#2 Add llvm-toolset-7.0 to rh-myslq80 inheritances
Merged 5 years ago by alphacc. Opened 5 years ago by jstanek.
centos/ jstanek/cbs-tools mysql-inheritance  into  master

@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ 


  koji add-tag-inheritance sclo7-rh-mysql80-rh-el7-build sclo7-devtoolset-7-rh-candidate --priority 15

  koji add-tag-inheritance sclo7-rh-mysql80-rh-el7-build sclo7-devtoolset-8-rh-candidate --priority 16

+ koji add-tag-inheritance sclo7-rh-mysql80-rh-el7-build sclo7-llvm-toolset-7.0-rh-candidate --priority 17


  koji add-tag-inheritance sclo7-rh-nodejs10-rh-el7-build sclo7-devtoolset-7-rh-candidate --priority 16

  koji add-tag-inheritance sclo7-rh-nodejs10-rh-el7-build sclo7-devtoolset-8-rh-candidate --priority 17

New versions of rh-mysql80-mysql package seems to require llvm-toolset-7.0-cmake.

Pull-Request has been merged by alphacc

5 years ago