diff --git a/meetings/2020-02-12 b/meetings/2020-02-12
deleted file mode 100644
index 106885a..0000000
--- a/meetings/2020-02-12
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-On 2020-02-12 the CentOS Board of Directors met and discussed several ongoing efforts across the Project.
-The opening discussion was around the new work to evolve the project logo and branding identity being conducted in open channels. Overall the Directors really liked the direction the effort is going and were quite pleased with the open nature of the process. What is needed to bring a conclusion and present a final design for the Board’s approval is the completion of the open design discussion and decision process to be conducted in centos-devel.
-As the Board is working on adding new Directors and improving governance and transparency, there is an open discussion around the possibility of having a face-to-face meeting of the Board in 2020. This ideally would include an additional day of interactions with other project leadership. One idea floated was to conduct this prior to the CentOS Dojo being planned at CERN in October 2020. At the time of this writing, it is unknown if this Dojo will be affected by COVID-19 related or other travel restrictions.
-On another topic, in addition to the focused resources of the Community Platform Engineering (CPE) team that supports the CentOS Project in technical ways, Karsten gave a brief explanation of how the Community Architects from the Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) are in support of the project, specifically Rich Bowen on the community side, Brian Exelbierd on the business interaction side, and Karsten Wade on the strategic and visionary side.
-From the Brussels Dojo, Karsten gave a report out about how he had a meeting room for one-to-one discussions with community members. These discussions were an invitation to talk about what works and doesn’t work for users and contributors around the project; an open office hours to hear out anything. It also served to help get an idea of how and why people use CentOS as a platform. This work is to help inform the CentOS 2020 open goals discussion now underway.
-In support of these efforts, the Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and agreements:
-Logo redesign
-AGREED:  Board is requesting Tuomas to lead the discussion on centos-devel toward creating the final /branding redesign proposal for the Board to give final approval on. This process should follow an open decision process of inviting participation, hearing out other ideas, and taking and incorporating feedback on the existing design ideas into the final plan. All this can be done over a reasonable time period of four to eight weeks, so that a decision can be reached that has an opportunity to include voices from across the community.
-Board face-to-face
-AGREED:  Board will watch the travel situation with an eye toward deciding yay/nay on the face-to-face as the June timeframe approaches.
-ACTION:  Board will request RIch Bowen to coordinate with the Board Secretary on plans for adding meetings around the CERN Dojo.
-Consent items
-Adopt minutes from 2020-01-08 meeting
-Noting that Fabian Arrotin has resigned his role as a CentOS Project Director as of October 2019.
-Rolling (last from 2020-01-08):
-* Any other topics aka What other things do you want on our master initiatives list?
-* Stepping-up our meeting norms
-* Transparency initiatives
-Present at the meeting:
-* Ralph Angenendt
-* Jim Perrin
-* Mike McLean
-* Karsten Wade (Secretary)
-* Johnny Hughes
diff --git a/meetings/2020-06-10 b/meetings/2020-06-10
deleted file mode 100644
index db32577..0000000
--- a/meetings/2020-06-10
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-On 2020-06-10 the CentOS Board of Directors met with Chris Wright and Deb Bryant to settle open discussions on the future of the Red Hat Liaison role on the CentOS Board. The Board also welcomed Rich Bowen as an ex-officio member, Thomas Oulevey as the new Board Secretary, and approved Brian Exelbierd as a new member Director and Red Hat Liaison. Additional topics included clarifying that voting does not occur in the new issue tracker, and asking Rich Bowen to lead an open vision and strategy process to refresh the project’s goals.
-In support of these efforts, the Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and agreements:
-Shall the CentOS Community Architect (Rich Bowen) be permanently added as an ex-officio attendee to all future CentOS Board meetings as a non-voting voice for the wider community?
-AGREED Yes, this should be a permanent seat in all Board discussions, public and private.
-ACTION Karsten and Rich need to coordinate and make changes to add to governance.
-Shall Brian Exelbierd be appointed to the CentOS Board as a member Director based on his experience and understanding of the CentOS Project and its many relationships, on his working years as a community architect, and on his performance over the years in the broader CentOS and Fedora Linux communities?
