#201 sync main changes and remove _includes/footer.html to restore sponsors section
Merged a year ago by areguera. Opened a year ago by areguera.
centos/ areguera/centos.org staging  into  staging

file removed
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ 

- {% include hr.html %}


- <footer class="footer">

-   <div class="container">

-     <div class="row">


-       {% if site.data.centos.footer.columns %}

-       {% for column in site.data.centos.footer.columns %}

-       {% assign links = site.data.centos.navbar | where: "name", column %}

-       {% for section in links %}

-       <section class="links">

-         <h6><i class="{{ section.icon }}"></i> {{ section.name }}</h6>

-         <ul>

-           {% for item in section.menu %}

-           <li><a href="{{ item.link }}">{{ item.name }}</a></li>

-           {% endfor %}

-         </ul>

-       </section>

-       {% endfor %}

-       {% endfor %}

-       {% endif %}


-       <section class="project">

-         <h4>{{ site.title }}</h4>

-         <p class="lead">{{ site.description }}</p>

-         <div class="lead social">

-           {% for item in site.data.centos.footer.social %}

-           <a href="{{ item.link }}"><i class="{{ item.icon }}"></i></a>

-           {% endfor %}

-         </div>

-       </section>


-     </div>


-     <div class="row">

-       <section class="copyright">

-         <p>Copyright &copy; {{ site.time | date: "%Y" }} {{ site.data.centos.footer.copyright.author }} {% for item in site.data.centos.footer.copyright.legals %} | <a href="{{ item.link }}">{{ item.text }}</a>{% endfor %}</p>

-       </section>

-     </div>

-   </div>


-   {% include top.html %}


- </footer>


@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- name: BackupVault

- country: usa

- logo: /assets/img/sponsors/BackupVault.png

- address: https://www.backupvault.co.uk/

- ---


no initial comment

Pull-Request has been merged by areguera

a year ago