diff --git a/meetings/2014/2014-06-04.md b/meetings/2014/2014-06-04.md
index d7f28ae..8c31c4a 100644
--- a/meetings/2014/2014-06-04.md
+++ b/meetings/2014/2014-06-04.md
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 * basic update on where things stand, readiness. 
 ## Actions
-mikem needs access to git.centos.org for pushing altsrc content
-team needs one-time-for-first-time access to source of 24 to 36 hours in advance of release for internal-only pre-staging.
-mikem will bring this up in thu internal altsrc meeting
-Setting up internal host on possibly OSAS lab machines as pre-staging git devel server in 10.x VPN space.
-Can do a daily sync on #centos-devel when doing public prebuild dress rehearsal.
+* mikem needs access to git.centos.org for pushing altsrc content
+* team needs one-time-for-first-time access to source of 24 to 36 hours in advance of release for internal-only pre-staging.
+* mikem will bring this up in thu internal altsrc meeting
+* Setting up internal host on possibly OSAS lab machines as pre-staging git devel server in 10.x VPN space.
+* Can do a daily sync on #centos-devel when doing public prebuild dress rehearsal.
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ Can do a daily sync on #centos-devel when doing public prebuild dress rehearsal.
 ## Notes
-Packages that are from EL7 that need to go into EL6. (right?)
-MikeM has list
-prepupgrade-assistance, redhat-preupgrade-tool, preupgrade-*
-These are going to be EL6 packages that only have source in git.centos.org and not in FTP - this means at least some EL6 source is moving to git from FTP.
-When do we sync to RHN?
+* Packages that are from EL7 that need to go into EL6. (right?)
+ * MikeM has list
+ * prepupgrade-assistance, redhat-preupgrade-tool, preupgrade-*
+ * These are going to be EL6 packages that only have source in git.centos.org and not in FTP - this means at least some EL6 source is moving to git from FTP.
+ * When do we sync to RHN?
diff --git a/meetings/2014/2014-08-13.md b/meetings/2014/2014-08-13.md
index d4bd28f..0b6c9e8 100644
--- a/meetings/2014/2014-08-13.md
+++ b/meetings/2014/2014-08-13.md
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
 * kushan das, from EUCA came up today, unsure what he is able to do
 ## CI SIG Conversation
-naming QA SIg or CI SIG
-jim / ralph /carl / kb / johnny  are ok with CI sIG
-could it mean CI for the C project or CI oriented spin
-SIG onboarding process
-Board has decided that CI is an area of attention and focus, where we can build value for upstreams and users, and we should investigate options around that area for now.
+* naming QA SIg or CI SIG
+ * jim / ralph /carl / kb / johnny  are ok with CI sIG
+ * could it mean CI for the C project or CI oriented spin
+* SIG onboarding process
+* Board has decided that CI is an area of attention and focus, where we can build value for upstreams and users, and we should investigate options around that area for now.
 ## dojo
-write up what a process might be ( Karsten )
-workout how budgets work and how we might do allocations
+* write up what a process might be ( Karsten )
+* workout how budgets work and how we might do allocations
 ## face2face at Dojo Barcelona
diff --git a/meetings/2014/2014-08-27.md b/meetings/2014/2014-08-27.md
index 57f08f3..1a21da8 100644
--- a/meetings/2014/2014-08-27.md
+++ b/meetings/2014/2014-08-27.md
@@ -10,45 +10,46 @@
 ## Actions/Decisions
-Decision: Board is OK with giving out some accounts to get things started right away for the Cloud SIG.
-Consensus is “sounds good” to do a CentOS partner-like summit.
-Action:  Board needs to generate list of 6 projects we want to work with by next meeting, so we can get this moving quickly.
+* Decision: Board is OK with giving out some accounts to get things started right away for the Cloud SIG.
+* Consensus is “sounds good” to do a CentOS partner-like summit.
+* Action:  Board needs to generate list of 6 projects we want to work with by next meeting, so we can get this moving quickly.
 ## Notes:
 ### Statement around provenance of source
-Some risk in how we state things, want to make sure we take the right angle so we are positioning the project correctly as “made of RHEL source but not closer to RHEL.”
-What is the problem we are trying to solve here? What audience do we want to address?
-Seems to be a social issue rather than a technical one - technical interaction is going well.
-SL leadership want statements about the provenance of the source, which is something we want to be careful about so we don’t bring up the lack of SRPMs.
-This could be something as straightforward as Karsten or Carl writing a wiki article (after we write it completely) as a statement ‘from RH’.
+* Some risk in how we state things, want to make sure we take the right angle so we are positioning the project correctly as “made of RHEL source but not closer to RHEL.”
+* What is the problem we are trying to solve here? What audience do we want to address?
+* Seems to be a social issue rather than a technical one - technical interaction is going well.
+* SL leadership want statements about the provenance of the source, which is something we want to be careful about so we don’t bring up the lack of SRPMs.
