Standardize Documentation Tasks The help functionality is the interface the script provides to standardize frequent documentation tasks, based on specific documentation backends described in . centos-art help [OPTIONS] [DOCENTRY] The DOCENTRY parameter specifies the documentation entry you want to process. It can be provided one or more times in the form MANUAL:PART:CHAPTER:SECTION or MANUAL::CHAPTER:SECTION based on whether the manual documentation backend you are using supports structuring through parts or not. When DOCENTRY parameter is not provided, the Repository File System documentation manual is used as default value. The help functionality accepts the following options: Supress all output messages except error messages. When this option is passed, all confirmation requests are supressed and a possitive answer is assumed for them, just as if the option would have been provided. Assume yes to all confirmation requests. Supress all commit and update actions realized over files, before and after the action itself had took place over files in the working copy. This option looks for KEYWORD inside the manual specified in the documentation entry and display related information you to read. Edit documentation entry related to path specified by DOCENTRY parameter. The DOCENTRY parameter must point to any directory inside the working copy. When more than one DOCENTRY are passed as non-option arguments to the script command-line, they are queued for further edition. The edition itself takes place through your default text editor (e.g., the one you specified in the EDITOR environment variable) and the text editor opens one file at time (i.e., the queue of files to edit is not loaded in the text editor.). Read documentation entry specified by DOCENTRY path. This option is used internally by script to print out the reference you can follow to know more about an error message. Update output files rexporting them from the specified backend source files. Duplicate documentation entries inside the working copy. When documentation entries are copied, it is required to pass two non-option parameters in the command-line. The first non-option parameter is considered the source location and the second one the target location. Both source location and target location must point to a directory under the working copy. Delete documentation entries specified by DOCENTRY inside the working copy. It is possible to delete more than one documentation entry by specifying more DOCENTRY parameters in the command-line. Rename documentation entries inside the working copy. When documentation entries are renamed, it is required to pass only two non-option parameters to the command-line. The first non-option parameter is considered the source location and the second one the target location. Both source location and target location must point to a directory under the working copy. When documentation entries are removed (e.g., through or options), the help functionality takes care of updating nodes, menus and cross references related to documentation entries in order to keep the manual structure in a consistent state.