diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent
index 88dad24..3091319 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Commons.ent
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 <!ENTITY C          "CentOS">
 <!ENTITY TC         "The &C;">
-<!ENTITY TCP        "<ulink url='http://www.centos.org'>&TC; Project</ulink>">
+<!ENTITY TCP        "<ulink type='http' url='http://www.centos.org'>&TC; Project</ulink>">
 <!ENTITY TCC        "&TC; Community">
 <!ENTITY TCD        "&TC; Distribution">
 <!ENTITY TCA        "&TC; Artwork">
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
-<!ENTITY TCAR       "<ulink url='https://projects.centos.org/svn/artwork'>&TCA; Repository</ulink>">
-<!ENTITY TCAS       "<ulink url='https://projects.centos.org/trac/artwork'>&TCA; SIG</ulink>">
+<!ENTITY TCAR       "<ulink type='https' url='https://projects.centos.org/svn/artwork'>&TCA; Repository</ulink>">
+<!ENTITY TCAS       "<ulink type='https' url='https://projects.centos.org/trac/artwork'>&TCA; SIG</ulink>">
 <!ENTITY TCARUG     "&TCAR; User's Guide">
 <!ENTITY TCDRS      "&TCD; Release Schema">
-<!ENTITY TCAML      "<ulink url='http://lists.centos.org/mailman/centos-artwork'>&TCA; Mailing List</ulink>">
-<!ENTITY TCDML      "<ulink url='http://lists.centos.org/mailman/centos-devel'>&TC; Developers Mailing List</ulink>">
+<!ENTITY TCAML      "<ulink type='http' url='http://lists.centos.org/mailman/centos-artwork'>&TCA; Mailing List</ulink>">
+<!ENTITY TCDML      "<ulink type='http' url='http://lists.centos.org/mailman/centos-devel'>&TC; Developers Mailing List</ulink>">
 <!ENTITY TCW        "&TC; Web Environment">
 <!ENTITY TCS        "&TC; Showroom">
 <!ENTITY TCB        "&TC; Brand">
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.docbook
index cfc091d..d483c3b 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.docbook
@@ -9,11 +9,10 @@
-        &TCARUG; describes how The CentOS Project corporate visual
-        identity is organized and produced inside &TCAR;.  If you are
-        looking for a comprehensive, task-oriented guide for
-        understanding how &TCPCI; is produced, this is the manual for
-        you.
+        &TCARUG; describes how &TCPCVI; is organized and produced
+        inside &TCAR;.  If you are looking for a comprehensive,
+        task-oriented guide for understanding how &TCPCI; is produced,
+        this is the manual for you.
@@ -29,9 +28,6 @@
-    &intro-relbdirs;
-    &intro-syncpaths;
-    &intro-extending;
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.ent b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.ent
index 6cf79cb..d730bd1 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.ent
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction.ent
@@ -10,13 +10,17 @@
 <!ENTITY intro-docconvs             SYSTEM "Introduction/Docconvs.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-copying    SYSTEM "Introduction/Copying.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-policy     SYSTEM "Introduction/Policy.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-worklines  SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-relbdirs   SYSTEM "Introduction/Relbdirs.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-syncpaths  SYSTEM "Introduction/Syncpaths.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-extending  SYSTEM "Introduction/Extending.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-filenames  SYSTEM "Introduction/Filenames.docbook">
-<!ENTITY intro-layout     SYSTEM "Introduction/Layout.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-copying              SYSTEM "Introduction/Copying.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-policy               SYSTEM "Introduction/Policy.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines            SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines-identity   SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines/identity.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines-l10n       SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines/l10n.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines-manuals    SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines/manuals.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines-scripts    SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines/scripts.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines-relbdirs   SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines/relbdirs.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines-syncpaths  SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines/syncpaths.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-worklines-extending  SYSTEM "Introduction/Worklines/extending.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-filenames            SYSTEM "Introduction/Filenames.docbook">
+<!ENTITY intro-layout               SYSTEM "Introduction/Layout.docbook">
 <!ENTITY intro-feedback             SYSTEM "Introduction/Feedback.docbook">
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Extending.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Extending.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index e0bfa67..0000000
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Extending.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<chapter id="intro-repoconvs-extending">
-    <title>Extending Repository Organization</title>
-    <para>
-        Occasionly, you may find that new components of &TCPCVI; need
-        to be added to the repository in order to work them out. If
-        that is the case, the first question we need to ask ourselves,
-        before starting to create directories blindly all over, is:
-        <emphasis>What is the right place to store it?</emphasis>
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        When the repository structure is extended, it is very useful
-        to bear in mind &TCPCVIS;, &TCM; and &TCDRS;.  The rest is a
-        matter of choosing appropriate names.  It is also worth to
-        know that each directory in the repository responds to one or
-        more concepts that justify its existence.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        To build a directory structure inside the repository, you need
-        to define the concept behind it first and later create the
-        directory, remembering that there are locations inside the
-        repository that define concepts you probably would prefer to
-        reuse.  For example, the <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Identity/Images/Themes</filename>
-        directory stores artistic motifs of different themes, the
-        <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models/Themes</filename>
-        directory stores design models for themes, the <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Manuals</filename> directory stores
-        documentation, the <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/L10n</filename> stores translation
-        messages, and the <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Scripts</filename> stores automation
-        scripts. Using this information and the one provided in <xref
-        linkend="intro-repoconvs-layout" />, it is possible for you to
-        find out good places for extending &TCAR;.