+* This could be something as straightforward as Karsten or Carl writing a wiki article (after we write it completely) as a statement ‘from RH’.
 ### Cloud SIG
-Bootstrap with Euca & RDO, may not be clear if CloudStack has anything to do initially.
-Draft proposal
-Decision: Board is OK with giving out some accounts to get things started right away for the Cloud SIG.
+* Bootstrap with Euca & RDO, may not be clear if CloudStack has anything to do initially.
+* Draft proposal -  https://docs.google.com/document/d/18qdScbax5wOdshePhMI0ZpO0JQvNJjMbZBRqWtXHwtA/edit
+* Decision: Board is OK with giving out some accounts to get things started right away for the Cloud SIG.
 ### CI/CD
-Conversations with vendors, configs in mind, early next week target for decision and make orders.
-Could borrow some blades until new hardware arrives.
-Groups most likely to join:  MariaDB, RDO, libvirt, qemu, ceph, gluster
-About a month until this is ready to raise to the Board.
-15 Sep is a bit tight to launch by.
-HSS has two Java developers who are working on setting up Jenkins for internal.
-KB to talk with them next week, see how we can work together.
-Lower barrier to entry, more willing to run CI that doesn’t get fixed for a long time, not sending a community message.
-Overlap in that they’ll do nightly, dailies, dev branches, where we might only pick up e.g. stable nightlies.
+* Conversations with vendors, configs in mind, early next week target for decision and make orders.
+* Could borrow some blades until new hardware arrives.
+* Groups most likely to join:  MariaDB, RDO, libvirt, qemu, ceph, gluster
+* About a month until this is ready to raise to the Board.
+* 15 Sep is a bit tight to launch by.
+* HSS has two Java developers who are working on setting up Jenkins for internal.
+* KB to talk with them next week, see how we can work together.
+* Lower barrier to entry, more willing to run CI that doesn’t get fixed for a long time, not sending a community message.
+* Overlap in that they’ll do nightly, dailies, dev branches, where we might only pick up e.g. stable nightlies.
 ### CentOS (Friends) Summit
-Around FOSDEM, Friday before.
-Or if doing Dojo, do the Summit on Thursday or Monday after.
-Can get a 30 - 45 person setup 
-f2f time, build relationships
-Seek solutions together
-Do hackathon work to get things working for people
-Find 5 or 6 projects, could split the interaction in to 3 hour groups.
-Need to generate this list soonest
-Ceph, Gluster are in and good examples.
-By 10 Sep create a list of who to work with.
-LinuxCon NA or OSCON are good potential places to attach a next Summit.
-Consensus is “sounds good” to do a CentOS partner-like summit.
-Action:  Board needs to generate list of 6 projects we want to work with by next meeting, so we can get this moving quickly.
-### e
+* Around FOSDEM, Friday before.
+* Or if doing Dojo, do the Summit on Thursday or Monday after.
+* Can get a 30 - 45 person setup 
+* f2f time, build relationships
+* Seek solutions together
+* Do hackathon work to get things working for people
+* Find 5 or 6 projects, could split the interaction in to 3 hour groups.
+* Need to generate this list soonest
+* Ceph, Gluster are in and good examples.
+* By 10 Sep create a list of who to work with.
+* LinuxCon NA or OSCON are good potential places to attach a next Summit.
+* Consensus is “sounds good” to do a CentOS partner-like summit.
+* Action:  Board needs to generate list of 6 projects we want to work with by next meeting, so we can get this moving quickly.
diff --git a/meetings/2014/2014-10-28.md b/meetings/2014/2014-10-28.md
index 42c4ed4..3a9abba 100644
--- a/meetings/2014/2014-10-28.md
+++ b/meetings/2014/2014-10-28.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # Board minutes, 2014-10-28
 ## Actions
-Need to talk with Matt Domsch about MirrorManager 3 features and developments.
-Work on bootstrapping Chinese community.
-KB & Karsten still need to speak with Patrick McBride about Azure solution.
-Board needs to help generate a list of who RH might want to hire.
+* Need to talk with Matt Domsch about MirrorManager 3 features and developments.
+* Work on bootstrapping Chinese community.
+* KB & Karsten still need to speak with Patrick McBride about Azure solution.
+* Board needs to help generate a list of who RH might want to hire.
@@ -12,44 +12,44 @@ Board needs to help generate a list of who RH might want to hire.
 ### Metrics & Bitergia - for example http://www.ovirt.org/stats/
 ### Monthly builds - Q&A
-Script in RDU2 that will build automatically on the 29th for Docker, cloud images, ISOs.
-Generic cloud, raw cloud, Docker container, Vagrant image, and ISOs
-Need to get these in the QA harness.
-Currently need to be tested by hand.
-ISO has all the updates smashed into base, latest versions of RPMs.
-No ISO for 5 & 6.
-Cloud images are yum updated.
