diff --git a/Scripts/Functions/Help/help.sh b/Scripts/Functions/Help/help.sh
index 88891a2..e022f5f 100755
--- a/Scripts/Functions/Help/help.sh
+++ b/Scripts/Functions/Help/help.sh
@@ -40,22 +40,43 @@ function help {
     # documentation manual.
+    # Interpret option arguments passed through the command-line.
+    ${FUNCNAM}_getOptions
+    # Define manuals base directory. This is the place where
+    # documentation manuals base directory structures are stored and
+    # organized in.
+    MANUAL_BASEDIR="$(cli_getRepoTLDir)/Manuals/$(cli_getRepoName ${FLAG_BACKEND} -d)"
     # Define file name (without extension) for documentation manual.
-    # Interpret option arguments passed through the command-line.
-    ${FUNCNAM}_getOptions
+    # Define base name for documentation manual files (without
+    # extension). This is the main file name used to build output
+    # related files (.info, .pdf, .xml, etc.).
-    # Initialize backend functions.  There is no need to load all
-    # backend-specific functions when we can use just one backend
-    # among many. Keep the cli_getFunctions function calling after all
-    # variables and arguments definitions.
-    cli_getFunctions "${FUNCDIR}/${FUNCDIRNAM}" "${FLAG_BACKEND}"
+    # Define function configuration directory. The function
+    # configuration directory is used to store functionality's related
+    # files.
     # Redefine positional parameters using ARGUMENTS. At this point,
     # option arguments have been removed from ARGUMENTS variable and
     # only non-option arguments remain in it. 
     eval set -- "$ARGUMENTS"
+    # Verify and initialize backend functions.  There is no need to
+    # load all backend-specific functions when we can use just one
+    # backend among many. Keep the cli_getFunctions function calling
+    # after all variables and arguments definitions.
+    if [[ ${FLAG_BACKEND} =~ '^texinfo$' ]];then
+        cli_getFunctions "${FUNCDIR}/${FUNCDIRNAM}" 'texinfo'
+    elif [[ ${FLAG_BACKEND} =~ '^docbook$' ]];then
+        cli_getFunctions "${FUNCDIR}/${FUNCDIRNAM}" 'docbook'
+    else
+        cli_printMessage "`gettext "The backend provided is not supported."`" --as-error-line
+    fi
     # Store remaining arguments into an array. This way it is possible
     # to find out which is the last argument in the list.  When
@@ -64,163 +85,36 @@ function help {
     # are considered the source locations. Similary, when renaming
     # files, only two arguments can be passed.
     for ACTIONVAL in "$@";do
-    done
-    # Enforce conditions against remaining non-option arguments before
-    # processing them.
-    if [[ ${ACTIONNAM} == ${FUNCNAM}_copyEntry ]];then
-        # When a documentation entry is copied, we need to determine
-        # what location to use as target.  To solve this, the last
-        # argument passed to centos-art script is taken as target
-        # location. All other arguments previously defined are
-        # considered source locations. Notice that more than one
-        # source location can be specified, but just one target
-        # location can exist.
-        local -a ENTRY_SRC
-        local ENTRY_DST=''
-        local COUNT=0
-        # Define list of source locations using remaining arguments.
-        while [[ ${COUNT} -lt $((${#ACTIONVALS[*]} - 1)) ]];do
-            ENTRY_SRC[((++${#ENTRY_SRC[*]}))]=${ACTIONVALS[$COUNT]}
-            COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1))
-        done
-        # Define target location.
-        ENTRY_DST=$(cli_checkRepoDirTarget "${ACTIONVALS[((${#ACTIONVALS[*]} - 1))]}")
-        # Define target documentation entry.
-        ENTRY_DST=$(help_getEntry "$ENTRY_DST")
-        # Redefine arguments to store source locations only.
-        ARGUMENTS=${ENTRY_SRC[@]}
-    elif [[ ${ACTIONNAM} == ${FUNCNAM}_renameEntry ]];then
-        # When documentation entry is renamed, we need to restrict the
-        # number of arguments to two arguments only.  More than two
-        # arguments are useless since the renaming action works with
-        # two arguments only. This is, the source location and the
-        # target location.
-        local ENTRY_SRC=''
-        local ENTRY_DST=''
-        # Verify number of arguments passed to centos-art.sh script.
-        if [[ ${#ACTIONVALS[*]} -gt 2 ]];then
-            cli_printMessage "`gettext "Only two arguments are accepted."`" --as-error-line
-        elif [[ ${#ACTIONVALS[*]} -lt 2 ]];then
-            cli_printMessage "`gettext "Two arguments are required."`" --as-error-line
-        fi
+        # Sanitate action value.