-AGREED Yes, Brian Exelbierd (bex) is hereby welcomed to the Board as a full voting Director.
-ACTION Rich to change the website to reflect this addition.
-Does the Board accept Red Hat’s change of the Red Hat Liaison role from Karsten Wade to Brian Exelbierd, who can fulfill this role directly out of his work at Red Hat?
-AGREED Yes, effective immediately.
-ACTION Rich Bowen to change the website to reflect this change.
-Does the Board accept Red Hat’s request to change the Red Hat Liaison role to be always representing Red Hat on the Board? I.e., remove the “hat on/hat off” aspect of the Liaison role.
-AGREED Yes, the Board welcomes this clarification that helps the Liaison be an effective two-way voice between Red Hat and the CentOS Project.
-ACTION Karsten and Rich need to coordinate and make changes to add to governance.
-Shall the role of Board Secretary transfer from Karsten Wade to Thomas Oulevey, to last for a period no shorter than six months and no longer than eighteen months?
-AGREED Yes, Thomas shall take over the Secretary role beginning 01 July, transition to begin immediately.
-ACTION Thomas and Karsten need to finalize the Secretary duties and details to be rolled into governance; Karsten needs to update the governance to reflect the changes; Rich to update the website to reflect this change.
-Should the new issue tracker be used for conducting voting, or only for announcing the results of discussions occurring elsewhere?
-AGREED No, the issue tracker should not be used for discussions or debate, public or private, on the item in the issue. Discussions should happen in the appropriate forum, with relevant links, notes, and decisions reflected into the individual ticket.
-ACTION Voting portion of governance should include this clarification, if it’s unclear. Karsten and Rich to review and propose changes to governance, if needed.
-Does the Board request Rich Bowen to take lead on an update to the project’s vision and strategy, to bring all the stakeholders to the discussion in working with the planned co-authors?
-AGREED Yes, the Board thinks this is a better approach in having Rich work from his position in the middle of the many voices and stakeholders.
-ACTION Rich to announce this effort and next steps.
-No Community Architect report nor triage of the issue tracker occurred in this meeting due to time constraints.
-Present at the meeting:
-Jim Perrin
-Johnny Hughes
-Pat Riehecky
-Thomas Oulevey
-Tru Hyunh
-Ralph Angenendt
-Karanbir Singh (Chair)
-Chris Wright (Guest)
-Deb Bryant (Guest)
-Mike McLean
-Rich Bowen
-Karsten Wade (Secretary)
diff --git a/meetings/2020-07-08 b/meetings/2020-07-08
deleted file mode 100644
index c3abe34..0000000
--- a/meetings/2020-07-08
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-On 2020-07-08 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business. The Board welcomed Brian "bex" Exelbierd as a new member Director as Red Hat Liaison. Additional topics included clarifying the Secretary documents/minutes handling, reviewing the new SIG process document proposed by Rich Bowen.
-A reboot of the NFV SIG was approved and the new SIG chair is Alfredo Moralejo. Join us to welcome Alfredo, the NFV SIG meetings minutes can be checked for further details !
-Rich Bowen and the board, congratulate Alain Reguera Delgado and Fabian Arrotin for the new CentOS website design and contribution process. https://blog.centos.org/2020/07/centos-org-contribution-process/
-The Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and agreements discussing the issues listed at https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues :
-Action #5 #7 and #14 can be closed.
-#17 Board members' links need updating Board member ACTION to review their Biography over the next weeks.
-#12 Adding SIG leaders to Board meetings AGREED to invite SIG chairs when SIG input is needed or having a dedicated meeting to have a shorter agenda. More info will come when we redefine the SIG process following Rich Bowen proposal.
-#01 Shift Board to be more transparent in support of becoming a contributor-focused open source project ACTION To provide a list of concrete actions over the next weeks. Now we have public issues and a way to contact the board, another change will be to improve the SIG process for contribution.