-Docker needs to build a new image, as it would otherwise overlay.
-Expose tests so others can verify the images; we trust our own tests but you shouldn’t.
-Reduce good enough to as many automated tests as possible.
-Live CDs?
-Heavily promote the idea that ‘yum update’ should be frequent, unless you have a specific reason not to. Run a cloud image that is a snapshot in time.
+* Script in RDU2 that will build automatically on the 29th for Docker, cloud images, ISOs.
+* Generic cloud, raw cloud, Docker container, Vagrant image, and ISOs
+ * Need to get these in the QA harness.
+ * Currently need to be tested by hand.
+* ISO has all the updates smashed into base, latest versions of RPMs.
+ * No ISO for 5 & 6.
+* Cloud images are yum updated.
+* Docker needs to build a new image, as it would otherwise overlay.
+* Expose tests so others can verify the images; we trust our own tests but you shouldn’t.
+ * Reduce good enough to as many automated tests as possible.
+* Live CDs?
+* Heavily promote the idea that ‘yum update’ should be frequent, unless you have a specific reason not to. Run a cloud image that is a snapshot in time.
 ### State of cloud
-EC2 - Thor Nolen has sorted out a few things, figured out how to get us interfacing with the right set of people inside of Amazon. We are now a proper Amazon partner. CentOS governance is recognized as legal entity by Amazon Legal.
-Bootstrapping AWS China with Windows & CentOS. How do we get a community in China?
-Need to make sure EC2 images have Chinese language included.
-Existing Chinese translator of CentOS wiki - Timothy Lee
-Want Juno on EL6.
-Use this as a reason to open source RDO tools so that CERN can repackage for EL7.
-Make this a Cloud SIG code asset.
-Then CERN can help with the code.
+* EC2 - Thor Nolen has sorted out a few things, figured out how to get us interfacing with the right set of people inside of Amazon. We are now a proper Amazon partner. CentOS governance is recognized as legal entity by Amazon Legal.
+* Bootstrapping AWS China with Windows & CentOS. How do we get a community in China?
+ * Need to make sure EC2 images have Chinese language included.
+ * http://gbraad.nl/
+ * AliBaba?
+ * Existing Chinese translator of CentOS wiki - Timothy Lee
+ * Want Juno on EL6.
+ * Use this as a reason to open source RDO tools so that CERN can repackage for EL7.
+ * Make this a Cloud SIG code asset.
+ * Then CERN can help with the code.
 ### Azure
-Gallery, cf. Amazon Marketplace.
-OpenLogic in there
-Condition of Gallery is that the OS is provided.
-Updates need an SLA from Azure back to the originator vendror.
-The Azure needs
-Open Technology Group, related to Outercurve, has Linux support on Azure.
-Publish images via an Azure account, can ask for the image to be public. So it’s searchable/findable.
-Certain accounts can have the flag to publish to Gallery.
-Support issues goes to a URL e.g. wiki.centos.org/Cloud/Azure. That page spells out how to get support. Need an Azure-specific mailing list.
-more ref: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-endorsed-distributions/ and http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-create-upload-vhd/
-Targeted for Nov monthly build.
+* Gallery, cf. Amazon Marketplace.
+* OpenLogic in there
+* Condition of Gallery is that the OS is provided.
+* Updates need an SLA from Azure back to the originator vendror.
+* The Azure needs
+ * Open Technology Group, related to Outercurve, has Linux support on Azure.
+ * Publish images via an Azure account, can ask for the image to be public. So it’s searchable/findable.
+ * Certain accounts can have the flag to publish to Gallery.
+ * Support issues goes to a URL e.g. wiki.centos.org/Cloud/Azure. That page spells out how to get support. Need an Azure-specific mailing list.
+ * more ref: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-endorsed-distributions/ and http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-create-upload-vhd/
+ * Targeted for Nov monthly build.
diff --git a/meetings/2014/2014-11-19.md b/meetings/2014/2014-11-19.md
index f56f6ba..e22f2d2 100644
--- a/meetings/2014/2014-11-19.md
+++ b/meetings/2014/2014-11-19.md
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
 ## Notes
-Interested parties for SIGs
-VoIP providers
-Is OpenStack a necessary provider?
-Current plan is to use OS but it’s possible to use others
-May see CloudStack included
-Reference platform discussion ongoing, adjusted according to testing.
-Key is to use what exists from stable-enough upstream
-OpenStack Juno, Helium, OpenDaylight, etc.
+* Open NFV - NFV SIG
+ * http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/NFV
+ * http://opennfv.org
+ * Interested parties for SIGs
+  * Telcos
+  * VoIP providers
+* Is OpenStack a necessary provider?
+ * Current plan is to use OS but it’s possible to use others
+ * May see CloudStack included
+* Reference platform discussion ongoing, adjusted according to testing.
+* Key is to use what exists from stable-enough upstream
+* OpenStack Juno, Helium, OpenDaylight, etc.