#16 bash completion
Closed 3 years ago by carlwgeorge. Opened 3 years ago by lrossett.
centos/ lrossett/centpkg bash-completion  into  develop

file modified
+15 -2
@@ -8,15 +8,24 @@ 





+ %define compdir %(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion)

+ %if "%{compdir}" == ""

+ %define compdir "/etc/bash_completion.d"

+ %endif


  Name:           centpkg

  Version:        0.5.1

- Release:        2%{?dist}

+ Release:        3%{?dist}

  Summary:        CentOS utility for working with dist-git

  License:        GPLv2+

  URL:            https://git.centos.org/centos/centpkg

  Source0:        %{url}/archive/%{version}/centpkg-%{version}.tar.gz

  BuildArch:      noarch


+ BuildRequires:  pkgconfig

+ BuildRequires:  bash-completion


  %if %{defined el7}

  BuildRequires:  python-devel

  BuildRequires:  python-setuptools
@@ -56,12 +65,13 @@ 


  install -D -p -m 0644 src/centpkg.conf     %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpkg/centpkg.conf

  install -D -p -m 0644 src/centpkg-sig.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpkg/centpkg-sig.conf


+ mv src/centpkg.bash %{buildroot}%{compdir}/centpkg



  %license COPYING

  %doc README.md

  %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rpkg/centpkg.conf

+ %(dirname %{compdir})



@@ -73,6 +83,9 @@ 




+ * Thur Apr 08 2021 Leonardo Rossetti <lrossett@redhat.com> - 0.5.1-3

+ - Add bash completion support


  * Thu Mar 25 2021 Carl George <carl@george.computer> - 0.5.1-2

  - Add missing el7 requirements


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ 

+ # centpkg bash completion


+ _centpkg()

+ {

+     COMPREPLY=()


+     in_array()

+     {

+         local i

+         for i in $2; do

+             [[ $i = $1 ]] && return 0

+         done

+         return 1

+     }


+     _filedir_exclude_paths()

+     {

+         _filedir "$@"

+         for ((i=0; i<=${#COMPREPLY[@]}; i++)); do

+             [[ ${COMPREPLY[$i]} =~ /?\.git/? ]] && unset COMPREPLY[$i]

+         done

+     }


+     local cur prev

+     _get_comp_words_by_ref cur prev


+     # global options


+     local options="--help -v -q"

+     local options_value="--dist --release --user --path --user-config --name --namespace"

+     local commands="build chain-build ci clean clog clone co commit compile \

+     container-build diff gimmespec giturl help gitbuildhash import install lint \

+     local mockbuild mock-config module-build module-build-cancel \

+     module-build-local module-build-info module-build-watch module-overview \

+     module-scratch-build \

+     new new-sources patch prep pull push retire request-branch request-repo \

+     request-tests-repo request-side-tag list-side-tags remove-side-tag \

+     scratch-build sources srpm switch-branch tag unused-patches update upload \

+     verify-files verrel override fork"


+     # parse main options and get command


+     local command=

+     local command_first=

+     local path=


+     local i w

+     for (( i = 0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[*]} - 1; i++ )); do

+         w="${COMP_WORDS[$i]}"

+         # option

+         if [[ ${w:0:1} = - ]]; then

+             if in_array "$w" "$options_value"; then

+                 ((i++))

+                 [[ "$w" = --path ]] && path="${COMP_WORDS[$i]}"

+             fi

+         # command

+         elif in_array "$w" "$commands"; then

+             command="$w"

+             command_first=$((i+1))

+             break

+         fi

+     done


+     # complete base options


+     if [[ -z $command ]]; then

+         if [[ $cur == -* ]]; then

+             COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$options $options_value" -- "$cur") )

+             return 0

+         fi


+         case "$prev" in

+             --dist | --release | --user | -u | --config)

+                 ;;

+             --path)

+                 _filedir_exclude_paths

+                 ;;

+             --namespace)

+                 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(_centpkg_namespaces)" -- "$cur") )

+                 ;;

+             *)

+                 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$commands" -- "$cur") )

+                 ;;

+         esac


+         return 0

+     fi


+     # parse command specific options


+     local options=

+     local options_target= options_arches= options_branch= options_string= options_file= options_dir= options_srpm= options_mroot= options_builder= options_namespace=

+     local options_update_type= options_update_request=

+     local options_yaml=

+     local after= after_more=


+     case $command in

+         help|gimmespec|gitbuildhash|giturl|new|push|unused-patches|verrel)

