Repository History
The CentOS Artwork Repository started at The CentOS Developers
Mailing List around 2008, on a discussion about how to
automate slide images used by Anaconda. In such discussion,
Ralph Angenendt rose up his hand to ask —Do you have
something to show?—.
To answer the question, Alain Reguera Delgado suggested a bash
script which combined SVG and SED files in order to produce
PNG images in different languages —in conjunction with
the proposition of creating a Subversion repository where
translations and image production could be distributed inside
The CentOS Community—.
Karanbirn Sighn considered the idea intresting and provided
the infrastructure necessary to support the effort. This way,
The CentOS Artwork SIG and The CentOS Artwork Repository were
officially created and world wide available in the following
two locations, respectively:
Once The CentOS Artwork Repository was available, Alain
Reguera Delgado uploaded the bash script Anaconda slides;
Ralph Angenendt documented it very well; and people started to
download working copies of CentOS Artwork Repository to
produce slide images in their own languages.