diff --git a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/cli.sh b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/cli.sh
index 668a0ba..2d61528 100644
--- a/Scripts/Bash/Functions/cli.sh
+++ b/Scripts/Bash/Functions/cli.sh
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# cli.sh -- This function initializes centos-art command line
-# interface.  Variables defined in this function are accesible by all
-# other functions. The cli function is the first script executed by
+# cli.sh -- This function initiates centos-art command-line interface.
+# Variables defined in this function are accesible by all other
+# functions. The cli function is the first script executed by
 # centos-art command-line onces invoked.
 # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Alain Reguera Delgado
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ function cli {
     # Initialize global variables.
     local FUNCNAM=''
+    local FUNCDIR=''
+    local FUNCDIRNAM=''
+    local FUNCSCRIPT=''
+    local FUNCCONFIG=''
     local ACTIONNAM=''
     local ACTIONVAL=''
     local REGEX=''
@@ -38,11 +42,43 @@ function cli {
     # Redefine positional parameters stored inside ARGUMENTS variable.
     cli_doParseArgumentsReDef "$@"
-    # Redefine action variables (i.e., FUNCNAM, ACTIONNAM, and
-    # ACTIONVAL).  As convenction we use the first command-line
-    # argument position to define FUNCNAM, and second argument
-    # position to define both ACTIONNAM and ACTIONVAL.
-    cli_getArguments
+    # Define function directory (FUNCDIR). The directory path where
+    # functionalities are stored inside the repository.
+    FUNCDIR=/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions
+    # Define function name (FUNCNAM) variable from first command-line
+    # argument.  As convenction we use the first argument to determine
+    # the exact name of functionality to call.
+    FUNCNAM=$(cli_getRepoName "$1" 'f')
+    if [[ "$FUNCNAM" =~ '^[a-z]+$' ]];then
+        # Define function directory. 
+        FUNCDIRNAM=$(cli_getRepoName $FUNCNAM 'd')
+        # Define function file name.
+        # Define function configuration directory. The function
+        # configuration directory is used to store functionality's
+        # related files.
+        # Check function script existence.
+        cli_checkFiles $FUNCSCRIPT 'f'
+    else
+        # Print an error message and stop script execution.
+        cli_printMessage "`eval_gettext "The function \\\`\\\$FUNCNAM' is not valid."`" 'AsErrorLine'
+        cli_printMessage "$(caller)" 'AsToKnowMoreLine'
+    fi
+    # Remove the first argument passed to centos-art.sh command-line
+    # in order to build optional arguments inside functionalities. We
+    # start counting from second argument (inclusive) on.
+    shift 1
+    # Redefine positional parameters stored inside ARGUMENTS variable.
+    cli_doParseArgumentsReDef "$@"
     # Define default text editors used by centos-art.sh script.
     if [[ ! "$EDITOR" =~ '/usr/bin/(vim|emacs|nano)' ]];then