+             ;;

+         build)

+             options="--nowait --background --skip-tag --scratch --skip-remote-rules-validation --fail-fast"

+             options_arches="--arches"

+             options_srpm="--srpm"

+             options_target="--target"

+             ;;

+         chain-build)

+             options="--nowait --background"

+             options_target="--target"

+             after="package"

+             after_more=true

+             ;;

+         clean)

+             options="--dry-run -x"

+             ;;

+         clog)

+             options="--raw"

+             ;;

+         clone|co)

+             options="--branches --anonymous"

+             options_branch="-b"

+             after="package"

+             ;;

+         commit|ci)

+             options="--push --clog --raw --tag --with-changelog"

+             options_string="--message"

+             options_file="--file"

+             after="file"

+             after_more=true

+             ;;

+         compile|install)

+             options="--short-circuit"

+             options_arches="--arch"

+             options_dir="--builddir"

+             ;;

+         container-build)

+             options="--scratch --nowait --repo-url --skip-remote-rules-validation"

+             options_arches="--arches"

+             options_target="--target"

+             ;;

+         diff)

+             options="--cached"

+             after="file"

+             after_more=true

+             ;;

+         import)

+             options="--create"

+             options_branch="--branch"

+             after="srpm"

+             ;;

+         lint)

+             options="--info"

+             options_file="--rpmlintconf"

+             ;;

+         list-side-tags)

+             options="--mine"

+             options_string="--user --base-tag"

+             ;;

+         local)

+             options="--md5"

+             options_arches="--arch"

+             options_string="--with --without"

+             options_dir="--builddir"

+             ;;

+         mock-config)

+             options="--target"

+             options_arches="--arch"

+             ;;

+         mockbuild)

+             options="--md5 --no-clean --no-cleanup-after --no-clean-all --shell"

+             options_string="--with --without"

+             options_mroot="--root --mock-config"

+             ;;

+         module-build)

+             options="--scratch --watch"

+             options_string="--optional --requires --buildrequires"

+             options_yaml="--file"

+             options_srpm="--srpm"

+             ;;

+         module-build-local)

+             options="--skip-tests"

+             options_string="--add-local-build --stream --set-default-stream"

+             options_yaml="--file"

+             options_srpm="--srpm"

+             ;;

+         module-overview)

+             options="--unfinished"

+             options_string="--limit"

+             ;;

+         module-scratch-build)

+             options="--watch"

+             options_string="--optional --requires --buildrequires"

+             options_yaml="--file"

+             options_srpm="--srpm"

+             ;;

+         patch)

+             options="--rediff"

+             options_string="--suffix"

+             ;;

+         prep|verify-files)

+             options_arches="--arch"

+             options_dir="--builddir"

+             ;;

+         pull)

+             options="--rebase --no-rebase"

+             ;;

+         remove-side-tag)

+             after_more=true

+             ;;

+         retire)

+             after_more=true

+             ;;

+         request-branch)

+             options="--no-git-branch --all-releases --no-auto-module"

+             options_string="--sl --repo"

+             ;;

+         request-repo)

+             options="--exception --no-initial-commit"

+             options_string="--description --monitor --upstreamurl --summary"

+             options_namespace="--namespace"

+             ;;

+         request-tests-repo)

+             options_string="--bug"

+             ;;

+         request-side-tag)

+             options_string="--base-tag"

+             ;;

+         scratch-build)

+             options="--nowait --background"

+             options_target="--target"

+             options_arches="--arches"

+             options_srpm="--srpm"

+             ;;

+         sources)

+             options_dir="--outdir"

+             ;;

+         srpm)

+             options="--md5"

+             ;;

+         switch-branch)

+             options="--list"

+             after="branch"

+             ;;

+         tag)

+             options="--clog --raw --force --list --delete"

+             options_string="--message"

+             options_file="--file"

+             after_more=true

+             ;;

+         upload|new-sources)

+             after="file"

+             after_more=true

+             ;;

+         update)

+             options="--not-close-bugs --suggest-reboot --disable-autokarma"

+             options_string="--notes --bugs --stable-karma --unstable-karma"

+             options_update_type="--type"

+             options_update_request="--request"

+             ;;

+     esac


+     local all_options="--help $options"

+     local all_options_value="$options_target $options_arches $options_branch \

+     $options_string $options_file $options_dir $options_srpm $options_mroot \

+     $options_builder $options_namespace $options_update_type $options_update_request \

