#11 Update meeting schedule as per https://github.com/CentOS/Calendar/pull/29
Merged 5 years ago by rbowen. Opened 5 years ago by rbowen.
centos/ rbowen/centos.org master  into  master

@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ 


  ### <a name="Storage_SIG">Storage SIG</a>


- * Every two weeks (on odd weeks) on Friday at [1530 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=15&amp;min=30&amp;sec=0) in #centos-devel

- * Chair (to contact for more information): Karanbir Singh (kbsingh) and Lalatendu Mohanty (lalatenduM)

+ * Monthly on Tuesday at [1000 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=10&amp;min=00&amp;sec=0) in #centos-devel

+ * Chair (to contact for more information): Karanbir Singh (kbsingh), Niels de Vos (ndevos), Giulio Fidente (gfidente)

  * [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage)

  * The CentOS Storage Special Interest Group (SIG) is a collection of like-minded individuals coming together to ensure that CentOS is a suitable platform for many different storage solutions. This group will ensure that all Open Source storage options seeking to utilize CentOS as a delivery platform have a voice in packaging, orchestration, deployment, and related work. 

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  * [Link to Project Site](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization)

  * The CentOS Virtualisation Special Interest Group ( virt-sig ) is a group of people coming together to promote and use CentOS Linux as a base platform as a suitable platform for various virtualisation efforts. This includes type-1 and type-2 hypervisors like Xen and KVM, containers and containment based technologies like LXC and other system and process level virtualisation technologies in the future.




- Page generated on 2017-11-03 10:28:39.480274 UTC

+ Page generated on 2019-11-11 10:28:39.480274 UTC

Pull-Request has been merged by rbowen

5 years ago