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CentOS Board Meeting Minutes 2018-04-25
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Johnny Hughes
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Michael McLean
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Karsten Wade
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Fabian Arrotin
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Ralph Angenendt
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Jim Perrin
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Karanbir Singh
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Agenda & Actions
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Rich Bowen community action plan
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ACTION: Rich to get presentation & to-do out to people for further discussion
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ACTION: Board to discuss through & provide explicit approval to Rich
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ACTION: Jim has this for the Board in terms of action plan & assigning technical resources to make solutions, then write up all the bits & post them on centos.org
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Using registered ® mark:
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Required for graphic marks?
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Standard is first-usage, then drop
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We specify
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ACTION: Karsten to write up changes to the wiki based on email thread
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Commercial distribution expectations around ™ guidelines
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ACTION: Karsten to invite Richard Fontana to discuss how we
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ACTION: Another action for this item
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CERN usage of “CentOS”
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ACTION: Karsten to write up a response to CERN about how to refer to the CentOS Linux they rebuild since they cannot technically resolve their situation. This is more about how they market it anyway.
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7 release
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No actions
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Minutes / Notes
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Rich notes
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Transition -- Moving now to advisory role for RDO, coming online for CentOS full time
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Getting formal endorsement from Board for things Rich is doing
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OSAS is promoting CentOS because it’s beneficial to product line
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FOSS is a neat idea
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Need to continue communicating to product side that we are not the enemy
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Agreement on types of events to support
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Moving Dojos to first priority
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Bangalore & Singapore
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Various degrees of success
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Singapore was a good learning experience
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Looking at CERN & ORNL
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Let’s be pro-active on Dojos
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Who is where
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See a meetup group started first to create anchor community
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What makes a Dojo
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Improve on wiki approach, be consistent with the approach
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Local meetup groups
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Few found, non particularly active
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Where is the activity here
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Messaging agreement
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CentOS as platform for innovation
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Social media plan - there is one now
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Adding people to blogging/planet
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Enable Rich to have a working request process so he can promote/suggest folks
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Where the action is at
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Rich is attending/lurking at meetings
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Maybe do some write-ups about SIGs for all audiences
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Fedora & RHEL
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Message that celebrates the genealogy of Fedora & CentOS & RHEL.
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Reboot newsletter
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Need more delegation to the community
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“Larger community” not feeling able to get involved because all the tasks are taken
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Things in core infra
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Can people be part of rebuilding RHEL release?
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What blocks on internal side?
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Some tasks owned by one or two people
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Part of our mission is to bring on younger people
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Promotion around releases
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Release checklist to start in advance of a release
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What we are talking about, where we’re sending the message, who did cool stuff to celebrate, make sure press knows it’s coming, etc. …
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CentOS is more reactive to RHEL
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But there is a window where we can build that message
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Johnny notes:
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Reactive, we don’t know what’s in it until after the RHEL release source gets to us.
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Board meetings
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Folks see -- Dark cabal that controls everything
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Want to see meetings, agenda
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SIG maybe attend?
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Contributes to the notion that RHT runs everything when the decision process is not transparent.
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Paul & Jim working together to be POC for RHT on Fedora & CentOS
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Not all is clear with RHT yet
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We need to have an idea of what to do for forums, etc.
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Difference between contributions & personal postings
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Argument for using a single auth ACO(?)
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Usage of CentOS
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Entities need to either change how they refer to their rebuild or they need to not make a rebuild or they need to make the rebuild via the SIG process
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