. #------------------------------ # $Revision: 2643 $ # $Author: al $ # $Date: 2009-06-18 19:06:27 -0400 (Thu, 18 Jun 2009) $ #------------------------------ require_once( 'core.php' ); $t_core_path = config_get( 'core_path' ); require_once( $t_core_path . 'icon_api.php' ); auth_reauthenticate(); access_ensure_global_level( config_get( 'manage_user_threshold' ) ); $f_sort = gpc_get_string( 'sort', 'username' ); $f_dir = gpc_get_string( 'dir', 'ASC' ); $f_hide = gpc_get_bool( 'hide' ); $f_save = gpc_get_bool( 'save' ); $f_prefix = strtoupper( gpc_get_string( 'prefix', config_get( 'default_manage_user_prefix' ) ) ); $t_user_table = config_get( 'mantis_user_table' ); $t_cookie_name = config_get( 'manage_cookie' ); $t_lock_image = '' . lang_get( 'protected' ) . ''; # Clean up the form variables if ( ! in_array( $f_sort, db_field_names( $t_user_table ) ) ) { $c_sort = 'username'; } else { $c_sort = addslashes($f_sort); } if ($f_dir == 'ASC') { $c_dir = 'ASC'; } else { $c_dir = 'DESC'; } if ($f_hide == 0) { # a 0 will turn it off $c_hide = 0; } else { # anything else (including 'on') will turn it on $c_hide = 1; } # set cookie values for hide, sort by, and dir if ( $f_save ) { $t_manage_string = $c_hide.':'.$c_sort.':'.$c_dir; gpc_set_cookie( $t_cookie_name, $t_manage_string, true ); } else if ( !is_blank( gpc_get_cookie( $t_cookie_name, '' ) ) ) { $t_manage_arr = explode( ':', gpc_get_cookie( $t_cookie_name ) ); $f_hide = $t_manage_arr[0]; if ( isset( $t_manage_arr[1] ) ) { $f_sort = $t_manage_arr[1]; } else { $f_sort = 'username'; } if ( isset( $t_manage_arr[2] ) ) { $f_dir = $t_manage_arr[2]; } else { $f_dir = 'DESC'; } } ?> 0 ) { ?>
() []
0 ) { echo ' : '; } echo '', string_display( $row['username'] ), ''; } ?>
0 ) { ?>
0 ) { echo ' : '; } echo '', string_display( $row['username'] ), ''; } ?>
'; foreach ( $t_prefix_array as $t_prefix ) { if ( $t_prefix === 'ALL' ) { $t_caption = lang_get( 'show_all_users' ); } else { $t_caption = $t_prefix; } if ( $t_prefix == $f_prefix ) { $t_link = "$t_caption"; } else { $t_link = '' . $t_caption . ''; } $t_index_links .= ''; } $t_index_links .= '
' . $t_link . '
'; echo $t_index_links; if ( $f_prefix === 'ALL' ) { $t_where = '(1 = 1)'; } else { $c_prefix = db_prepare_string($f_prefix); $t_where = "(username like '$c_prefix%')"; } # Get the user data in $c_sort order if ( 0 == $c_hide ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM $t_user_table WHERE $t_where ORDER BY $c_sort $c_dir"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM $t_user_table WHERE (" . db_helper_compare_days(db_now(),"last_visit","< '$days_old'") . ") AND $t_where ORDER BY $c_sort $c_dir"; } $result = db_query($query); $user_count = db_num_rows( $result ); ?>