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# Board minutes, 2014-10-28
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## Actions
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* Need to talk with Matt Domsch about MirrorManager 3 features and developments.
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* Work on bootstrapping Chinese community.
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* KB & Karsten still need to speak with Patrick McBride about Azure solution.
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* Board needs to help generate a list of who RH might want to hire.
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## Things on our mind:
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### Metrics & Bitergia - for example http://www.ovirt.org/stats/
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### Monthly builds - Q&A
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* Script in RDU2 that will build automatically on the 29th for Docker, cloud images, ISOs.
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* Generic cloud, raw cloud, Docker container, Vagrant image, and ISOs
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* Need to get these in the QA harness.
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* Currently need to be tested by hand.
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* ISO has all the updates smashed into base, latest versions of RPMs.
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* No ISO for 5 & 6.
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* Cloud images are yum updated.
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* Docker needs to build a new image, as it would otherwise overlay.
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* Expose tests so others can verify the images; we trust our own tests but you shouldn’t.
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* Reduce good enough to as many automated tests as possible.
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* Live CDs?
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* Heavily promote the idea that ‘yum update’ should be frequent, unless you have a specific reason not to. Run a cloud image that is a snapshot in time.
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### State of cloud
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* EC2 - Thor Nolen has sorted out a few things, figured out how to get us interfacing with the right set of people inside of Amazon. We are now a proper Amazon partner. CentOS governance is recognized as legal entity by Amazon Legal.
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* Bootstrapping AWS China with Windows & CentOS. How do we get a community in China?
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* Need to make sure EC2 images have Chinese language included.
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* http://gbraad.nl/
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* AliBaba?
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* Existing Chinese translator of CentOS wiki - Timothy Lee
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* Want Juno on EL6.
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* Use this as a reason to open source RDO tools so that CERN can repackage for EL7.
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* Make this a Cloud SIG code asset.
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* Then CERN can help with the code.
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### Azure
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* Gallery, cf. Amazon Marketplace.
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* OpenLogic in there
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* Condition of Gallery is that the OS is provided.
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* Updates need an SLA from Azure back to the originator vendror.
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* The Azure needs
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* Open Technology Group, related to Outercurve, has Linux support on Azure.
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* Publish images via an Azure account, can ask for the image to be public. So it’s searchable/findable.
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* Certain accounts can have the flag to publish to Gallery.
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* Support issues goes to a URL e.g. wiki.centos.org/Cloud/Azure. That page spells out how to get support. Need an Azure-specific mailing list.
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* more ref: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-endorsed-distributions/ and http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-linux-create-upload-vhd/
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* Targeted for Nov monthly build.
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