-    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Layout.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Layout.docbook
index 4b29108..048a0a6 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Layout.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Layout.docbook
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
         The second level of directories in the repository provides
         organization for each work line described in <xref
-        linkend="intro-repoconvs-worklines" />.
+        linkend="intro-worklines" />.
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Relbdirs.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Relbdirs.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index 48e2f81..0000000
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Relbdirs.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-<chapter id="intro-repoconvs-relbdirs">
-    <title>Relation Between Directories</title>
-    <para>
-        In order for automation scripts to produce content inside a
-        working copy of &TCAR;, it is required that all work lines be
-        related somehow.  The relation between work lines is used by
-        automation scripts to know where to retrive the information
-        they need to work with (e.g., input files, translation
-        messages, output locations, etc.).  This kind of relation is
-        built using two path constructions known as <emphasis>master
-        paths</emphasis> and <emphasis>auxiliar paths</emphasis>.
-    </para>
-    <variablelist>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>Master Paths</term>
-    <listitem>
-    <para>
-        A master path refers to a directory inside the repository that
-        contain input files required to produce output files through
-        automation scripts. Examples of master paths inside the
-        repository include:
-        <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models/Brands</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models/Themes/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-    </para>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>Auxiliar paths</term>
-    <listitem>
-    <para>
-        An auxiliar path refers a directory inside the repository
-        considered auxiliar for the master path. Auxiliar path can be
-        either for output or localization. Assuming the master path
-        provides the input information, the auxiliar paths provide the
-        auxiliar information which describes how and where that input 
-        information is rendered by automation scripts. Examples of
-        auxiliar paths inside the repository include:
-        <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Images/Brands</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Locales/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Images/Themes/Flame/3/Distro/5/Anaconda/es_ES</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-        <para>
-            <filename class="directory">trunk/Locales/Identity/Models/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda/es_ES</filename>
-        </para>
-        </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-    </para>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
-    <para>
-        The relationship between master and auxiliar paths is built by
-        combining the second directory level of master paths with
-        directories in the second directory level of repository
-        layout. In the second directory level of repository layout,
-        the <filename class="directory">Identity</filename>, <filename
-        class="directory">Manuals</filename> and <filename
-        class="directory">Scripts</filename> directories are always
-        used to create the master paths and the output auxiliar paths.
-        The <filename class="directory">Locales</filename> directory,
-        on the other hand, is always used to create localization
-        auxiliar paths for all the master paths available under
-        <filename class="directory">Identity</filename>, <filename
-        class="directory">Manuals</filename> and <filename
-        class="directory">Scripts directories</filename>.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        For example, if the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable
-        is set to <literal>es_ES.UTF-8</literal> and you execute the
-        <function>render</function> functionality of
-        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script with the <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook</filename>
-        master path as argument, it will produce &TCARUG; in Spanish
-        language using translation messages from <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Locales/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
-        auxiliar path and saving output files inside <filename
-        class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
-        auxiliar path.
-    </para> 
-    <para>
-        To better understand what each directory inside the repository
-        means, read <xref linkend="intro-repoconvs-layout" />.
