diff --git a/Documentation/Models/Docbook/Tcar-ug/Scripts/Bash/render.docbook b/Documentation/Models/Docbook/Tcar-ug/Scripts/Bash/render.docbook
index 4aab985..020e10d 100644
--- a/Documentation/Models/Docbook/Tcar-ug/Scripts/Bash/render.docbook
+++ b/Documentation/Models/Docbook/Tcar-ug/Scripts/Bash/render.docbook
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
         <indexterm type="specific-function">
-            <primary>Standardize rendition tasks inside &TCAR;</primary>
+            <primary>Standardize rendition tasks inside &TCAR;.</primary>
@@ -13,74 +13,113 @@
-    <para>
-        The <varname>DIRECTORY</varname> parameter specifies the
-        directory path, inside the working copy of &TCAR;, where the
-        files you want to process are stored in.  This paramter can be
-        provided more than once in order to process more than one
-        directory path in a single command execution.  When this
-        parameter is not provided, the current directory path where
-        the command was called from is used instead.
-    </para>
+    <cmdsynopsis>
+        <command>centos-art</command>
+        <arg choice="req">render</arg>
+        <arg>-h|--help</arg>
+        <arg>-q|--quiet</arg>
+        <arg>--filter="<replaceable>REGEX</replaceable>"</arg>
+        <arg>--answer-yes</arg>
+        <arg>--dont-dirspecific</arg>
+        <arg>--releasever="<replaceable>RELEASEVER</replaceable>"</arg>
+        <arg>--basearch="<replaceable>BASEARCH</replaceable>"</arg>
+        <arg>--post-rendition="<replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable>"</arg>
+        <arg>--last-rendition="<replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable>"</arg>
+        <arg>--theme-model="<replaceable>MODELNAME</replaceable>"</arg>
+        <arg>--with-brands</arg>
+        <arg>--sync-changes</arg>
+        <arg choice="req"><replaceable>LOCATION</replaceable></arg>
+    </cmdsynopsis>
     <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-description">
-        Inside the working copy of &TCAR;, rendition tasks take place
-        inside renderable directories. The rendition itself is
-        performed through a serie of rendition flows named
-        base-rendition, post-rendition, last-rendition and
-        directory-specific rendition.
+        The <function>render</function> functionality exists to render
+        final image and documentation files from their respective
+        source files.
+    <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-description-renderabledirs">
+    <title>Render-able directories</title>
-        Renderable directories are convenctional locations inside the
-        working copy where you can find source files, output files and
-        auxiliar files. Source files are used to produce output files.
-        Auxiliar files are used to modify the way output files are
-        produced from source files (e.g., to produce localized
-        output). Auxiliar files are optionals.
+        Inside the working copy of &TCAR;, render-able directories are
+        conventional locations inside the working copy where you can
+        find output files, produced from source files and optionally
+        auxiliary files. Auxiliary files are optionally used to modify
+        the way output files are produced from source files (e.g., to
+        produce localized output). Inside render-able directories the
+        rendition process is performed through different rendition
+        flows known as base-rendition, post-rendition, last-rendition
+        and directory-specific rendition.
-        Renderable directories are made of several directories but
-        only the output dirctory path is passed to
-        <function>render</function> functionality as
-        <varname>DIRECTORY</varname> parameter in the command-line.
-        The directories related to source and auxiliar files are
-        automatically constructed based on a directory organization
-        convenction. This way, the <function>render</function>
-        functionality collects all the information it needs to work
-        with.
+        Inside the working copy of &TCAR;, the following directory
+        structures are considered render-able directories:
+    <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem>
+    <para>
+        <filename class="directory">trunk/Identity/Images/</filename>
+        &mdash; This directory structure organizes final image files
+        in different formats. It also includes source files for
+        producing the backgrounds of themes. Related design models for
+        all these files are under <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Identity/Models/</filename> directory
+        structure.
+    </para>
+    <important>
+    <para>
+        Don't move any source file related to theme backgrounds from
+        render-able directories to theme design models directory
+        structure.  The source files related to theme backgrounds are
+        specific to each theme and cannot be shared among different
+        themes. The directory structure related to theme design models
+        is reserved for files shared by all themes.
+    </para>
+    </important>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
-        Inside the working copy, renderable directories are divided in
-        two categories in a way differences between them can be
-        preserved. These categories are named <quote>direct
-        production</quote> and <quote>theme production</quote>. These
-        categories provide the file organization convenction the
-        <function>render</function> functionality needs, to produce
-        content based on rendition flows.
+        <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Documentation/Manuals/</filename>
+        &mdash; This directory structure organizes final documentation
+        files. Design models for all these files are organized under
+        <filename
+        class="directory">trunk/Documentation/Models/</filename>
+        directory structure.
