diff --git a/docs/operations/ci/adding-jumphost.md b/docs/operations/ci/adding-jumphost.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8222b0c..0000000
--- a/docs/operations/ci/adding-jumphost.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Add user to jumphost
-Jumphost users live in inventory file `inventory/ci-ssh-jumphosts`
-* make an entry of user in inventory in the following format
-login_name: billgates
-full_name: "Bill Gates | Microsoft loves linux"
-  - "- - - - "
-* Ensure all the lastest commits in playbook directory and inventory are pulled locally.
-`git pull inventory/ && git pull playbooks`
-* Use playbook baseline-playbook to envoke role role-baseline. we will limit
-  the run to just the ci ssh jumphost.
-`ansible-playbook playbooks/role-baseline.yml --limit ci-ssh-jumphosts`
-* Update remote with latest changes
diff --git a/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-duffy-api-key.md b/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-duffy-api-key.md
index 7bf716e..276f217 100644
--- a/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-duffy-api-key.md
+++ b/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-duffy-api-key.md
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ MariaDB [duffy]> describe userkeys;
 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-MariaDB [duffy]> 
+MariaDB [duffy]>
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ MariaDB [duffy]>
 1. How do we connect to instances
-The Duffy database runs on the admin.ci node: `ssh admin.ci.centos.org`. 
+The Duffy database runs on the admin.ci node: `ssh admin.ci.centos.org`.
 2. We have a script which does this work.. how do we use it
@@ -100,7 +100,11 @@ The Duffy database runs on the admin.ci node: `ssh admin.ci.centos.org`.
 4. Retrieve the api key from the users table
 ` select * from users where projectname="projectname";`
+Copy the API key somewhere handy (we will need it)
 5. Using that api-key/UUID as project_id, enter ssh key of a user from the project so that they can ssh into the machines. This process must be repeated for every user we wish to add access to via SSH.
 `insert into userkeys (`project_id`,`key`) values('<project-UUID>', '<ssh-key>');`
 This ssh key is pushed to duffy nodes - authorized keys when a tenant requests the node through api key.
+NOTE: we need to copy private key (pair of key just added in db), and paste it
+in openshift jenkins template (so copy it to save the trouble later)
diff --git a/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-jumphost.md b/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-jumphost.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8222b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-jumphost.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Add user to jumphost
+Jumphost users live in inventory file `inventory/ci-ssh-jumphosts`
+* make an entry of user in inventory in the following format
+login_name: billgates
+full_name: "Bill Gates | Microsoft loves linux"
+  - "- - - - "
+* Ensure all the lastest commits in playbook directory and inventory are pulled locally.
+`git pull inventory/ && git pull playbooks`
+* Use playbook baseline-playbook to envoke role role-baseline. we will limit
+  the run to just the ci ssh jumphost.
+`ansible-playbook playbooks/role-baseline.yml --limit ci-ssh-jumphosts`
+* Update remote with latest changes
diff --git a/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding_cico_tenants.md b/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding_cico_tenants.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b3fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding_cico_tenants.md
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# CentOS CI - On-boarding
+Note to users:
+Please note that Infra space is for Fedora and CentOS related projects to
+consume. Decision may take some time (often up to 2 weeks) as these are decided
+by the whole team.
+Once decided as go, we will create you a namespace in a openshift cluster where
+you can configure your CI. We do provide a Jenkins template in case you want to be
+able to consume vms/baremetal nodes to perform your CI.
+Please answer the following questions so that we understand your requirement.
+* How does your project relates to Fedora/CentOS?
+* Describe your work flow and if you need any special permissions (other than
+  admin access to namespace), please tell us and provide a reason for them.
+* Do you need bare-metal/vms checkout capability? (we prefer your workflow
+  containerized)
+* Resources required
+  * PVs:
+ - user1@ACO_registered_email_address
+ - user2@ACO_registered_email_address
+## Steps
+1. Create an OpenShift namespace
+2. Create an entry in duffy db (with ssh key) - follow adding-duffy-api-key.md
+3. Instantiate a template to provision Jenkins
+### Create an OpenShift namespace
+Using the data provided by tenant (i.e. Project name and its admins), create an yaml file to be passed to ansible-playbook (example above).
+Store it in project directory to and push it to git
+Use playbook (adhoc-openshift-resources.yaml)[https://github.com/CentOS/ansible-infra-playbooks/blob/staging/adhoc-openshift-resources.yaml] with variables `host=openshift-ci-management` and `the file containing project name and admins`
+Example: "ansible-playbook playbooks/adhoc-openshift-resources.yaml -e "host=ocp-ci-management" -e "@important_project.yaml""
+## Create an entry in duffy db (with ssh key) - [follow adding-duffy-api-key.md](https://docs.infra.centos.org/operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-duffy-api-key/)
+## Instantiate a template to provision Jenkins
+* Login to openshift
+* Go to project cico-templates to select the cico-workspace Jenkins template
+  from workloads -> From Catalog -> {search cico-workspace}
+  you would see a template called "cico-workspace: provided by The CentOS
+  Project"
+* Click the template to start instantiation process.
+  * Select the namespace we want to run Jenkins in (In Namespace variable)
+  * Enter appropriate Memory limit and volume capacity (for Jenkins, we prefer 3Gi and 10Gi respectively)
+  * Enter duffy API key for the project and SSH private key whose public pair is in duffy db.
+Click create to instantiate the project.
+Admin's hack: Increase timeout in deployment config to counter our slow storage timeout issue.
diff --git a/docs/operations/ci/onboarding_sysadmin.md b/docs/operations/ci/onboarding_sysadmin.md
index ace4d5b..3c737bb 100644
--- a/docs/operations/ci/onboarding_sysadmin.md
+++ b/docs/operations/ci/onboarding_sysadmin.md
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ aarch64 20
 ### Resources
 - Working with CentOS Infra https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/day_to_day_centos/
-- Ticket Tracker: pagure.io/centos-infra [Use template ci-migration for migration or 
+- Ticket Tracker: pagure.io/centos-infra [Use template ci-migration for migration or
 - Fedora Nest 2020 talk: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Efwz73t4NdxuzmyV8kvi3SewCIzDpidpePXGLfuweso/edit?ts=5f2ea19e#slide=id.g8fead7ec8b_0_44
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 8570bd3..3015b81 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ nav:
            - operations/ci/localstorage/binding_pvc.md
            - operations/ci/localstorage/installation.md
          - Onboard Tenants:
+           - operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding_cico_tenants.md
            - operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-duffy-api-key.md
-           - operations/ci/adding-jumphost.md
+           - operations/ci/adding_cico_tenant/adding-jumphost.md
          - Add an OpenID identity provider to the cluster: operations/ci/adding_oidc_authentication.md
          - Adding Admin Users: operations/ci/adding_admin_users.md
          - Adding Nodes: operations/ci/adding_nodes.md