tcar_setTranslationMarkers(1) ============================= == Name tcar_setTranslationMarkers - Expands translation markers. == Synopsis *tcar_setTranslationMarkers "FILE"* == Description The *cli_setTranslationMarkers* standardizes construction of translation markers and their related expansion. As convention, translation markers are set inside source files (e.g., DocBook, SVG) and expanded inside temporal instances used to produce final contents. The +FILE+ argument should point to the temporal file where translation markers expansion takes place in. Translation markers written in source files must comply the ++=[A-Z_]+=++ regular expression pattern. For example, +=UNKNOWN_MARKER=+ is a valid translation marker without any replacement. To prevent ** script from expanding translation markers, add a backslash (+\+) between the first equal sign and the following letter. For example, +=\...=+ won't be expanded. The *cli_setTranslationMarkers* supports the following translation markers: +=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=+, +=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR=+:: These translation markers expand to the last year used in copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LAST=+. +=\COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST=+, +=\COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=+:: This translation markers expand to the list of years used in copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_YEARS_LIST=+. The first year represents the time we began to work on The CentOS Artwork Repository. +=\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=+:: This translation marker expands to the holder used in copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_HOLDER=+. +=\COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=+:: This translation marker expands both the holder and the predicate used in copyright notes. For example, +=COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_PREDICATE=+. +=\BRAND=+:: This translation marker expands to the brand name used on files names and URLs inside The CentOS Artwork Repository. For example, +=BRAND=+. +=\LICENSE=+:: This translation marker expands to the license information used in files created by ** script. For example, +=LICENSE=+. +=\LICENSE_URL=+:: This translation marker expands to the license URL used in files created by ** script. For example, +=LICENSE_URL=+. +=\THEME=+:: This translation marker expands to the theme portion of path you are producing through script. As consequence, this translation marker should be used in situations where you are producing theme components only. This translation marker expands its value by retrieving the theme part of the path you provide as non-option argument to ** script. For example, if you provide the path +Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5+, this translation will expand to the +Modern/2/+ value. + In case you need to retrieve the theme name or version separately one another, then you can use the +=\THEMENAME=+ and +=\THEMERELEASE=+ translation markers, respectively. When you use these translation markers, forward slashes are removed from result. So, if you provide the path +Identity/Images/Themes/Modern/2/Distro/5+, +=\THEMENAME=+ will expand to +Modern+ and +=THEMERELEASE=+ will expand to +2+. +=\RELEASE=+:: This translation marker expands to the current release information of your CentOS distribution. By default this information is retrieved from +/etc/redhat-release+. In case the option *--release* be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the default value and will be this the one used as section for this translation marker to retrieve the release information. So, for example, if you are running a CentOS-5.8 distribution and no *--release* option is passed to ** script, this translation marker expands to +5.8+. On the other hand, if you are still running a CentOS-5.8 distribution but provide the *--release=6.3* option to ** script, this translation marker expands to +6.3+ instead. + In case you need to retrieve minor and major release numbers separately one another, then you can use the +=\MINOR_RELEASE=+ and +=\MAJOR_RELEASE=+ translation makers, respectively. +=\ARCH=+:: This translation marker expands to the current architecture of your CentOS Distribution. By default this information is retrieved from *uname -i*. In case the option *--arch* be passed, the value specified with it will overwrite the default value and will be the one used as section. For example, if the *uname -i* outputs the line i386, this translation marker will expand to +i386+. On the other hand, if you pass the *--arch=x86_64* option to ** script, this translation marker will expand to +x86_64+ instead. +=\URL=+:: This translation marker expands to the URL which points to The CentOS Project home page. For example, +=URL=+. In case you are using the script in a different locale but English (+en_US.UTF-8+), this translation marker expands as usual but with the language information appended to the end of the string. For example, if you are executing the centos-art.shscript for Spanish locale (e.g., +es_ES.UTF-8+), this translation marker expands to +=URL=es/+. + In case you need to expand other URL related to The CentOS Project domain, use translation markers described in <>. Likewise =\URL=, translation markers described in <> does append the current language information to the end of the URL string based on the locale information you are currently executing the ** script. [[url-related-translation-markers]] .URL-related translation markers -------------------`----------------- Translation Marker Expands To ------------------------------------- =\URL_WIKI= =URL_WIKI= =\URL_LISTS= =URL_LISTS= =\URL_FORUMS= =URL_FORUMS= =\URL_MIRRORS= =URL_MIRRORS= =\URL_DOCS= =URL_DOCS= =\URL_PROJECTS= =URL_PROJECTS= =\URL_SVN= =URL_SVN= =\URL_TRAC= =URL_TRAC= =\URL_PLANET= =URL_PLANET= ------------------------------------- +=\MAIL_DOCS=+:: This translation marker expands to CentOS documentation mailing list address. For example, +=MAIL_DOCS=+. +=\LOCALE=+:: This translation marker expands to the current locale information used by ** script. This value is retrieved from the LANG environment variable and should look like +=LOCALE=+. In case you need to retrieve the language and country part separately one another, you can use the +=\LOCALE_LL=+ and +=\LOCALE_CC=+, respectively. +=\REPO_TLDIR=+:: This translation marker expands to the absolute path to + directory inside your workstation. For example, +/home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork/trunk+. +=\REPO_HOME=+, +=\TCAR_WORKDIR=+:: This translation marker expands to the absolute path of your working copy. For example, +/home/al/Projects/CentOS/artwork+. == Bugs See == Authors The *tcar_setTranslationMarkers* function has received contributions from the following people: - Alain Reguera Delgado , =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= == License Copyright (C) =COPYRIGHT_YEAR_LIST= =COPYRIGHT_HOLDER= This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: