Reimzul is a distributed build system that is used to build CentOS Linux up to (and including CentOS 7). For CentOs 8/8-stream/9-stream and beyond, see other koji system
Reimzul consists only of some python scripts, that are used as wrappers around mock.
The following components are used to orchestrate the builds and notifications:
This is the node that runs beanstalkd for the various tubes/queues To submit a pkg, we have two options:
Example when willing to submit same src.rpm (already uploaded !) to multiple arches :
for arch in x86_64 aarch64 armhfp ; do /srv/reimzul/code/ -s time-1.7-45.el7.src.rpm -d .el7 -a $arch -t c7.1708.u ; done
Important to know that there is no need to submit for i386 : it will be done automatically in parallel on the builder doing the x86_64 build, with the same timestamp
The controller has also a dispatcher worker ( that watches the notify tube, and will :
To control those notifications, reimzul uses a config file /etc/reimzul/reimzul.ini (see reimzul.ini.sample for reference)
One reimzul notifier worker is enough to send notifications
cp systemd/reimzul-notifier.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable reimzul-notifier --now
One reimzul mqtt subscriber worker is enough to wait for incoming build requests
cp systemd/reimzul-mqtt-sub.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable reimzul-mqtt-sub --now
These nodes are the ones that :
You can launch as many workers/builder threads you want : there is a .service systemd unit file (see systemd/reimzul-worker@.service) that you can then launch multiple times. For example, let's assume that we want 4 parallel workers :
cp systemd/reimzul-worker@.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl daemon-reload for i in {1..4} ; do systemctl enable reimzul-worker@${i} --now; done
Central storage node that will accept all build artifacts under specific target repos. Worth noting that all communication, including rsyncd, happen over tls (through stunnel) It has also a worker itself, just watching the "createrepo" channel. When a build finishes and has a successful build, one job is added to the createrepo tube (you can have multiple parallel workers for this too) and repo metadata is launched through createrepo_c, with multiple workers per process and cache directory
You can launch as many repogen workers threads as you want : there is a .service systemd unit file (see systemd/reimzul-repoogen-worker@.service) that you can then launch multiple times. For example, let's assume that we want 3 parallel workers :
cp systemd/reimzul-repogen-worker@.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl daemon-reload for i in {1..3} ; do systemctl enable reimzul-repogen-worker@${i} --now; done
One signer worker is enough (it will just copy the rpm files in a staging area, waiting to be collected for signing)
cp systemd/reimzul-signer.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable reimzul-signer --now
Once a .src.rpm is built and available under /srv/reimzul/incoming, you can submit builds to Reimzul is to launch :
usage: [-h] -s SRPM -a ARCH -t TARGET -d DISTTAG [--now] [--scratch] Reimzul CentOS distributed build client optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SRPM, --srpm SRPM The src.rpm pkg already uploaded in controller node -a ARCH, --arch ARCH Defines the mock architecture to build against [example: x86_64,armhfp,aarch64,i386,ppc64le,ppc64] -t TARGET, --target TARGET The target repo to build against/for, without any arch specified [example: c7.1708.u] -d DISTTAG, --disttag DISTTAG Defines the mock disttag to use [example: .el7_4] --now Will prioritize this job in front of the build queue --scratch Will just build the pkg but not prepare it in staging- tosign area