diff --git a/Manuals/Tcpi-ug/Preface/overview.docbook b/Manuals/Tcpi-ug/Preface/overview.docbook
index c8f5cc3..027aef8 100755
--- a/Manuals/Tcpi-ug/Preface/overview.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Tcpi-ug/Preface/overview.docbook
@@ -65,67 +65,68 @@
I've experimented faith in free software and the philosophy
- behind it, but no possible way to manifest it independently
- from cuban State. The cuban State controls all the
- communication media and very few possibilities are available
- for cubans to build up independent collaborative networks
- using computers inside the island for sharing information
- apart from cuban State restrictions and conditions. One of
- these possibilities is the telepohne network the cuban State
- provides, which has national scope. Generally, cubans use the
- telephone network to talk among themselves, but it is also
- possible to use this network to transmit information that
- cannot be communicated using the regular method of human
- talking. It is possible to attach computers to the telephone
- network the cuban State provides to transmit whatever
- information a computer can produce (e.g., images, documents,
- programs, etc.) from one location in the island to another and
- encrypting the information traveling along the wire to
- garantee its privacy (e.g., the source computer protects the
- information in a way that only the target computer is able to
- unprotect. If the information is intercepted by a computer in
- the transmission middle, it would be useless for that computer
- since only the target can unprotect it). We'll see more about
+ behind it by mean of &TCP;, but no possible way to manifest it
+ independently from cuban State. The cuban State controls all
+ the communication media and very few possibilities are
+ available for cubans to build up independent collaborative
+ networks using computers inside the island for sharing
+ information apart from cuban State restrictions and
+ conditions. One of these possibilities is the telepohne
+ network the cuban State provides, which has national scope.
+ Generally, cubans use the telephone network to talk among
+ themselves, but it is also possible to use this network to
+ transmit information that cannot be communicated using the
+ regular method of human talking. It is possible to attach
+ computers to the telephone network the cuban State provides to
+ transmit whatever information a computer can produce (e.g.,
+ images, documents, programs, etc.) from one location in the
+ island to another and encrypting the information traveling
+ along the wire to garantee its privacy (e.g., the source
+ computer protects the information in a way that only the
+ target computer is able to unprotect. If the information is
+ intercepted by a computer located in the transmission middle,
+ it would be useless for that computer since only the target
+ can use it once it has been unprotected). We'll see more about
this later.
In these last years (2009-2011), the cuban State has shown
signs to start using free software with the idea of
- reaching a technology independency
which is
+ reaching a technological independency
which is
quiet contradictory to me. What independency we are talking
about here? Independency for whom, and from whom? Based on
- the meaning of the word, independency is the lack of
+ the meaning of the word, independency is the lack of any
dependency, so the only way I see the cuban State will be able
- to reach such independency would be creating and maintaining
- an entire technical infrastructure (e.g., computers,
- communication devices, operating systems written from scratch,
- etc.) inside its political boundaries without any intervention
- from the outside world. Otherwise, the cuban State would be
- inevitably dependent from someone else that can differ at some
- point of the production string and that would be something
- unacceptable, because it would compromise the idea the cuban
- State had about independency in first place (i.e., no
- dependency).
+ to reach such technological independency would be creating and
+ maintaining an entire technological infrastructure (e.g.,
+ computers, communication devices, operating systems written
+ from scratch, etc.) inside its political boundaries without
+ any intervention from the outside world. Otherwise, the cuban
+ State would be inevitably dependent from someone else that can
+ differ at some point of the production string and that would
+ be something unacceptable, because it would compromise the
+ idea the cuban State had about independency in first place
+ (i.e., no dependency).
If the vision described above about what the cuban State tries
to mean by reaching a technological
- independency
sounds correct to you, the cuban State is
- misunderstanding or trying to distort the real meaning of free
- software and the philosophy behind it. The free software is
- built from people and dedicated to people who might be in need
- of it, with the hope of being useful and garantee the freedom
- of computer users paying or not a monetary price for it. The
- cuban State, on the other hand, introduces free software at
- convenience because there are entire operating systems free of
- charge which the cuban State can study and change as needed,
- not in the sense of guaranteeing the freedom it provides to
- people, but as a way to control what software does cubans use
- and the way they do that. It is another impositions cubans
- should comply with, no matter what they think about
- it.
+ independency sounds appropriate to you, the cuban
+ State is misunderstanding or trying to distort the real
+ meaning of free software and the philosophy behind it. The
+ free software is built from people and dedicated to people who
+ might be in need of it, with the hope of being useful and
+ garantee the freedom of computer users paying or not a
+ monetary price for it. The cuban State, on the other hand,
+ introduces free software at convenience because there are
+ entire operating systems free of charge which the cuban State
+ can study and change as needed, not in the sense of
+ guaranteeing the freedom it provides to people, but as a way
+ to control what software does cubans use and the way they do
+ that. It is another impositions cubans should comply with, no
+ matter what they think about it.
When I was working in the health sector of cuban State
(2003-2007), my superior told me once that I couldn't keep