#23 Add the first pass at FAQ
Merged 5 years ago by rbowen. Opened 5 years ago by bcotton.
centos/ bcotton/centos.org centos_stream_faq  into  master

Add the first pass at FAQ
Ben Cotton • 5 years ago  
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ 

+ ---

+ title:      "CentOS Stream FAQ"

+ mardown:    basic

+ is_dynamic: true

+ ---


+ #CentOS Stream Frequently Asked Questions


+ If you have a question that isn't answered here, please email the [centos-devel mailing list](https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel).


+ * Table of contents will replace this text.

+ {:toc}


+ ##What is CentOS Stream?


+ CentOS Stream is a developer-forward distribution that aims to help community members, Red Hat partners and others take full advantage of open source innovation within a more stable and predictable Linux ecosystem.

+ Its content is what Red Hat intends to be in the next update of a stable RHEL release

+ It is free for anyone to download, use, study, modify, and redistribute (with the exception of the CentOS trademarks, which are owned by Red Hat).

+ CentOS Stream is a distribution that community members can use to take advantage of a stable ABI/API for development and testing, while still seeing some updates on an accelerated basis.



+ ##How do I download CentOS Stream?

+ CentOS Stream is available on the [CentOS downloads page](https://centos.org/download)


+ ##How do I file bugs against CentOS Stream?

+ File bugs against the [CentOS product in Red Hat Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?classification=CentOS).


+ ##Where is the source code?

+ The source code in CentOS Stream is stored per package at in the [CentOS git server](https://git.centos.org).


+ ##What artifacts are built?


+ * [Yum repositories](http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream/)

+     * x86_64

+     * ppc64le

+     * aarch64

+ * [EC2 images](https://cloud.centos.org/centos/8-stream/)

+     * x86_64

+     * ppc64le

+     * aarch64

+ * [Generic cloud images](https://cloud.centos.org/centos/8-stream/)

+     * x86_64

+     * ppc64le

+     * aarch64

+ * [Vagrant images](https://cloud.centos.org/centos/8-stream/)

+     * x86_64


+ Note: CentOS Stream does not include container images.

+ The current recommendation is to use Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) and include centos-release-stream (link coming!).


+ ##What architectures are included?


+ Currently, x86_64, aarch64, and ppc64le are included.

+ By December 2020, arm7hfp will be included.

+ Inclusion of s390x (IBM System Z) has not yet been scoped and is unlikely during CY2020.


+ ##Is there a daily CentOS Stream "release"?  How frequently is it released?


+ There is a nightly compose for release verification purposes.

+ We are currently pushing CentOS Stream to http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream/ on a case-by-case basis as new packages come in. 


+ ##What happens when CentOS Stream switches from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9 based content?


+ Around the time the RHEL 9 Public Beta is issued, an additional set of CentOS Stream repositories and ISOs will be available.

+ The existing CentOS Stream repositories representing RHEL 8 bits will continue to be available, and changes to these bits will continue as before, until approximately one year after the general availability of RHEL 9.

+ At that time, the older repositories will be discontinued, although sources will continue to be available.


+ As the cut-over approaches, Red Hat will evaluate the situation at that time to determine how long the overlap will be.

+ CentOS Stream is envisioned for primary use in situations where pinning to a specific set of binaries for the long-term is not required.

+ Therefore the goal of the overlap is to serve either specific development needs or to allow for time for testing and upgrades.


+ ##What does this mean for CentOS Linux?


+ CentOS Stream is separate from CentOS Linux. 

This is the first part of a public CentOS Stream FAQ. More questions will be asked and answered over time. Once this PR is accepted, I'll file a new one to start creating links to the page.

Pull-Request has been merged by rbowen

5 years ago