-    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Syncpaths.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Syncpaths.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6245b..0000000
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Syncpaths.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-<chapter id="intro-repoconvs-syncpaths">
-    <title>Syncronizing Paths</title>
-    <para>  
-        Once both master and auxiliar paths have been set in the
-        repository, they shouldn't be changed.  However, assuming you
-        need to change them, it is required that you also change the
-        relation between them, in order for both master and auxiliar
-        paths to retain their relation one another.  This process of
-        keeping relation between master and auxiliar paths updated is
-        known as <emphasis>path syncronization</emphasis>.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        Path syncronization is required for automation scripts to know
-        where to store final output, where to retrive translation, and
-        any information that might be desired. If the relation between
-        master paths and auxiliar paths is lost, there is no way for
-        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script to know where to
-        retrive the information it needs to work with.  Path
-        syncronization is the way we use to organize and extend the
-        information stored in the repository.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        Path syncronization involves both movement of files and
-        replacement of content inside files.  Movement of files is
-        related to actions like renaming files and directories inside
-        the repository.  Replacement of content inside files is
-        related to actions like replacing information (e.g., paths
-        information) inside files in order to keep file contents and
-        file locations consistent one another after the movement.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        The order followed to syncronize path information is very
-        important because the versioned nature of the files we are
-        working with. When a renaming action is performed, we avoid
-        making replacements inside files first and file movements
-        later. This would require two commit actions: one for the
-        files' internal changes and another for the file movement
-        itself.  Otherwise, we prefer to perform file movements first
-        and file internal replacements later. This way it is possible
-        to commit both changes as if they were just one.
-    </para>
-    <note>
-        <para>
-            There is no support for URLs actions inside
-            <command>centos-art.sh</command> script.  The
-            <command>centos-art.sh</command> script is designed to
-            work with local files inside the working copy only. If you
-            need to perform URL actions directly, use Subversion
-            commands instead.
-        </para>
-    </note>
-    <para>
-        At this moment there is no full implementation of path
-        syncronization process inside <command>centos-art.sh</command>
-        script and it is somthing we need to do oursleves. However,
-        the <quote>texinfo</quote> backend of <code>help</code>
-        functionality which provides a restricted implementation of
-        path syncronization to this specific area of documentation
-        through the <option>--copy</option>, <option>--delete</option>
-        and <option>--rename</option> options you can take as
-        reference to implement it in other areas.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        The plan for a full implementation of path syncronization
-        would be to create individual restricted implementations like
-        the one in <quote>texinfo</quote> backend for other areas that
-        demand it and then, create a higher implmentation that
-        combines them all as needed. This way, if we try to rename a
-        repository directory the higher action will define which are
-        all the restricted actions that should be performed in order
-        to make the full path syncronization.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-        For example, if the directory we are renaming is a master
-        path, it is required to syncronize the related output and
-        localization auxiliar paths. On the other hand, if the
-        directory we are renaming through full path syncronization is
-        an auxiliar path, it is required to determine first what is
-        the related master path and later, perform the syncronization
-        from master path to auxiliar paths as if the path provided
-        would be the master path not the auxiliar path.  
-    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines.docbook
index 14beb48..6f6987c 100644
--- a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines.docbook
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines.docbook
@@ -1,93 +1,24 @@
-<chapter id="intro-repoconvs-worklines">
+<chapter id="intro-worklines">
     <title>Repository Work Lines</title>
         To organize content production inside &TCAR;, production has
         been divided into individual work lines that relate one
-        another.  The is based on the idea of doing one thing well and
-        later combine the result of each individual part to achieve a
-        higher purpose. Work lines, as conceived here, provide
-        relayable output components that combine one another to close
-        the production cycle inside &TCAR;.
+        another based on the idea of doing one thing well. Later, the
+        results produced individually by each work line are combined
+        to achieve a higher purpose. Work lines, as conceived here,
+        provide the relayable output components the production cycle
+        inside &TCAR; needs to let everyone to work syncronized in a
+        descentralized environment.