-#10 Add Secretary role to the governance ; ACTION this task is ongoing and should be closed in next weeks.
-#13 Get an official CentOS image in to WSL ; ACTION To pursue this item the board needs to draft a list of requirements. and review needed actions.
-#18 Rebuilding OVS/OVN in NFV Sig ; AGREED Unanimous consensus to name Alfredo Moralejo as chair.
-Note: my apologies for the slow publication of these minutes; transitioning into this new Secretary role has been a little overwhelming, but I am committed to publish next meeting minutes in a timely manner.
diff --git a/meetings/2020-08-xx b/meetings/2020-08-xx
deleted file mode 100644
index 192865a..0000000
--- a/meetings/2020-08-xx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-August 2020 there was no meeting, due to lack of quorum and scheduling conflicts.
diff --git a/meetings/2020-09-09 b/meetings/2020-09-09
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f31eea..0000000
--- a/meetings/2020-09-09
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-On 2020-09-09 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business. The Board discussed the creation of the infrastructure SIG to streamline and foster contributions in this challenging area. 
-The creation of the Infrastructure SIG was approved and Aoife Moloney will be the new chair in charge to gather requirements from all actors and define the SIG baseline contribution model. Board members insisted that administrative accesses to the CentOS infrastructure will need to be carefully granted and on the principle of least privilege. Rich Bowen kindly drafted a blog post - https://blog.centos.org/2020/09/board-approves-creation-of-infrastructure-sig/ - that goes in deeper details for the next steps and the challenges ahead.
-A lengthy exchange happened around the feedback loop from SIG to the CentOS Board. The board would like to invite SIG chairs (or their representative) for discussion when needed, but also hear from them on a regular basis. A communication will follow-up when the board agrees on the best format and frequency for these sessions.
-Ralph Angenendt announced he decided to step down from the CentOS Board of Directors. The Board would like to thank Ralph for all his service and hard work over the years.
-No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2020-10-14 b/meetings/2020-10-14
deleted file mode 100644
index ee135ec..0000000
--- a/meetings/2020-10-14
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-On 2020-10-14 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business. The Board was in an Executive session, where Red Hat CTO, Chris Wright, requested feedback from the participants on the progress of the CentOS Stream project since its creation, last year. Also, a discussion around resources for both CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream took place. A plan for improving and fostering development around CentOS Stream, as a RHEL upstream platform, will be presented and discussed when details are sorted out, in a future board meeting.
-No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2020-11-11 b/meetings/2020-11-11
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f32dec..0000000
--- a/meetings/2020-11-11
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-On 2020-11-11 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
-First, the board would like to thanks everybody involved in CentOS Linux 7.9 release.
-The Board was in an Executive session, where Red Hat CTO, Chris Wright joined to present Red Hat plan around CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream. A Board discussion followed.
-Following up the discussion around the different users' communities impacted by proposed changes, Chris Wright, mentioned to the Board that Red Hat is also reshaping and expanding the RHEL Developer program. The details will be communicated through standard Red Hat channels.
-The following resolutions were approved by the majority of the Board :
-CentOS Stream 8 will continue with contributions for the full-support phase of RHEL 8. APPROVED
-CentOS Stream 9 will start on schedule with the RHEL 9 Beta. APPROVED
-CentOS Linux 9 will not start. APPROVED
-CentOS Linux 8 ends in December 2021. APPROVED
-An announcement and detailed FAQ will be prepared in next weeks.
-No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2020/2020-02-12 b/meetings/2020/2020-02-12
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106885a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2020/2020-02-12
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+On 2020-02-12 the CentOS Board of Directors met and discussed several ongoing efforts across the Project.
+The opening discussion was around the new work to evolve the project logo and branding identity being conducted in open channels. Overall the Directors really liked the direction the effort is going and were quite pleased with the open nature of the process. What is needed to bring a conclusion and present a final design for the Board’s approval is the completion of the open design discussion and decision process to be conducted in centos-devel.
