#135 Remove 'Red Hat shall hold majority', as per August board meeting decision.
Merged 3 years ago by rbowen. Opened 3 years ago by rbowen.
centos/ rbowen/centos.org master  into  master

@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ 

  * Have the ability to debate, understand, and balance sometimes opposing CentOS Project objectives.

  * Have a solid understanding of meritocracy, the merit criteria and running, operating, and/or governing a large scale FOSS community project.


- Based upon the merit criteria, the existing Board may nominate additional Board members. The Board must consist of at least 8 members and is capped at a total of 11 members. Given Red Hat's strategic hiring of original core members to focus more extensively on the Project, and in consideration of its strategic ongoing contributions and investment, Red Hat will maintain and hold a majority of governing Board members. In addition, the Board values user representation on the Board directly through members seated on the Board who have met the merit criteria. This is in addition to the indirect user community influence via interactions with individual Board members.

+ Based upon the merit criteria, the existing Board may nominate additional Board members. The Board must consist of at least 8 members and is capped at a total of 11 members. The Board values user representation on the Board directly through members seated on the Board who have met the merit criteria. This is in addition to the indirect user community influence via interactions with individual Board members.


  As the new CentOS grows and learns, the CentOS community may propose to the Board and/or the Board may propose its own changes to the governance and/or the merit criteria to account for, among other things, confusion or inadequacies.    

Remove 'Red Hat shall hold majority', as per August board meeting decision.

Pull-Request has been merged by rbowen

3 years ago