+     $options_yaml"


+     # count non-option parameters


+     local i w

+     local last_option=

+     local after_counter=0

+     for (( i = $command_first; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[*]} - 1; i++)); do

+         w="${COMP_WORDS[$i]}"

+         if [[ ${w:0:1} = - ]]; then

+             if in_array "$w" "$all_options"; then

+                 last_option="$w"

+                 continue

+             elif in_array "$w" "$all_options_value"; then

+                 last_option="$w"

+                 ((i++))

+                 continue

+             fi

+         fi

+         in_array "$last_option" "$options_arches" || ((after_counter++))

+     done


+     # completion


+     if [[ -n $options_target ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_target"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(_centpkg_target)" -- "$cur") )


+     elif [[ -n $options_arches ]] && in_array "$last_option" "$options_arches"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(_centpkg_arch) $all_options" -- "$cur") )


+     elif [[ -n $options_srpm ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_srpm"; then

+         _filedir_exclude_paths "*.src.rpm"


+     elif [[ -n $options_yaml ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_yaml"; then

+         _filedir_exclude_paths "yaml"


+     elif [[ -n $options_branch ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_branch"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(_centpkg_branch "$path")" -- "$cur") )


+     elif [[ -n $options_file ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_file"; then

+         _filedir_exclude_paths


+     elif [[ -n $options_dir ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_dir"; then

+         _filedir_exclude_paths -d


+     elif [[ -n $options_string ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_string"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( )


+     elif [[ -n $options_mroot ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_mroot"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( )

+         if declare -F _mock_root &>/dev/null; then

+             _mock_root

+         elif declare -F _xfunc &>/dev/null; then

+             _xfunc mock _mock_root

+         fi


+     elif [[ -n $options_namespace ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_namespace"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(_centpkg_namespaces)" -- "$cur") )


+     elif [[ -n $options_update_type ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_update_type"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "bugfix security enhancement newpackage" -- "$cur") )


+     elif [[ -n $options_update_request ]] && in_array "$prev" "$options_update_request"; then

+         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "testing stable" -- "$cur") )


+     else

+         local after_options=


+         if [[ $after_counter -eq 0 ]] || [[ $after_more = true ]]; then

+             case $after in

+                 file)    _filedir_exclude_paths ;;

+                 srpm)    _filedir_exclude_paths "*.src.rpm" ;;

+                 branch)  after_options="$(_centpkg_branch "$path")" ;;

+                 package) after_options="$(_centpkg_package "$cur")";;

+             esac

+         fi


+         if [[ $cur != -* ]]; then

+             all_options=

+             all_options_value=

+         fi


+         COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W "$all_options $all_options_value $after_options" -- "$cur" ) )

+     fi


+     return 0

+ } &&

+ complete -F _centpkg centpkg


+ _centpkg_target()

+ {

+     koji list-targets --quiet 2>/dev/null | cut -d" " -f1

+ }


+ _centpkg_arch()

+ {

+     echo "i386 i686 x86_64 armv5tel armv7hl armv7hnl ppc ppc64 ppc64le ppc64p7 s390 s390x"

+ }


+ _centpkg_branch()

+ {

+     local git_options= format="--format %(refname:short)"

+     [[ -n $1 ]] && git_options="--git-dir=$1/.git"


+     git $git_options for-each-ref $format 'refs/remotes' | sed 's,.*/,,'

+     git $git_options for-each-ref $format 'refs/heads'

+ }


+ _centpkg_package()

+ {

+     repoquery -C --qf=%{sourcerpm} "$1*" 2>/dev/null | sort -u | sed -r 's/(-[^-]*){2}\.src\.rpm$//'

+ }


+ _centpkg_namespaces()

+ {

+     grep "^distgit_namespaces =" /etc/rpkg/centpkg.conf | cut -d'=' -f2

+ }



+ # Local variables:

+ # mode: shell-script

+ # sh-basic-offset: 4

+ # sh-indent-comment: t

+ # indent-tabs-mode: nil

+ # End:

+ # ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh

Adding bash-completion files, which includes some changes in the spec file as well.


Manually copying the centpkg.bash file to /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ should worrk for auto-completion testing - I didn't add it in setup.py because I thought that wouldn't be necessary.

I would like a review for the spec file to see if missed I something.

rebased onto 3bff023

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been closed by carlwgeorge

3 years ago