#21 Remove Facebook Dojo from front page
Merged 5 years ago by rbowen. Opened 5 years ago by rbowen.
centos/ rbowen/centos.org master  into  master

file modified
@@ -52,19 +52,6 @@ 

        <a class="pull-left" href="#">

          <img class="media-object img-rounded" src="/images/centoslogo-32.png" width="32" alt="..."></a>

        <div class="media-body">

-         <h4 class="media-heading">April 24: CentOS Dojo at Facebook</h4>

-         <p>We will be holding a CentOS Dojo at Facebook, in Menlo Park

-         (just south of San Francisco), in April 24th. The call for

-         presentations is now open. <a

-         href="https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Facebook2020">See

-         details and submit your talk today!</a></p>

-       </div>

-     </div> 


-     <div class="media">

-       <a class="pull-left" href="#">

-         <img class="media-object img-rounded" src="/images/centoslogo-32.png" width="32" alt="..."></a>

-       <div class="media-body">

          <h4 class="media-heading">October 23: CentOS Dojo at CERN</h4>

          <p>We're excited to be going back to CERN for another CentOS

          Dojo. Join us October 23rd in Meyrin! <a

Remove Facebook Dojo from front page

Pull-Request has been merged by rbowen

5 years ago