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Here is the link to a `.ical` file containing all CentOS IRC meetings, for use in your favorite calendaring app: [iCalendar Meeting Schedule](/community/irc-meetings.ical)
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- A [list of all meetings](#list) is available below.
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+ A [list of all meetings](#list) is available below. Meetings are usually
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+ held on either #centos-meeting or #centos-meeting2 on Freenode IRC
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## Logging
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- CentOS IRC channels and meetings are logged. You can find them [here](http://www.centos.org/minutes/).
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+ The CentOS IRC meeting channels are logged so that meeting transcripts
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+ and minutes can be generated and made available to the public [here](http://www.centos.org/minutes/).
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## <a name="list">Meeting List</a>
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wordsmith calendar page