-    <variablelist>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>Visual Identity (<filename class="directory">trunk/Identity</filename>)</term>
-    <listitem>
-    <para>
-        In the production cycle, the first step takes place through
-        graphic design. It is focused on preparing design models for
-        all the visual manifestation &TCP; is made of.  Here, graphic
-        designers describe the visual characteristics of each visual
-        manifestation (e.g., image dimensions, position of text in the
-        visible area, translation markers, etc.).  Later, once design
-        models have been defined, graphic designers take care of
-        artistic motifs to define the visual style of those design
-        models already created (e.g., how the look and feel).
-        Furthermore, graphic designers use the
-        <function>render</function> functionality of
-        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script to combine both design
-        models and artistic motifs in order to produce the final
-        images required by each visual manifestaions.
-    </para>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>Localization (<filename class="directory">trunk/L10n</filename>)</term>
-    <listitem>
-    <para>
-        The second step in the production cycle is to localize
-        source files (e.g., SVG, DocBook, Shell scripts). This step
-        makes possible to produce localized images, localized
-        documentation and localized automation scripts. The
-        localization tasks are carried on by translators using the
-        <function>locale</function> functionality of the
-        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script which take care of
-        retriving translatable strings from source files and provide a
-        consistent localization interface based on the ideas behind
-        GNU <application>gettext</application> multi-lingual message
-        production.
-    </para>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>Documentation (<filename class="directory">trunk/Manuals</filename>)</term>
-    <listitem>
-    <para>
-        The third step in the production cycle is to document &TCAR;,
-        what it is and how to use it. This step provides the
-        conceptual ideas used as base to edificate &TCPCVI; and is
-        implemented by mean of &TCARUG;. To write documentation,
-        documentors use the <function>help</function> functionality of
-        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script which provide an
-        consistent interface for building documentation through
-        different documentation backends (e.g., Texinfo, DocBook).
-    </para>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    <varlistentry>
-    <term>Automation (<filename class="directory">trunk/Scripts</filename>)</term>
-    <listitem>
-    <para>
-        The fourth step in the production cycle is to automate
-        frequent tasks inside &TCAR;. This step closes the production
-        cycle and provides the production standards needed by all
-        different work lines to coexist together.  Here is where we
-        develop the <command>centos-art.sh</command> script and all
-        its functionalities (e.g., <function>render</function> for
-        rendition, <function>help</function> for documentation,
-        <function>locale</function> for localization, etc.).  At this
-        point it should be obvious, but we consider worth to remember
-        that: there is no need to type several tasks, time after time,
-        if they can be programmed into just one executable script. 
-    </para>
-    </listitem>
-    </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
+    &intro-worklines-identity;
+    &intro-worklines-l10n;
+    &intro-worklines-manuals;
+    &intro-worklines-scripts;
+    &intro-worklines-relbdirs;
+    &intro-worklines-syncpaths;
+    &intro-worklines-extending;
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/extending.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/extending.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c9978a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/extending.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<sect1 id="intro-worklines-extending">
+    <title>Extending Repository Layout</title>
+    <para>
+        Occasionly, you may find that new components of &TCPCVI; need
+        to be added to the repository in order to work them out. If
+        that is the case, the first question we need to ask ourselves,
+        before starting to create directories blindly all over, is:
+        <emphasis>What is the right place to store it?</emphasis>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        When the repository structure is extended, it is very useful
+        to bear in mind &TCPCVIS;, &TCM; and &TCDRS;.  The rest is a
+        matter of choosing appropriate names.  It is also worth to
+        know that each directory in the repository responds to one or
+        more concepts that justify its existence.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        To build a directory structure inside the repository, you need
+        to define the concept behind it first and later create the
+        directory, remembering that there are locations inside the
+        repository that define concepts you probably would prefer to
+        reuse.  For example, the <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Identity/Images/Themes</filename>
+        directory stores artistic motifs of different themes, the
+        <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models/Themes</filename>
+        directory stores design models for themes, the <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Manuals</filename> directory stores
+        documentation, the <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/L10n</filename> stores translation
+        messages, and the <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Scripts</filename> stores automation
+        scripts. Using this information and the one provided in <xref
+        linkend="intro-repoconvs-layout" />, it is possible for you to
+        find out good places for extending &TCAR;.
+    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/identity.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/identity.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b7626d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/identity.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<sect1 id="intro-worklines-idenity">
+    <title>Visual Identity</title>
+    <para>
+        In the production cycle, the first step takes place through
+        graphic design. It is focused on preparing design models for
+        all the visual manifestation &TCP; is made of.  Here, graphic
+        designers describe the visual characteristics of each visual
+        manifestation (e.g., image dimensions, position of text in the
+        visible area, translation markers, etc.).  
