist(

+                                         self.cmd.repo_name,

+                                         rhel_version,

+                                         rhel_dist_git,

+                                         pp_api_url,

+                                         "rpms")


+                 # Good to know

+                 if divergent_branch :

+                     self.log.info("    a divergent branch was found.")


-                     if divergent_branch:

-                         temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "latest"

-                     elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization :

-                         temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "zstream"

+                     self.log.info("    a divergent branch was not found.")

+                 if in_stabilization :

+                     self.log.info("    we are in stabilization mode.")

+                 else:

+                     self.log.info("    we are not in stabilization mode.")


+                 # Update args.custom_user_metadata

+                 if hasattr(self.args, 'custom_user_metadata') and self.args.custom_user_metadata:

+                     try:

+                         temp_custom_user_metadata = json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)

+                     # Use ValueError instead of json.JSONDecodeError for Python 2 and 3 compatibility

+                     except ValueError as e:

+                         self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata is not valid JSON: %s" % e)

+                     if not isinstance(temp_custom_user_metadata, dict):

+                         self.parser.error("--custom-user-metadata must be a JSON object")

+                     if hasattr(self.args, 'rhel_target') and self.args.rhel_target:

+                         temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = self.args.rhel_target


-                         self.log.info("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

-                         self.log.info("You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)")

-                         self.log.info("or branch for the previous version.")

-                         self.log.info("Exiting")

-                         raise SystemExit

-                 self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(temp_custom_user_metadata)

-             else:

-                 if hasattr(self.args, 'rhel_target') and self.args.rhel_target:

-                     temp_custom_user_metadata = {"rhel-target": self.args.rhel_target}

+                         if divergent_branch:

+                             temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "latest"

+                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization :

+                             temp_custom_user_metadata["rhel-target"] = "zstream"

+                         else:

+                             self.log.info("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

+                             self.log.info("You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)")

+                             self.log.info("or branch for the previous version.")

+                             self.log.info("Exiting")

+                             raise SystemExit

                      self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(temp_custom_user_metadata)


-                     if divergent_branch:

-                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = '{"rhel-target": "latest"}'

-                     elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization :

-                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = '{"rhel-target": "zstream"}'

+                     if hasattr(self.args, 'rhel_target') and self.args.rhel_target:

+                         temp_custom_user_metadata = {"rhel-target": self.args.rhel_target}

+                         self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.dumps(temp_custom_user_metadata)


-                         self.log.info("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

-                         self.log.info("You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)")

-                         self.log.info("or branch for the previous version.")

-                         self.log.info("Exiting")

-                         raise SystemExit



-             # Good to know, but take out for final cut

-             self.log.info("    rhel-target: " + json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)['rhel-target'])


-             # Purposely fail during testing so we do not have so many builds

-             # self.args.custom_user_metadata = json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)


-         else:

-             if not self.args.scratch:

-                 self.log.info("NO SCRATCH BUILD")

-                 self.log.info("Only scratch builds are allowed without internal configurations")

-                 self.log.info("Exiting")

-                 raise SystemExit


+                         if divergent_branch:

+                             self.args.custom_user_metadata = '{"rhel-target": "latest"}'

+                         elif not divergent_branch and not in_stabilization :

+                             self.args.custom_user_metadata = '{"rhel-target": "zstream"}'

+                         else:

+                             self.log.info("We are currently in Stabalization mode")

+                             self.log.info("You must either set the rhel-target (--rhel-target)")

+                             self.log.info("or branch for the previous version.")

+                             self.log.info("Exiting")

+                             raise SystemExit


+                 # Good to know

+                 self.log.info("    rhel-target: " + json.loads(self.args.custom_user_metadata)['rhel-target'])


+             else:

+                 if not self.args.scratch:

+                     self.log.info("NO SCRATCH BUILD")

+                     self.log.info("Only scratch builds are allowed without internal configurations")

+                     self.log.info("Exiting")

+                     raise SystemExit


          # Proceed with build

          return super(centpkgClient, self)._build(sets)


Pull-Request has been merged by tdawson

a year ago