#87 Proposal for Alternate Images SIG
Closed 2 years ago by spotz. Opened 2 years ago by tdawson.

The Alternate Images SIG's goal will be to build and provide alternate iso images for CentOS Stream.

The Alternate Images SIG's goal will be to build and provide alternate iso images for CentOS Stream. These images will be hosted in the CentOS infrastructure. They will be regularly updated at least once every three months.

Processes will be put in place for the addition, maintenance, and removal of images.
Whenever possible, these images will be created on the CentOS or Fedora infrastructure. If there is a reason that the image is not built on that infrastructure, then the image building must be trackable.

Mailing List and Communication
The SIG uses the centos-devel mailing list for coordination and the #centos-alt-images IRC channel for interactive comms.

SIG Membership
Everybody is welcome to join and contribute to the SIG. The current set of members is:

  • Troy Dawson
  • Neal Gompa
  • Robby Callicotte
  • Brian Stinson
  • OndÅ™ej Budai
  • Davida Cavalca
  • Ali Erdinc Koroglu

The SIG Chairperson is currently Troy Dawson. At the beginning of each year an election will be held to determine the Chairperson. At that point it will also be determined if the SIG has a Co-Chair, or a Single Chairperson for the year.

Membership can be requested by asking during one of the regular IRC meetings. When it is implemented, membership can also be requested by filing and issue on the SIG Issue Tracker. Current members can raise objections, and in case of disagreement membership requests can be put to a vote, but in general we'd welcome anybody that's interested and willing to do work within the scope of the SIG. We do expect SIG members to actively contribute or otherwise remain engaged with the project, and will initiate removal of stale members after six months of inactivity.

The SIG holds regular weekly meetings on Tuesdays at 16:00 UTC in #centos-meeting. Meetings are logged and the minutes for past meetings are available. After infrastructure and documentation are setup, the frequency will change to bi-weekly or possibly monthly.

What is in Scope

  • Live Images (Previously known as LiveDVD, LiveCD)
    • Examples:
    • Live Desktops (KDE / GNOME / XFCE / Mate )
    • Live Rescue
  • Alternate Install Images
    • Examples:
    • Minimum install iso (doesn't need the network, but almost as small as the boot.iso)
    • KDE install iso (has epel enabled, and packages to install a working kde desktop)

What is not in Scope

  • Repo's that are not compatible with CentOS Stream, or do not follow the Fedora licensing policy.
  • Iso images that are bigger than 4 Gig. (This number can be adjusted)
  • Cloud provider images (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)
  • Raw / QCow (Maybe?)
  • Containers (Maybe?)

We plan on working with various Centos and Fedora SIG's, the Fedora minimization team, and any other group that wants custom CentOS Stream iso's.


  • Documentation along with configuration (kickstarts and scripts) that will allow members to create their alternate images.
  • Alternate images in a publically downloadable area
    • Images will be rebuilt, or retired, a minimum of every three months.

This looks good to me. My only suggestion would be to replace "AWS" with "cloud provider images". My assumption is that you similarly won't build images for Azure, GCP, etc.

Does the SIG have any plans to respin existing images for urgent circumstances outside of the normal update cadence?

This looks good to me. My only suggestion would be to replace "AWS" with "cloud provider images". My assumption is that you similarly won't build images for Azure, GCP, etc.

Good point. I have updated it.

Does the SIG have any plans to respin existing images for urgent circumstances outside of the normal update cadence?

We intend to have something like a master script, so that quarterly rebuild isn't a burden. Having this in place will allow us to respond fairly quickly if something like Heartbleed happens.
That is also why the wording is "at least once every three months". If the image owners feel there is a significant reason to update their image, they can.

lgtm, thanks for putting this together @tdawson

All issues from the initial presentation to the board and in this issue have been resolved. The SiG was approved in the October Board meeting

Metadata Update from @spotz:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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