+        Later, once design models have been defined, graphic designers
+        take care of artistic motifs to define the visual style of
+        those design models already created (e.g., how they look and
+        feel).  
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        Finally, graphic designers use the
+        <function>render</function> functionality of
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script to combine both design
+        models and artistic motifs in order to produce the final
+        images required by each visual manifestaions.
+    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/l10n.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/l10n.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31f5ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/l10n.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<sect1 id="intro-worklines-l10n">
+    <title>Localization</title>
+    <para>
+        The second step in the production cycle is to localize
+        source files (e.g., SVG, DocBook, Shell scripts). This step
+        makes possible to produce localized images, localized
+        documentation and localized automation scripts.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        The localization tasks are carried on by translators using the
+        <function>locale</function> functionality of the
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script which take care of
+        retriving translatable strings from source files and provide a
+        consistent localization interface based on GNU
+        <application>gettext</application> multi-lingual message
+        production tool set and <command>xml2po</command> command.
+    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/manuals.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/manuals.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1718f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/manuals.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<sect1 id="intro-worklines-manuals">
+    <title>Documentation</title>
+    <para>
+        The third step in the production cycle is to document &TCAR;,
+        what it is and how to use it. This step provides the
+        conceptual ideas used as base to edificate &TCPCVI; and is
+        implemented through &TCARUG;.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        To write documentation, documentors use the
+        <function>help</function> functionality of
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script which provide an
+        consistent interface for building documentation through
+        different documentation backends (e.g., Texinfo and DocBook).
+    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/relbdirs.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/relbdirs.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22bf7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/relbdirs.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+<sect1 id="intro-worklines-relbdirs">
+    <title>Relation Between Directories</title>
+    <para>
+        In order for automation scripts to produce content inside a
+        working copy of &TCAR;, it is required that all work lines be
+        related somehow.  The relation between work lines is used by
+        automation scripts to know where to retrive the information
+        they need to work with (e.g., input files, translation
+        messages, output locations, etc.).  This kind of relation is
+        built using two path constructions known as <emphasis>master
+        paths</emphasis> and <emphasis>auxiliar paths</emphasis>.
+    </para>
+    <variablelist>
+    <varlistentry>
+    <term>Master Paths</term>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        A master path refers to a directory inside the repository that
+        contain input files required to produce output files through
+        automation scripts. Examples of master paths inside the
+        repository include:
+        <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models/Brands</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models/Themes/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    <varlistentry>
+    <term>Auxiliar paths</term>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        An auxiliar path refers a directory inside the repository
+        considered auxiliar for the master path. Auxiliar path can be
+        either for output or localization. Assuming the master path
+        provides the input information, the auxiliar paths provide the
+        auxiliar information which describes how and where that input 
+        information is rendered by automation scripts. Examples of
+        auxiliar paths inside the repository include:
+        <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Images/Brands</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Locales/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Images/Themes/Flame/3/Distro/5/Anaconda/es_ES</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para>
+            <filename class="directory">trunk/Locales/Identity/Models/Default/Distro/5/Anaconda/es_ES</filename>
+        </para>
+        </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
+    </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+    <para>
+        The relationship between master and auxiliar paths is built by
+        combining the second directory level of master paths with
+        directories in the second directory level of repository
+        layout. In the second directory level of repository layout,
+        the <filename class="directory">Identity</filename>, <filename
+        class="directory">Manuals</filename> and <filename
+        class="directory">Scripts</filename> directories are always
+        used to create the master paths and the output auxiliar paths.
+        The <filename class="directory">Locales</filename> directory,
+        on the other hand, is always used to create localization
+        auxiliar paths for all the master paths available under
+        <filename class="directory">Identity</filename>, <filename
+        class="directory">Manuals</filename> and <filename
+        class="directory">Scripts directories</filename>.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        For example, if the <envar>LANG</envar> environment variable
+        is set to <literal>es_ES.UTF-8</literal> and you execute the
+        <function>render</function> functionality of
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script with the <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook</filename>
+        master path as argument, it will produce &TCARUG; in Spanish
+        language using translation messages from <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Locales/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
+        auxiliar path and saving output files inside <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/es_ES</filename>
+        auxiliar path.
