#219 About page completely outdated
Opened 4 months ago by shaunm. Modified 4 months ago

The current About page (https://centos.org/about/) starts with some paragraphs about CentOS Linux, which is nearly EOL. It then has a blurb on the CentOS Project, which is fine. Then there's something about the Board, which is mostly ok. Then it has "Project Structure", which I don't think is very useful, and buries info on SIGs. Then the SIG work it mentions isn't current.


  • Section on the CentOS Project, one paragraph, supports Stream and SIGs.
  • Section on CentOS Stream, what it actually is, and why it's awesome.
  • Section on SIGs, what kind of work they do, with some bullet point highlights, like "The Hyperscale SIG backports a more modern kernel with additional features enabled" and "The Integration SIG develops tests to ensure OS changes don't affect behavior that third-party applications depend on".

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