+As the Board is working on adding new Directors and improving governance and transparency, there is an open discussion around the possibility of having a face-to-face meeting of the Board in 2020. This ideally would include an additional day of interactions with other project leadership. One idea floated was to conduct this prior to the CentOS Dojo being planned at CERN in October 2020. At the time of this writing, it is unknown if this Dojo will be affected by COVID-19 related or other travel restrictions.
+On another topic, in addition to the focused resources of the Community Platform Engineering (CPE) team that supports the CentOS Project in technical ways, Karsten gave a brief explanation of how the Community Architects from the Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) are in support of the project, specifically Rich Bowen on the community side, Brian Exelbierd on the business interaction side, and Karsten Wade on the strategic and visionary side.
+From the Brussels Dojo, Karsten gave a report out about how he had a meeting room for one-to-one discussions with community members. These discussions were an invitation to talk about what works and doesn’t work for users and contributors around the project; an open office hours to hear out anything. It also served to help get an idea of how and why people use CentOS as a platform. This work is to help inform the CentOS 2020 open goals discussion now underway.
+In support of these efforts, the Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and agreements:
+Logo redesign
+AGREED:  Board is requesting Tuomas to lead the discussion on centos-devel toward creating the final /branding redesign proposal for the Board to give final approval on. This process should follow an open decision process of inviting participation, hearing out other ideas, and taking and incorporating feedback on the existing design ideas into the final plan. All this can be done over a reasonable time period of four to eight weeks, so that a decision can be reached that has an opportunity to include voices from across the community.
+Board face-to-face
+AGREED:  Board will watch the travel situation with an eye toward deciding yay/nay on the face-to-face as the June timeframe approaches.
+ACTION:  Board will request RIch Bowen to coordinate with the Board Secretary on plans for adding meetings around the CERN Dojo.
+Consent items
+Adopt minutes from 2020-01-08 meeting
+Noting that Fabian Arrotin has resigned his role as a CentOS Project Director as of October 2019.
+Rolling (last from 2020-01-08):
+* Any other topics aka What other things do you want on our master initiatives list?
+* Stepping-up our meeting norms
+* Transparency initiatives
+Present at the meeting:
+* Ralph Angenendt
+* Jim Perrin
+* Mike McLean
+* Karsten Wade (Secretary)
+* Johnny Hughes
diff --git a/meetings/2020/2020-06-10 b/meetings/2020/2020-06-10
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db32577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2020/2020-06-10
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+On 2020-06-10 the CentOS Board of Directors met with Chris Wright and Deb Bryant to settle open discussions on the future of the Red Hat Liaison role on the CentOS Board. The Board also welcomed Rich Bowen as an ex-officio member, Thomas Oulevey as the new Board Secretary, and approved Brian Exelbierd as a new member Director and Red Hat Liaison. Additional topics included clarifying that voting does not occur in the new issue tracker, and asking Rich Bowen to lead an open vision and strategy process to refresh the project’s goals.
+In support of these efforts, the Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and agreements:
+Shall the CentOS Community Architect (Rich Bowen) be permanently added as an ex-officio attendee to all future CentOS Board meetings as a non-voting voice for the wider community?
+AGREED Yes, this should be a permanent seat in all Board discussions, public and private.
+ACTION Karsten and Rich need to coordinate and make changes to add to governance.
+Shall Brian Exelbierd be appointed to the CentOS Board as a member Director based on his experience and understanding of the CentOS Project and its many relationships, on his working years as a community architect, and on his performance over the years in the broader CentOS and Fedora Linux communities?
+AGREED Yes, Brian Exelbierd (bex) is hereby welcomed to the Board as a full voting Director.
+ACTION Rich to change the website to reflect this addition.
+Does the Board accept Red Hat’s change of the Red Hat Liaison role from Karsten Wade to Brian Exelbierd, who can fulfill this role directly out of his work at Red Hat?
+AGREED Yes, effective immediately.
+ACTION Rich Bowen to change the website to reflect this change.
+Does the Board accept Red Hat’s request to change the Red Hat Liaison role to be always representing Red Hat on the Board? I.e., remove the “hat on/hat off” aspect of the Liaison role.