+    </para> 
+    <para>
+        To better understand what each directory inside the repository
+        means, read <xref linkend="intro-repoconvs-layout" />.
+    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/scripts.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/scripts.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ceaa6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/scripts.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<sect1 id="intro-worklines-scripts">
+    <title>Automation</title>
+    <para>
+        The fourth step in the production cycle is to automate
+        frequent tasks inside &TCAR;. This step closes the production
+        cycle and provides the production standards needed by all
+        different work lines to coexist together.  Here is where
+        the <command>centos-art.sh</command> script and all
+        its functionalities (e.g., <function>render</function> for
+        rendition, <function>help</function> for documentation,
+        <function>locale</function> for localization, etc.) are
+        developed.
+    </para>  
+    <para>
+        At this point it should be obvious, but we consider worth to
+        remember that: there is no need to type several tasks, time
+        after time, if they can be programmed into just one executable
+        script. 
+    </para>
diff --git a/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/syncpaths.docbook b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/syncpaths.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6e8219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manuals/Repository/Docbook/Introduction/Worklines/syncpaths.docbook
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+<sect1 id="intro-worklines-syncpaths">
+    <title>Path Syncronization</title>
+    <para>  
+        Once both master and auxiliar paths have been related in the
+        repository, they shouldn't be changed except you absolutly
+        need to do so. In this cases, when you need to change master
+        or auxiliar paths, it is required that you also change the
+        relation between them so as to retain their bond.  This
+        process of keeping master and auxiliar paths
+        <quote>connected</quote> between themselves is known as
+        <emphasis>path syncronization</emphasis>.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        Path syncronization is required for automation scripts to know
+        where to store final output, where to retrive translation
+        messages from, and whatever information you might need to
+        count with. If the relation between master paths and auxiliar
+        paths is lost, there is no way for automation scripts to know
+        where to retrive the information they need to work with or
+        where to store the output information produced from it.  Path
+        syncronization is the way we use through to organize and
+        extend the information stored in the repository.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        Path syncronization involves both movement of files and
+        replacement of content inside files.  Movement of files is
+        related to actions like renaming files and directories inside
+        the repository.  Replacement of content inside files is
+        related to actions like replacing information (e.g., paths
+        information) inside files in order to keep file contents and
+        file locations consistent one another after a file movement.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        The order followed to syncronize path information is very
+        important because the versioned nature of the files we are
+        working with. When a renaming action needs to be performed
+        inside the repository, we avoid making replacements inside
+        files first and file movements later. This would demand two
+        commit actions: one for the files' internal changes and
+        another for the file movement itself.  Otherwise, we prefer to
+        perform file movements first and files' internal replacements
+        later.  This way it is possible to commit both changes as if
+        they were just one.
+    </para>
+    <note>
+    <para>
+        There is no support for URLs actions inside
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script.  The
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script is designed to work
+        with local files inside the working copy only. If you need to
+        perform URL actions directly, use Subversion's commands
+        instead.
+    </para>
+    </note>
+    <para>
+        At this moment there is no full implementation of path
+        syncronization process inside <command>centos-art.sh</command>
+        script and it is somthing we need to do oursleves. However,
+        the <quote>texinfo</quote> backend of <code>help</code>
+        functionality which provides a restricted implementation of
+        path syncronization to this specific area of documentation
+        through the <option>--copy</option>, <option>--delete</option>
+        and <option>--rename</option> options you can take as
+        reference to implement it in other areas.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        The plan for a full implementation of path syncronization
+        would be to create individual restricted implementations like
+        the one in <quote>texinfo</quote> backend for other areas that
+        demand it and then, create a higher implmentation that
+        combines them all as needed. This way, if we try to rename a
+        repository directory the higher action will define which are
+        all the restricted actions that should be performed in order
+        to make the full path syncronization.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        For example, if the directory we are renaming is a master
+        path, it is required to syncronize the related output and
+        localization auxiliar paths. On the other hand, if the
+        directory we are renaming through full path syncronization is
+        an auxiliar path, it is required to determine first what is
+        the related master path and later, perform the syncronization
+        from master path to auxiliar paths as if the path provided
+        would be the master path not the auxiliar path.  
+    </para>