diff --git a/Scripts/Python/centos-web/webenv.conf b/Scripts/Python/centos-web/webenv.conf
index 6361087..60efdcb 100644
--- a/Scripts/Python/centos-web/webenv.conf
+++ b/Scripts/Python/centos-web/webenv.conf
@@ -1,58 +1,57 @@
-# This file provides the configuration required by Apache HTTP server
-# in order for `webenv.cgi' script to be able of running through it.
-# The configuration provided in this file is splitted in two, one
-# through aliases and other through virtual domains (see bellow) you
-# need to comment/uncomment in order to get a functional configuration.
+# This file provides the apache configuration you need to copy under
+# `/etc/httpd/conf.d/' directory, in order to execute the
+# `centos-web.cgi' script.  The configuration provided in this file is
+# described in two sections, one for aliases and other for virtual
+# domains.
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 # $Id$
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The `Aliases' Configuration:
+# Configuration Through Aliases:
 # This configuration assumes you are a web developer whom needs to
-# prepare a workstation for downloading a working copy of `webenv.cgi'
-# in order to test the changes you made locally before commit them up
-# to the central repository.  
+# download a working copy of `centos-web' tree into your workstation
+# and also be able of testing the changes you made before commit them
+# up to central repository.
-# A possible solution would be to download the `webenv.cgi' tree from
-# the central repository into your home directory using the following
-# directory structure:
+# As possible solution, you need to create the following directory
+# structure in your home directory:
 #   ~/user
-#   `-- public_html
-#       `-- webenv
-#           |-- cgi-bin
-#           |   |-- apps
-#           |   `-- webenv.cgi
-#           `-- public
-#               |-- images
-#               |-- stylesheets
-#               `-- stylesheets.css
+#   |-- cgi-bin                 (1)
+#   |   `-- centos-web          (2)
+#   |       |-- apps
+#   |       `-- centos-web.cgi
+#   `-- public_html             (3)
+#       |-- images
+#       `-- stylesheet.css
-# In this structure, the `cgi-bin' directory must be set with a
-# `httpd_sys_script_exec_t' selinux context in order for cgi scripts
-# inside to be executed correctly. So, inside `cgi-bin' directory is
-# where we put the `webenv.cgi' script and all related `.py' files it
-# needs to run.  Outside the `cgi-bin' directory, we put all public
-# information (e.g., images and css files) and then configure apache
-# to work with such structure.
+#   (1): This directory must be created with a
+#   `httpd_sys_script_exec_t' selinux context. This directory
+#   organizes cgi scripts and related executable files.
-# Be sure to enable requests to `/~user/' to serve the user's
-# public_html directory inside the `/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' file
-# and copy this file (i.e., `webenv.conf') to `/etc/httpd/conf.d/'
-# directory in order to make the web application available at the URL:
-# `http://projects.centos.org/webenv/'.
-#FIXME: The css file uses absolute urls to call image files and other
-# css related files which aren't loaded when the domain is different
-# to that one specified inside the css files.
+#   (2): This directory must be created using subversion's `co'
+#   command. For example, consider the cgi-bin location where it is
+#   stored in the central repository and download it here. Notice that
+#   both central repository and home directory structure used for
+#   organize cgi script are different and you need to accomodate it in
+#   your home directory, not in the central repository.
+#   (3): This directory must be created with a `httpd_sys_content_t'
+#   selinux context. This directory contains all public files cgi
+#   scripts need (e.g., images and css files). 
+# Finally, be sure to configure Apache HTTP server to serve pages in
+# the `public_html' directory stored in your home directory. This is
+# done by enabling the UserDir option inside Apache's main
+# configuration file (i.e., `/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf').
-ScriptAliasMatch ^/centos-web/(.*)$ "/home/centos/public_html/centos-web/cgi-bin/webenv.cgi"
-AliasMatch       ^/public/(.*)$ "/home/centos/public_html/centos-web/public"
+ScriptAliasMatch ^/(.+)/(.*)$ "/home/*/cgi-bin/$1/$1.cgi"
+AliasMatch       ^/public/(.*)$ "/home/centos/public_html"
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The `Virtual Domain' Configuration
+# Configuration Through Virtual Domains
 # This configuration assumes you are a system administrator whom needs
 # to put the `webenv.cgi' script in production. For example, if you