+AGREED Yes, the Board welcomes this clarification that helps the Liaison be an effective two-way voice between Red Hat and the CentOS Project.
+ACTION Karsten and Rich need to coordinate and make changes to add to governance.
+Shall the role of Board Secretary transfer from Karsten Wade to Thomas Oulevey, to last for a period no shorter than six months and no longer than eighteen months?
+AGREED Yes, Thomas shall take over the Secretary role beginning 01 July, transition to begin immediately.
+ACTION Thomas and Karsten need to finalize the Secretary duties and details to be rolled into governance; Karsten needs to update the governance to reflect the changes; Rich to update the website to reflect this change.
+Should the new issue tracker be used for conducting voting, or only for announcing the results of discussions occurring elsewhere?
+AGREED No, the issue tracker should not be used for discussions or debate, public or private, on the item in the issue. Discussions should happen in the appropriate forum, with relevant links, notes, and decisions reflected into the individual ticket.
+ACTION Voting portion of governance should include this clarification, if it’s unclear. Karsten and Rich to review and propose changes to governance, if needed.
+Does the Board request Rich Bowen to take lead on an update to the project’s vision and strategy, to bring all the stakeholders to the discussion in working with the planned co-authors?
+AGREED Yes, the Board thinks this is a better approach in having Rich work from his position in the middle of the many voices and stakeholders.
+ACTION Rich to announce this effort and next steps.
+No Community Architect report nor triage of the issue tracker occurred in this meeting due to time constraints.
+Present at the meeting:
+Jim Perrin
+Johnny Hughes
+Pat Riehecky
+Thomas Oulevey
+Tru Hyunh
+Ralph Angenendt
+Karanbir Singh (Chair)
+Chris Wright (Guest)
+Deb Bryant (Guest)
+Mike McLean
+Rich Bowen
+Karsten Wade (Secretary)
diff --git a/meetings/2020/2020-07-08 b/meetings/2020/2020-07-08
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3abe34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2020/2020-07-08
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+On 2020-07-08 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business. The Board welcomed Brian "bex" Exelbierd as a new member Director as Red Hat Liaison. Additional topics included clarifying the Secretary documents/minutes handling, reviewing the new SIG process document proposed by Rich Bowen.
+A reboot of the NFV SIG was approved and the new SIG chair is Alfredo Moralejo. Join us to welcome Alfredo, the NFV SIG meetings minutes can be checked for further details !
+Rich Bowen and the board, congratulate Alain Reguera Delgado and Fabian Arrotin for the new CentOS website design and contribution process. https://blog.centos.org/2020/07/centos-org-contribution-process/
+The Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and agreements discussing the issues listed at https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues :
+Action #5 #7 and #14 can be closed.
+#17 Board members' links need updating Board member ACTION to review their Biography over the next weeks.
+#12 Adding SIG leaders to Board meetings AGREED to invite SIG chairs when SIG input is needed or having a dedicated meeting to have a shorter agenda. More info will come when we redefine the SIG process following Rich Bowen proposal.
+#01 Shift Board to be more transparent in support of becoming a contributor-focused open source project ACTION To provide a list of concrete actions over the next weeks. Now we have public issues and a way to contact the board, another change will be to improve the SIG process for contribution.
+#10 Add Secretary role to the governance ; ACTION this task is ongoing and should be closed in next weeks.
+#13 Get an official CentOS image in to WSL ; ACTION To pursue this item the board needs to draft a list of requirements. and review needed actions.
+#18 Rebuilding OVS/OVN in NFV Sig ; AGREED Unanimous consensus to name Alfredo Moralejo as chair.
+Note: my apologies for the slow publication of these minutes; transitioning into this new Secretary role has been a little overwhelming, but I am committed to publish next meeting minutes in a timely manner.
diff --git a/meetings/2020/2020-08-xx b/meetings/2020/2020-08-xx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..192865a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2020/2020-08-xx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+August 2020 there was no meeting, due to lack of quorum and scheduling conflicts.
diff --git a/meetings/2020/2020-09-09 b/meetings/2020/2020-09-09
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f31eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2020/2020-09-09
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+On 2020-09-09 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business. The Board discussed the creation of the infrastructure SIG to streamline and foster contributions in this challenging area. 
