#13 Add crio to buildlogs
Merged 5 years ago by arrfab. Opened 5 years ago by matthias50.
centos/ matthias50/cbs-content-control master  into  master

Add crio to buildlogs
Matt Martin • 5 years ago  
file modified
@@ -301,6 +301,11 @@ 




+ paas7-crio-115-testing/|7/paas/x86_64/crio-115/|7/paas/x86_64/crio/|7/paas/x86_64/7/paas/x86_64/crio/

+ paas7-crio-114-testing/|7/paas/x86_64/crio-114/|7/paas/x86_64/crio/|7/paas/x86_64/7/paas/x86_64/crio/

+ paas7-crio-113-testing/|7/paas/x86_64/crio-113/|7/paas/x86_64/crio/|7/paas/x86_64/7/paas/x86_64/crio/

+ paas7-crio-112-testing/|7/paas/x86_64/crio-112/|7/paas/x86_64/crio/|7/paas/x86_64/7/paas/x86_64/crio/

+ paas7-crio-111-testing/|7/paas/x86_64/crio-111/|7/paas/x86_64/crio/|7/paas/x86_64/7/paas/x86_64/crio/




no initial comment

rebased onto e238b42f9f00a6a9507b1b2c51b7267ceff951c3

5 years ago

Can I get some feedback on if this looks ok or not?

First issue : candidate tags are never pushed out, so it should be testing tag (than can be pushed to buildlogs)
Second issue : your paths seem to be wrong : it's mixing paas SIG with Virt SIG. Can you verify and rebase ?
Last thing would be to have SIG chair giving a +1 in this comment, after it will be verified.
Have you also ran cclint to validate that it was working ?

rebased onto 39806a4148e171f1f7d1597e5b9f90812911159a

5 years ago

First issue : candidate tags are never pushed out, so it should be testing tag (than can be pushed to buildlogs)


Second issue : your paths seem to be wrong : it's mixing paas SIG with Virt SIG. Can you verify and rebase ?

Thanks, copy paste error.

Have you also ran cclint to validate that it was working ?

Yes. My updates were clean, though I should note that there seems to be a cclint issue on master:

$ git log -1 --oneline
93cc173 (HEAD) Add release repos for openstack-train fixes: #16558
$ ./cclint buildlogs_list
========== Linting: buildlogs_list ==========
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'
ERROR: buildlogs_list:330: messaging7-qpid-proton-testing bad cbs tag!

I got the same output when running this vs. my commit:

$ ./cclint buildlogs_list
========== Linting: buildlogs_list ==========
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'
ERROR: buildlogs_list:335: messaging7-qpid-proton-testing bad cbs tag!
$ echo $?
$ ./cclint sign_list
========== Linting: sign_list ==========
$ echo $?

Last thing would be to have SIG chair giving a +1 in this comment, after it will be verified.

@kbsingh, does this look ok to you?

@arrfab , @kbsingh suggested to me in the centos-devel IRC channel to work with you and @bstinson. Can one of you give the ok on this instead? He also suggested working with lsm5 (who did all the builds on cbs, but he doesn't seem to have an account on git.centos.org because I can't @ refer to him.

FWIW, before I figured out the process was to create a commit on this repo, I created this bug in an attempt to do what this commit is asking for which lsm5 commented on: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=16566

FYI the messaging issue will be fixed shortly. tags were not following recommended naming.

@matthias50 : pointing to that bug report confuses even more now : that bug report was about testing (for buildlogs) while in this PR you also have -release.
And also that same bug report in which it's mentioned "virt" instead of "paas" .. So blocking all now, until you and lsm5 can come with a real plan and have discussed that somehow :)

@arrfab, lsm5 and I have been discussing this privately on irc and things evolved after the initial bug report. Where do you want to see the plan documented?

@arrfab @matthias50 paas sig and -release repos SGTM.

So, can you rebase to only have buildlogs (testing) so that once validated for the final dir (it seems you want all versions to be in the same repo, so wondering why you asked multiple tags in first place).
Once we'll be sure that it works the way you want (in testing) you'll be able to create a new PR for sign_list{.aarch64,ppc64le}.
Does that sound like a plan ?

rebased onto 7c4d31b

5 years ago

@arrfab, sounds good. I updated this PR to only include buildlogs_list.

thanks, merging and we'll see on buildlogs.centos.org if that's the kind of setup/tree you want to have.

Pull-Request has been merged by arrfab

5 years ago