Introduction &TCBRAND; is the main visual manifestaion of &TCP;. &TCP; uses &TCBRAND; to connect all the visual manifestions it is made of (e.g., GNU/Linux Distributions, Web sites, Stationery, etc.) and, this way, provides recognition ... just as a GPG signature might do for RPM packages. among similar projects available on the Internet. The CentOS Brand is made of a graphical component (&TCSYMBOL;) and a typographical component (&TCTYPE;) that, when put together, make &TCLOGO;. The components that make &TCBRAND; can be used together or separately, considering that, in hierarchy order, &TCLOGO; is rather prefered than &TCSYMBOL;, as well as &TCSYMBOL; is rather prefered than &TCTYPE;. In addition to those components mentioned above, &TCBRAND; includes another component named &TCMOTIF;. &TCMOTIF; is mainly used as background on images and is directly related to the look and feel of all visual manifestations &TCP; shows its existence on. In contrast with &TCLOGO;, &TCSYMBOL; and &TCTYPE;; &TCMOTIF; might change from time to time providing a vehicle to refresh how &TCP; looks and feels. &TCBRAND; and all the visual manifestations derivated from it are available for you to study and propose improvement around a good citizen's will inside &TCC;, but you are not allowed to redistribute them elsewhere, without the given permission of &TCP;. If you need to redistribute either &TCLOGO; or any visual manifestation derived from it, write your intentions to the The CentOS Developers mailing list (