#1 Shift Board to be more transparent in support of becoming a contributor-focused open source project
Closed 2 years ago by rbowen. Opened 4 years ago by quaid.

This item supports the shift of CentOS Project from just rebuilding the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distro from source with no way to influence that distro, to being directly in the line of influence as producing a new Linux distro that is upstream of the next minor release of RHEL

Historically we have best supported our consumption-focused userbase by being a strongly-opinionated group who focused on getting the work done. There was not the value of top-level transparency because the project didn't have the remit to act as an open source project in any traditional sense.

However, evolving to become a clear open source project with self-direction and the need to enable and support contributors of all levels, means that we need to follow the best practices around building such a community. Having transparent and accountable leadership is key to that.

The intention here is to identify and implement the processes of radical transparency and open by default, implement those at the Board and other leadership level, and thus model and lead by example.

I would consider looking at the Fedora Project as a model of how to implement a strong community-centric open source project. There are a lot of good processes and structures that could be adapted to support the CentOS Project as it evolves into a proper community project.

As one of the organisations contributing to the CentOS community in technical and governance roles, I would like to understand more on the proposed prioritisation changes.

Is my understanding correct from reading this proposal is that CentOS Stream would be prioritised above CentOS ?

Would that also mean that the goal would be that the only distro being produced by the CentOS community would be CentOS Stream ?

Tim Bell

Minutes and director history now published at https://git.centos.org/centos/board which will also be the landing place for the policy/governance documents once those are ratified.

At the October Board meeting, the Board requested that this issue be closed, and that more specific actions be called out in future tickets.

To recap, since this ticket was opened, we have

  • Opened board meetings to the public
  • Opened the Director selection process to the community. (Actual director voting is done by directors, rather than by the community - an opportunity for a member-based election in the future? Who is a "member"?)
  • Moved CentOS code itself into the upstream (via CentOS Stream - process still ongoing)
  • Started monthly office hours/AMA a week after each board meeting

Metadata Update from @rbowen:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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