+        cli_checkRepoDirSource
-        # Define source location. 
+        # Assign sanitated action vlue.
-        # Define target location.
-        ENTRY_DST=$(cli_checkRepoDirTarget "${ACTIONVALS[1]}")
+    done
-        # Define target documentation entry.
-        ENTRY_DST=$(help_getEntry "${ACTIONVALS[1]}")
+    # Execute backend functionalities. Notice that there are
+    # functionalities that need more than one action value in order to
+    # be executed (eg.  copying, and renaming) and functionalities
+    # that need just one action value to be executed (e.g.,
+    # documentation reading and edition). This way, the execution of
+    # backend functionalities is splitted here.
+    if [[ $ACTIONNAM =~ "${FLAG_BACKEND}_(copy|rename|delete)Entry" ]];then
-        # Redefine arguments to store source locations only.
+        # Execute backend action names that may need to use more than
+        # one action value.
+        ${ACTIONNAM}
-        # Redefine arguments to store all arguments.
-        ARGUMENTS=$@
-    fi
+        # Execute backend action names that use one action value, only.
+        for ACTIONVAL in ${ACTIONVALS[@]};do
+            ${FLAG_BACKEND}
+        done
-    # Verify non-option arguments.  When non-option arguments are
-    # passed to `centos-art.sh' script, use the base manual directory
-    # structure. This make possible that option like `--search' and
-    # `--update' can be executed without passing any `path/to/dir'
-    # information in the command line.
-    if [[ $ARGUMENTS == '' ]];then
-    # Define action value. As convenction, we use non-option arguments
-    # to define the action value (ACTIONVAL) variable.
-        # Check action value passed through the command-line using
-        # source directory definition as reference.
-        cli_checkRepoDirSource
-        # Define manuals base directory. This is the place where
-        # documentation manuals base directory structures are stored
-        # and organized in.
-        MANUAL_BASEDIR="$(cli_getRepoTLDir)/Manuals/$(cli_getRepoName ${FLAG_BACKEND} -d)"
-        # Define base name for documentation manual files (without
-        # extension). This is the main file name used to build output
-        # related files (.info, .pdf, .xml, etc.).
-        # Define function configuration directory. The function
-        # configuration directory is used to store functionality's
-        # related files.
-        # Define documentation entry.
-        ENTRY=$(${FUNCNAM}_getEntry)
-        # Define documentation entry directory. This is the directory
-        # where the entry file is stored.  When the file extension be
-        # removed, consider that several backends could be used.
-        ENTRY_DIR=$(dirname ${ENTRY} | sed -r "s/\.${FLAG_BACKEND}$//")
-        # Define documentation entry file (without extension).
-        ENTRY_FILE=$(basename ${ENTRY} | sed -r "s/\.${FLAG_BACKEND}$//")
-        # Define directory to store documentation entries.  At this
-        # point, we need to take a desition about documentation
-        # design, in order to answer the question: How do we assign
-        # chapters, sections and subsections automatically, based on
-        # the repository structure?  and also, how such design could
-        # be adapted to changes in the repository structure?
-        #
-        # One solution would be: represent the repository's directory
-        # structure as sections inside a chapter named `Directories'
-        # or something similar. Subsections and subsubsections will
-        # not have their own files, they all will be written inside
-        # the same section file that represents the repository
-        # documentation entry.
-        MANUAL_CHAPTER_DIR=$(echo $ENTRY | cut -d / -f-8)
-        # Define chapter name for the documentation entry we are
-        # working with.
-        # Syncronize changes between repository and working copy. At
-        # this point, changes in the repository are merged in the
-        # working copy and changes in the working copy committed up to
-        # repository.
-        cli_syncroRepoChanges ${MANUAL_CHAPTER_DIR}
-        # Verify action name against the file ought to be initialized
-        # from. If the file exists it is very sure that it has been
-        # already initialized, so execute the action name. Otherwise,
-        # if the file doesn't exist, print an error message. It is not
-        # possible to execute a function which definition hasn't been
-        # initialized.
-        if [[ -f ${FUNCDIR}/${FUNCDIRNAM}/${ACTIONNAM}.sh  ]];then
-            eval $ACTIONNAM
-        else
-            cli_printMessage "`gettext "A valid action is required."`" --as-error-line
-        fi
-        # Commit changes from working copy to central repository only.
-        # At this point, changes in the repository are not merged in
-        # the working copy, but chages in the working copy do are
-        # committed up to repository.
-        cli_commitRepoChanges ${MANUAL_CHAPTER_DIR}
-    done
     # Perform language-specific actions when the current language is
     # other but English language.
     if [[ ! $(cli_getCurrentLocale) =~ '^en' ]];then