diff --git a/docs/apps/mailman.md b/docs/apps/mailman.md
index e69de29..463d9c6 100644
--- a/docs/apps/mailman.md
+++ b/docs/apps/mailman.md
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+# Mailing Lists 
+The CentOS Project hosts some public mailing lists that people can subscribe to.
+It's hosted at [https://lists.centos.org](https://lists.centos.org) and on a sponsored node.
+Due to the fact that it was created (back in time decision) on the centos.org MX machine , the lists are using the `@centos.org` domain, and so mailman is hosted *on* the main centos [mailserver](/apps/mailservers/), reason why the postfix ansible role will have the `postfix_mailman` [variable boolean](https://github.com/CentOS/ansible-role-postfix/blob/master/defaults/main.yml#L80) set to `True`, as it will automatically create the `<list>@centos.org` aliases on the host (needed to pass through mailman)
+Some links:
+  * [Upstream mailman 2](http://www.list.org/docs.html) documentation
+  * [mailman](https://github.com/centos/ansible-role-mailman) ansible role
+Worth knowing that to initially fight against spam registration, we added a [recaptcha](https://github.com/CentOS/ansible-role-mailman/blob/master/defaults/main.yml#L24) option to filter massive users registration.
+You can find the applied patches (collaboration between Red Hat, Gnome and CentOS, all using the same applied patch for their mailman2 lists) in the mailman role
+The CentOS Theme (written by the Artwork SIG) is also pushed from ansible role and some elements can be modified through `mailman_html_tpl_{head,bodystart,bodyclose}` variables. (also all coming from the ansible mailman role
+## Some operations
+### Adding a new list for a project/SIG
+The Ansible mailman role supports adding lists automatically so it's just a matter of , through ansible inventory, adding new list to the `mailman_lists` ansible list variable with some parameters like :
+  * name: the mailman list name
+  * description: list description appearing on mailman ui
+  * password: unique password for that list, as we can have specific operators for that list
+  * admin: the email address of the list owner
+Once pushed to git and applied by ansible, the new list will appear
+### Modifying lists settings
+If the setting you want to modify is one of the previously mentioned variables, updating in git/ansible would then trigger a reconfig with these settings.
+But some settings are just configured through mailman itself, so to modify these ones, you need either the `password` list (specific to that list), or the whole `mailman_admin_pass` (also called site password, that can be used to admin all lists)
+To do this, just browse the [mailman admin UI](https://lists.centos.org/mailman/admin), select your list and auth with the needed password.
+You can then proceed with changes like, adding/removing subscribers, work with moderation queue, etc, etc ..
diff --git a/docs/apps/www.md b/docs/apps/www.md
index e69de29..5d488c9 100644
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+++ b/docs/apps/www.md
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+# CentOS Websites
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       - apps/wiki.md
       - apps/bugs.md
       - apps/forums.md
+      - apps/mailservers.md
       - apps/mailman.md
       - apps/docs.md
       - apps/blog.md