+The creation of the Infrastructure SIG was approved and Aoife Moloney will be the new chair in charge to gather requirements from all actors and define the SIG baseline contribution model. Board members insisted that administrative accesses to the CentOS infrastructure will need to be carefully granted and on the principle of least privilege. Rich Bowen kindly drafted a blog post - https://blog.centos.org/2020/09/board-approves-creation-of-infrastructure-sig/ - that goes in deeper details for the next steps and the challenges ahead.
+A lengthy exchange happened around the feedback loop from SIG to the CentOS Board. The board would like to invite SIG chairs (or their representative) for discussion when needed, but also hear from them on a regular basis. A communication will follow-up when the board agrees on the best format and frequency for these sessions.
+Ralph Angenendt announced he decided to step down from the CentOS Board of Directors. The Board would like to thank Ralph for all his service and hard work over the years.
+No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2020/2020-10-14 b/meetings/2020/2020-10-14
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee135ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2020/2020-10-14
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+On 2020-10-14 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business. The Board was in an Executive session, where Red Hat CTO, Chris Wright, requested feedback from the participants on the progress of the CentOS Stream project since its creation, last year. Also, a discussion around resources for both CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream took place. A plan for improving and fostering development around CentOS Stream, as a RHEL upstream platform, will be presented and discussed when details are sorted out, in a future board meeting.
+No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2020/2020-11-11 b/meetings/2020/2020-11-11
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f32dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2020/2020-11-11
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+On 2020-11-11 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
+First, the board would like to thanks everybody involved in CentOS Linux 7.9 release.
+The Board was in an Executive session, where Red Hat CTO, Chris Wright joined to present Red Hat plan around CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream. A Board discussion followed.
+Following up the discussion around the different users' communities impacted by proposed changes, Chris Wright, mentioned to the Board that Red Hat is also reshaping and expanding the RHEL Developer program. The details will be communicated through standard Red Hat channels.
+The following resolutions were approved by the majority of the Board :
+CentOS Stream 8 will continue with contributions for the full-support phase of RHEL 8. APPROVED
+CentOS Stream 9 will start on schedule with the RHEL 9 Beta. APPROVED
+CentOS Linux 9 will not start. APPROVED
+CentOS Linux 8 ends in December 2021. APPROVED
+An announcement and detailed FAQ will be prepared in next weeks.
+No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2021-01-13 b/meetings/2021-01-13
deleted file mode 100644
index 9afb8ef..0000000
--- a/meetings/2021-01-13
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-On 2021-01-13 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
-To improve transparency, the Board welcomed all Special Interest Groups' Chair, and extended the invitation to all future Board of Directors meeting.
-A proposal to create a new SIG was reviewed and approved. The board welcomes the Hyperscale SIG to the family and encourages interested parties to contribute.
-The common goal is to enable CentOS Stream deployment on large-scale infrastructures. The SIG chair is Davide Cavalca.
-A recap on all SIG status will be carried on in the next week by Rich Bowen.
-Brian Exelbierd explain that Red Hat Developer program will be published as soon as they are ready. A first wave will be released during January.
-Red Hat continues to analyse feedback received from all communication channels.
-The board agreed to draft and enforce a Code of Conduct, based on the recent work conducted by the Fedora Project.
diff --git a/meetings/2021-02-10 b/meetings/2021-02-10
deleted file mode 100644
index f3a7182..0000000
--- a/meetings/2021-02-10
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-On 2021-02-10 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
-The board welcomed the Hyper Scale SIG Chair (Davide Cavalca) and new Cloud Interim SIG Chair (Amy Marrich).
-A proposal to give to all SIG members a @centoproject.org email address has been approved. The new email aliases will be enabled when the new authentication system is deployed in April.
