diff --git a/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/docconvs.docbbok b/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/docconvs.docbbok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073f950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/docconvs.docbbok
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+    <title>Document convenctions</title>
+    <para>In this manual the personal pronoun <emphasis>we</emphasis>
+    is used to repesent <emphasis>The CentOS Artwork SIG</emphasis>,
+    the group of persons that build The CentOS Project corporate
+    visual identity through the CentOS Artwork Repository.</para>
+    <para>In this manual, certain words are represented in different
+    fonts, typefaces, sizes, and weights. This highlighting is
+    systematic; different words are represented in the same style to
+    indicate their inclusion in a specific category. The types of
+    words that are represented this way include the following:</para>
+    <glosslist>
+        <glossentry>
+            <glossterm><command>command</command></glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+                <para> Linux commands (and other operating system
+                commands, when used) are represented this way. This
+                style should indicate to you that you can type the
+                word or phrase on the command line and press Enter to
+                invoke a command. Sometimes a command contains words
+                that would be displayed in a different style on their
+                own (such as file names). In these cases, they are
+                considered to be part of the command, so the entire
+                phrase is displayed as a command. For example:</para>
+                <para>Use the <command>centos-art identity
+                --render='path/to/dir'</command> command to produce
+                contents inside the <filename
+                class="directory">trunk/Identity</filename> directory
+                structure.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+        </glossentry>
+        <glossentry>
+            <glossterm><filename>file name</filename></glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+                <para>File names, directory names, paths, and RPM
+                package names are represented this way. This style
+                indicates that a particular file or directory exists
+                with that name on your system. Examples:</para>
+                <para>The <filename>init.sh</filename> file in
+                <filename
+                class="directory">trunk/Scripts/Bash/Cli/</filename>
+                directory is the initialization script, written in
+                Bash, used to automate most of tasks in the
+                repository.</para>
+                <para>The <command>centos-art</command> command uses
+                the <package>ImageMagick</package> RPM package to
+                convert images from PNG format to other
+                formats.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+        </glossentry>
+        <glossentry>
+            <glossterm><keycap>key</keycap></glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+                <para> A key on the keyboard is shown in this style.
+                For example:</para>
+                <para>To use <keycap>TAB</keycap> completion to list
+                particular files in a directory, type @command{ls},
+                then a character, and finally the Tab key. Your
+                terminal displays the list of files in the working
+                directory that begin with that character.</para>
+            </glossdef>
+        </glossentry>
+        <glossentry>
+            <glossterm><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>key-combination</keycap></keycombo></glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+                <para>A combination of keystrokes is represented in
+                this way. For example:</para>
+                <para>The <keycombo
+                action="simul"><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Backspace</keycap></keycombo>
+                key combination exits your graphical session and
+                returns you to the graphical login screen or the
+                console.</para> 
+            </glossdef> 
+        </glossentry>
+        <glossentry>
+            <glossterm><computeroutput>computer output</computeroutput></glossterm>
+            <glossdef>
+            <para> Text in this style indicates text displayed to a
+            shell prompt such as error messages and responses to
+            commands. For example:</para>
+            <para>The <command>ls</command> command displays the
+            contents of a directory. For example:
+Config                          help_renameEntry.sh
+help_copyEntry.sh               help_restoreCrossReferences.sh
+help_deleteCrossReferences.sh   help_searchIndex.sh
+            The output returned in response to the command (in this
+            case, the contents of the directory) is shown in this
+            style.</para>
+        </glossdef>
+    </glossentry>
+    </glosslist>
+    <para>Additionally, we use several different strategies to draw
+    your attention to certain pieces of information. In order of
+    urgency, these items are marked as a note, tip, important,
+    caution, or warning. For example:</para>
+    <note>
+        <para>Remember that Linux is case sensitive. In other words, a
+        rose is not a ROSE is not a rOsE.</para>
+    </note> 
+    <tip>
+        <para>The directory <filename
+        class="directory">/usr/share/doc/</filename> contains
+        additional documentation for packages installed on your
+        system.</para>
+    </tip>
+    <important>
+        <para>If you modify the DHCP configuration file, the changes
+        do not take effect until you restart the DHCP daemon.</para>
+    </important>
+    <caution>
+        <para>Do not perform routine tasks as root &mdash; use a
+        regular user account unless you need to use the root account
+        for system administration tasks.</para>
+    </caution>
+    <warning>
+        <para>Be careful to remove only the necessary partitions.
