#78 Dojo recap
Merged 4 years ago by rbowen. Opened 4 years ago by rbowen.
centos/ rbowen/centos.org master  into  master

Dojo recap
rbowen • 4 years ago  
file modified
+4 -1
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ 


      <div class="card-body">

          <h4 class="card-title">February 4th and 5th: CentOS Dojo @ FOSDEM</h4>

- 				<p class="card-text">The schedule for the <a href="https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/FOSDEM2021">CentOS Dojo at FOSDEM 2021</a> is now available. Both FOSDEM itself, and the Dojo, will be held online. Registration is free, and is now open</p>

+         <p class="card=text">We held the annual CentOS Dojo at FOSDEM on

+         Feburuary 4th and 5th. <a

+         href="https://blog.centos.org/2021/02/centos-dojo-fosdem-2021/">Catch

+         up on the parts you missed</a>.</p>




Pull-Request has been merged by rbowen

4 years ago