-A discussion about the need for a CentOS Stream Kernel SIG around common community interests took place. Some challenges are still being discussed (secure boot, signing, kmods distribution, inter-SIG collaboration, integration of existing external projects). A communication will be sent to the centos-devel mailing list when all requirements are analysed and common ground identified.
-Rich Bowen mentioned that additional Dojos will be organised during the year as it is a great way to get community feedback and improve involvement of new contributors.
-The code of conduct work is on-going and the board would like to make that process completely transparent, and get help from the community when the initial draft is available - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2021-April/076769.html
-To conclude, as mentioned last month,  the SIG status review has been finalized and updates/recommendations sent to all active SIG.
diff --git a/meetings/2021-03-10 b/meetings/2021-03-10
deleted file mode 100644
index 30b0ac4..0000000
--- a/meetings/2021-03-10
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-On 2021-03-10 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
-A  proposal to discuss the re-appointment of Directors has been presented by Karsten Wade. The document will be reviewed and it will be then proposed for approval during the next meeting. (More info on the governance updates in issues #22 - https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/22 - and #24 - https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/24).
-Rich Bowen, annouced that a new online Dojo is planned on May 13th and 14th 2021. All the details can be found at :
-No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets - https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues - if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2021-04-14 b/meetings/2021-04-14
deleted file mode 100644
index e5cf179..0000000
--- a/meetings/2021-04-14
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Quorum and started at :05
-Directors in attendance were:
-Karanbir Singh (Chair)
-Johnny Hughes
-Jim Perrin
-Tru Huynh
-Karsten Wade
-Pat Riehecky
-Mike McLean
-Brian Exelbierd (Red Hat Liaison)
-Others in attendance:
-Rich Bowen (Community Manager, stand-in Secretary)
-Amy Marrich
-Alfredo Moralejo
-Matthias Runge
-Josh Boyer
-Davide Cavalca
-Paul Isaac’s
-Aoife Moloney
-Brian Stinson
-A welcome was given to guest Josh Boyer, representing RHEL engineering interests.
-Topic: Board reappointment, and nomination of new directors
-Open discussion should take place on public lists, with clear expectations that the vote happens in the board meeting, but that discussion, and nominations, are welcome from the community
-Discussion of staggering (6 month offset for half of the directors) vs 12 months?
-Two directors have indicated a desire to step down - Karsten Wade and Carl Trieloff - and need to be replaced. Their term as Directors will end effective April 30th, 2021.
-Consideration: Maintaining the tension between “new blood” and continuity of leadership.
-As we take this to the community, we need to be abundantly clear *what* we are asking of them, but early transparent discussion is preferred where possible.
-Action: Discussion of how we address it if/when someone steps down. Interim board members to maintain above the minimum number of seats? Rich to write up proposals for solutions, to present to the board.
-Board sentiment is not in favor of an “interim” member class, further differentiating between different directors.
-Action: Proposal for “emergency election” for replacing a board member who steps down out of cadence. (Rich to add to above proposals.)
-Discussion of development packages not provided in CentOS Stream: Red Hat is keenly aware of the desire to make buildroot packages available in the CentOS Stream project. Progress has been made on plans to enable this in some manner in CentOS Stream without requiring changes to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The team is currently working to resolve some technical issues.
-Discussion of CentOS Stream SIG proposal. https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/33 and https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/StreamFeatureRequest General support, but will take this to the mailing list and commit to timely response to this request.
-Adjournment at :00
diff --git a/meetings/2021/2021-01-13 b/meetings/2021/2021-01-13
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+On 2021-01-13 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
+To improve transparency, the Board welcomed all Special Interest Groups' Chair, and extended the invitation to all future Board of Directors meeting.
+A proposal to create a new SIG was reviewed and approved. The board welcomes the Hyperscale SIG to the family and encourages interested parties to contribute.
+The common goal is to enable CentOS Stream deployment on large-scale infrastructures. The SIG chair is Davide Cavalca.
+A recap on all SIG status will be carried on in the next week by Rich Bowen.
+Brian Exelbierd explain that Red Hat Developer program will be published as soon as they are ready. A first wave will be released during January.