+        Removing other partitions could result in data loss or a
+        corrupted system environment.</para>
+    </warning>
diff --git a/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/document-convenctions.docbook b/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/document-convenctions.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index 073f950..0000000
--- a/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/document-convenctions.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-    <title>Document convenctions</title>
-    <para>In this manual the personal pronoun <emphasis>we</emphasis>
-    is used to repesent <emphasis>The CentOS Artwork SIG</emphasis>,
-    the group of persons that build The CentOS Project corporate
-    visual identity through the CentOS Artwork Repository.</para>
-    <para>In this manual, certain words are represented in different
-    fonts, typefaces, sizes, and weights. This highlighting is
-    systematic; different words are represented in the same style to
-    indicate their inclusion in a specific category. The types of
-    words that are represented this way include the following:</para>
-    <glosslist>
-        <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><command>command</command></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-                <para> Linux commands (and other operating system
-                commands, when used) are represented this way. This
-                style should indicate to you that you can type the
-                word or phrase on the command line and press Enter to
-                invoke a command. Sometimes a command contains words
-                that would be displayed in a different style on their
-                own (such as file names). In these cases, they are
-                considered to be part of the command, so the entire
-                phrase is displayed as a command. For example:</para>
-                <para>Use the <command>centos-art identity
-                --render='path/to/dir'</command> command to produce
-                contents inside the <filename
-                class="directory">trunk/Identity</filename> directory
-                structure.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><filename>file name</filename></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-                <para>File names, directory names, paths, and RPM
-                package names are represented this way. This style
-                indicates that a particular file or directory exists
-                with that name on your system. Examples:</para>
-                <para>The <filename>init.sh</filename> file in
-                <filename
-                class="directory">trunk/Scripts/Bash/Cli/</filename>
-                directory is the initialization script, written in
-                Bash, used to automate most of tasks in the
-                repository.</para>
-                <para>The <command>centos-art</command> command uses
-                the <package>ImageMagick</package> RPM package to
-                convert images from PNG format to other
-                formats.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><keycap>key</keycap></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-                <para> A key on the keyboard is shown in this style.
-                For example:</para>
-                <para>To use <keycap>TAB</keycap> completion to list
-                particular files in a directory, type @command{ls},
-                then a character, and finally the Tab key. Your
-                terminal displays the list of files in the working
-                directory that begin with that character.</para>
-            </glossdef>
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>key-combination</keycap></keycombo></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-                <para>A combination of keystrokes is represented in
-                this way. For example:</para>
-                <para>The <keycombo
-                action="simul"><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Backspace</keycap></keycombo>
-                key combination exits your graphical session and
-                returns you to the graphical login screen or the
-                console.</para> 
-            </glossdef> 
-        </glossentry>
-        <glossentry>
-            <glossterm><computeroutput>computer output</computeroutput></glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-            <para> Text in this style indicates text displayed to a
-            shell prompt such as error messages and responses to
-            commands. For example:</para>
-            <para>The <command>ls</command> command displays the
-            contents of a directory. For example:
-Config                          help_renameEntry.sh
-help_copyEntry.sh               help_restoreCrossReferences.sh
-help_deleteCrossReferences.sh   help_searchIndex.sh
-            The output returned in response to the command (in this
-            case, the contents of the directory) is shown in this
-            style.</para>
-        </glossdef>
-    </glossentry>
-    </glosslist>
-    <para>Additionally, we use several different strategies to draw
-    your attention to certain pieces of information. In order of
-    urgency, these items are marked as a note, tip, important,
-    caution, or warning. For example:</para>
-    <note>
-        <para>Remember that Linux is case sensitive. In other words, a
-        rose is not a ROSE is not a rOsE.</para>
-    </note> 
-    <tip>
-        <para>The directory <filename
-        class="directory">/usr/share/doc/</filename> contains
-        additional documentation for packages installed on your
-        system.</para>
-    </tip>
-    <important>
-        <para>If you modify the DHCP configuration file, the changes
-        do not take effect until you restart the DHCP daemon.</para>
-    </important>
-    <caution>
-        <para>Do not perform routine tasks as root &mdash; use a
-        regular user account unless you need to use the root account
-        for system administration tasks.</para>
-    </caution>
-    <warning>
-        <para>Be careful to remove only the necessary partitions.
-        Removing other partitions could result in data loss or a
-        corrupted system environment.</para>
-    </warning>
diff --git a/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/feedback.docbook b/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/feedback.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198696e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/feedback.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    <title>Send in your feedback</title>
+    <para> If you find an error in the <emphasis>CentOS Artwork
+    Repository</emphasis>, or if you have thought of a way to make
+    this manual better, we would like to hear from you! Share your
+    suggestions in the appropriate mailing list
+    (http://lists.centos.org/) and/or bug tracker
+    (http://bugs.centos.org/).</para>
+    <para>When you make suggestion, try to be as specific as possible.
+    For example, if you have found an error in the manual, include the
+    section number and some of the surrounding text so we can find it
+    easily.</para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/send-in-your-feedback.docbook b/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/send-in-your-feedback.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index 198696e..0000000
--- a/Manuals/Userguide/Introduction/send-in-your-feedback.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-    <title>Send in your feedback</title>
-    <para> If you find an error in the <emphasis>CentOS Artwork
-    Repository</emphasis>, or if you have thought of a way to make
-    this manual better, we would like to hear from you! Share your
-    suggestions in the appropriate mailing list
-    (http://lists.centos.org/) and/or bug tracker
-    (http://bugs.centos.org/).</para>
-    <para>When you make suggestion, try to be as specific as possible.
-    For example, if you have found an error in the manual, include the
-    section number and some of the surrounding text so we can find it
-    easily.</para>