diff --git a/docs/operations/deploy/common.md b/docs/operations/deploy/common.md
index bc7f495..ce63196 100644
--- a/docs/operations/deploy/common.md
+++ b/docs/operations/deploy/common.md
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ Warning: Permanently added 'artwork-1.dev.centos.org' (ECDSA) to the list of kno
+!!! tip
+    it's also possible to *not* do the ssh host key checking, but not adviced, by using `ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False` env variable in front of the first playbook execution in the next steps. As said, it's possible and should *eventually* only be used for .dev. or .stg. environment, and on just provisioned instances (non public) like Virtual Machines
 Now we can proceed with next steps.
 Let's add the node in the correct Ansible inventory (like for example `CentOS-CI` or `CentOS-prod` or `CentOS-staging`, etc.
diff --git a/docs/security/tls.md b/docs/security/tls.md
index fd94a41..5084f1f 100644
--- a/docs/security/tls.md
+++ b/docs/security/tls.md
@@ -9,14 +9,90 @@ Ansible roles are using the following logic to distribute .key/.cert files
   * {{ public_name }}-CAchain.crt : Trusted chain from CA (usually a symlink in pkistore is enough as we have a very few)
-## Public certificates
-### DigiCert
-We have some long-term certificates that we use for www/lists/ci/etc .centos.org
-Those need to be required through DigiCert Web ui and through internal RH ticket.
-Once we have the signed cert back, we can upload it in pkistore and deploy
+## Internal certificates
+### IPA/dogtag (central authentication)
+While IPA enrolled nodes can directly request TLS certificates, for CentOS infra, due to the fact that almost *all* nodes *can't* be enrolled (no direct link with IPA infra), we have to delegate this on an enrolled node where we can then be granted "delegation" rights in IPA, so that a "fake" enrolled node (created for the real target server that will need a TLS cert) can be "managed by" the enrolled node.
+From that enrolled node, we'll then be able to retrieve the TLS cert/keytab and also then export/import into `pkistore` , following the same naming convention as described above.
+Depending on the Env (Prod vs STG), you can find which node[s] is/are enrolled (through applied `ipa-client` client role applied with also the `ipa_client_tls_delegated_host` boolean set to `True` (needed for the following script to be present in the ipa-client role).
+ * one node enrolled in the correct REALM we want to generate/retrieve TLS cert (and keytab) for
+ * an IPA account that has enough privileges to add hosts/services and local sudo rights on the intermediate enrolled node
+ * `ipa-client` role applied with correct script deployed
+Once we have shell access on such enrolled node, we can proceed like this :
+/usr/libexec/centos/generate_ipa_tls_krb5 -n mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org -d 'Koji mbox STG mbs' -s 'HTTP'
+[+] Adding host in IPA and adding delegation to retrieve certs/keytab ...
+Added host "mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org"
+  Host name: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org
+  Description: Koji mbox STG mbs
+  Principal name: host/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Principal alias: host/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Password: False
+  Keytab: False
+  Managed by: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org
+  Host name: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org
+  Description: Koji mbox STG mbs
+  Principal name: host/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Principal alias: host/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Managed by: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org, <modified>.fedoraproject.org
+Number of members added 1
+Added service "HTTP/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG"
+  Principal name: HTTP/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Principal alias: HTTP/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Managed by: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org
+  Principal name: HTTP/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Principal alias: HTTP/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Managed by: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org, <modified>.fedoraproject.org
+Number of members added 1
+  Host name: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org
+  Description: Koji mbox STG mbs
+  Principal name: host/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Principal alias: host/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Managed by: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org, <modified>.fedoraproject.org
+  Hosts allowed to retrieve keytab: <modified>.fedoraproject.org
+Number of members added 1
+  Principal name: HTTP/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Principal alias: HTTP/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org@STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
+  Managed by: mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org, <modified>.fedoraproject.org
+  Hosts allowed to retrieve keytab: <modified>.fedoraproject.org
+Number of members added 1
+[+] Retrieving TLS and keytab files ...
+New signing request "20210705130958" added.
+Keytab successfully retrieved and stored in: /etc/pki/centos/certs/HTTP-mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org.keytab
+[+] Validating TLS against IPA CA ...
+/etc/pki/centos/certs/mbs.mbox.stg.centos.org.crt: OK
+!!! tip
+    You need a valid kerberos ticket for the existing REALM, otherwise same script will exit 1. Worth knowing that if you have enabled OTP on your account (a *must* for admins) you can use the `2fa-kinit` script, also deployed by ansible on each enrolled node by the `ipa-client` ansible role
+You can now import into `pkistore` (and correct directory based on role) git-crypted repository the needed .crt and .key files from /etc/pki/centos/certs/ directory
+### Red Hat CA (internal setup only)
+## Public certificates
 ### Letsencrypt
@@ -76,7 +152,8 @@ And back on the certbot node, where it just updates, then waits and finalizes th
-PS : for a wildcard, just add multiple -d and '*.domain'
+PS : for a wildcard, just add multiple -d and `*.domain`
 acme.sh --issue --dns dns_nsupdate -d stg.centos.org -d '*.stg.centos.org' --challenge-alias stg.acme.centos.org