+Red Hat continues to analyse feedback received from all communication channels.
+The board agreed to draft and enforce a Code of Conduct, based on the recent work conducted by the Fedora Project.
diff --git a/meetings/2021/2021-02-10 b/meetings/2021/2021-02-10
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+++ b/meetings/2021/2021-02-10
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+On 2021-02-10 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
+The board welcomed the Hyper Scale SIG Chair (Davide Cavalca) and new Cloud Interim SIG Chair (Amy Marrich).
+A proposal to give to all SIG members a @centoproject.org email address has been approved. The new email aliases will be enabled when the new authentication system is deployed in April.
+A discussion about the need for a CentOS Stream Kernel SIG around common community interests took place. Some challenges are still being discussed (secure boot, signing, kmods distribution, inter-SIG collaboration, integration of existing external projects). A communication will be sent to the centos-devel mailing list when all requirements are analysed and common ground identified.
+Rich Bowen mentioned that additional Dojos will be organised during the year as it is a great way to get community feedback and improve involvement of new contributors.
+The code of conduct work is on-going and the board would like to make that process completely transparent, and get help from the community when the initial draft is available - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2021-April/076769.html
+To conclude, as mentioned last month,  the SIG status review has been finalized and updates/recommendations sent to all active SIG.
diff --git a/meetings/2021/2021-03-10 b/meetings/2021/2021-03-10
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index 0000000..30b0ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meetings/2021/2021-03-10
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+On 2021-03-10 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
+A  proposal to discuss the re-appointment of Directors has been presented by Karsten Wade. The document will be reviewed and it will be then proposed for approval during the next meeting. (More info on the governance updates in issues #22 - https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/22 - and #24 - https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/24).
+Rich Bowen, annouced that a new online Dojo is planned on May 13th and 14th 2021. All the details can be found at :
+No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets - https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues - if necessary.
diff --git a/meetings/2021/2021-04-14 b/meetings/2021/2021-04-14
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+++ b/meetings/2021/2021-04-14
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+Quorum and started at :05
+Directors in attendance were:
+Karanbir Singh (Chair)
+Johnny Hughes
+Jim Perrin
+Tru Huynh
+Karsten Wade
+Pat Riehecky
+Mike McLean
+Brian Exelbierd (Red Hat Liaison)
+Others in attendance:
+Rich Bowen (Community Manager, stand-in Secretary)
+Amy Marrich
+Alfredo Moralejo
+Matthias Runge
+Josh Boyer
+Davide Cavalca
+Paul Isaac’s
+Aoife Moloney
+Brian Stinson
+A welcome was given to guest Josh Boyer, representing RHEL engineering interests.
+Topic: Board reappointment, and nomination of new directors
+Open discussion should take place on public lists, with clear expectations that the vote happens in the board meeting, but that discussion, and nominations, are welcome from the community
+Discussion of staggering (6 month offset for half of the directors) vs 12 months?
+Two directors have indicated a desire to step down - Karsten Wade and Carl Trieloff - and need to be replaced. Their term as Directors will end effective April 30th, 2021.
+Consideration: Maintaining the tension between “new blood” and continuity of leadership.
+As we take this to the community, we need to be abundantly clear *what* we are asking of them, but early transparent discussion is preferred where possible.
+Action: Discussion of how we address it if/when someone steps down. Interim board members to maintain above the minimum number of seats? Rich to write up proposals for solutions, to present to the board.
+Board sentiment is not in favor of an “interim” member class, further differentiating between different directors.
+Action: Proposal for “emergency election” for replacing a board member who steps down out of cadence. (Rich to add to above proposals.)
+Discussion of development packages not provided in CentOS Stream: Red Hat is keenly aware of the desire to make buildroot packages available in the CentOS Stream project. Progress has been made on plans to enable this in some manner in CentOS Stream without requiring changes to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The team is currently working to resolve some technical issues.
+Discussion of CentOS Stream SIG proposal. https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/33 and https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/StreamFeatureRequest General support, but will take this to the mailing list and commit to timely response to this request.
+Adjournment at :00