CSV issue and javascript error
- Previously, the CSV implementation was based in
derekeder/csv-to-html-table project and there are issues when the
number of records in the csv file is large. This update changes the
approach and generates the table entirely on the server side using
jekyll _data directory and a small js script to implement the search
functionality on it. Since the HTML table is entirely rendered on the
server the csv issue should be gone.
- The js files no longer used were excluded from pages and removed from
disk. The column ordering feature is no longer present.
- The search box was improved making it bigger and with a search icon on
- Previously, the entire URL was printed which consumes lot of
horizontal space. This update uses linked words instead. In the case
of mirror, the word is "Mirror" with a server icon on the left. In the
case of cloud images the word is "Deploy link" and the aws icon on the
- The Sponsor name is now linked when there is an URL available for it.
This saves horizontal spaces too.