+    </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
-    <para>Direct Production </para>
-    <para>Theme Production</para>
-    <para>Base Rendition Flow</para>
-    <para>Post Rendition Flow</para>
-    <para>Last Rendition Flow</para>
-    <para>Directory-Specific Rendition Flow</para>
-    <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-environment">
-    <title>Function Specific Environment</title>
+    <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-description-baseflow">
+    <title>Base-Rendition Flow</title>
+    <para>
+        ...
+    </para>
+    </refsection>
+    <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-description-postflow">
+    <title>Post-Rendition Flow </title>
+    <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-description-lastflow">
+    <title>Last-Rendition Flow </title>
+    <para>
+        ...
+    </para>
+    </refsection>
+    </refsection>
     <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-usage">
@@ -110,18 +149,18 @@
-    <term><option>--filter="REGEX"</option></term>
+    <term><option>--filter="<replaceable>REGEX</replaceable>"</option></term>
         This option reduces the list of files to process inside
-        <varname>DIRECTORY</varname> using <varname>REGEX</varname> as
-        pattern.  You can use this option to control the amount of
-        files you want to render.  The deeper you go into the
-        directory structure the more specific you'll be about the
-        files you want to render.  When you cannot go deeper into the
-        directory structure through <varname>DIRECTORY</varname>
-        specification, use this option to reduce the list of files
-        therein.
+        <replaceable>LOCATION</replaceable> using
+        <replaceable>REGEX</replaceable> as <replaceable>REGUEX</replaceable>
+        using <replaceable>REGEX</replaceable> as files you want to render.
+        The deeper you go into the directory structure the more
+        specific you'll be about the files you want to render.  When
+        you cannot go deeper into the directory structure through
+        <replaceable>LOCATION</replaceable> specification, use this
+        option to reduce the list of files therein.
@@ -137,28 +176,28 @@
-    <term><option>--releasever="NUMBER"</option></term>
+    <term><option>--releasever="<replaceable>RELEASE</replaceable>"</option></term>
         This option expands the <code>=\RELEASE=</code>,
         <code>=\MAJOR_RELEASE=</code>, and
         <code>=\MINOR_RELEASE=</code> translation makers based on
-        <varname>NUMBER</varname> value.  Notice that translation
-        markers here were escaped using a backslash (<code>\</code>)
-        in order to prevent their expansion. Use this option when you
-        need to produce release-specific contents, but no release
-        information can be retrived from the directory path you are
-        currently rendering.
+        <replaceable>NUMBER</replaceable> value.  Notice that
+        translation markers here were escaped using a backslash
+        (<code>\</code>) in order to prevent their expansion. Use this
+        option when you need to produce release-specific contents, but
+        no release information can be retrived from the directory path
+        you are currently rendering.
-    <term><option>--basearch="ARCH"</option></term>
+    <term><option>--basearch="<replaceable>BASEARCH</replaceable>"</option></term>
         This option expands the <code>=\ARCHITECTURE=</code>,
-        translation makers based on <varname>ARHC</varname> value.
+        translation makers based on <replaceable>ARHC</replaceable> value.
         Notice that translation markers here were escaped using a
         backslash (<code>\</code>) in order to prevent their
         expansion. Use this option when you need to produce
@@ -170,38 +209,43 @@
-    <term><option>--theme-model="NAME"</option></term>
+    <term><option>--theme-model="<replaceable>MODELNAME</replaceable>"</option></term>
         This option specifies the name of theme model you want to use
         when producing theme artistic motifs. By default, if this
         option is not provided, the <literal>Default</literal> theme
         model is used as reference to produce theme artistic motifs.
-        To know what values does the <varname>NAME</varname> variable
-        can have, run <command>ls
-        ~/artwork/trunk/Identity/Models/Themes</command> command.
+        To know what values can be passed as
+        <replaceable>MODELNAME</replaceable>, run the following
+        command:
+    <cmdsynopsis>
+        <command>ls ${TCAR_WORKDIR}/trunk/Identity/Models/Themes</command>
+    </cmdsynopsis>
-    <term><option>--post-rendition="COMMAND"</option></term>
+    <term><option>--post-rendition="<replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable>"</option></term>
         This option lets you apply a command as post-rendition action.
-        In this case, the <varname>COMMAND</varname> represents the
-        command-line you want to execute in order to perform in-place
-        modifications to base-rendition output.
+        In this case, the <replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable>
+        represents the command-line you want to execute in order to
+        perform in-place modifications to base-rendition output.
-    <term><option>--last-rendition="COMMAND"</option></term>
+    <term><option>--last-rendition="<replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable>"</option></term>
         This option lets you apply a command as last-rendition action.
-        In this case, the <varname>COMMAND</varname> argument
+        In this case, the <replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable> argument
         represents the command string you want to execute in order to
         perform in-place modifications to base-rendition,
         post-rendition and directory-specific rendition outputs. 
@@ -211,11 +255,29 @@
+    <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-examples">
+    <title>Examples</title>
+    <para>
+        ...
+    </para>
+    </refsection>
+    <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-bugs">
+    <title>Bugs</title>
+    <para>
+        To report bugs related to this function, please create a new
+        ticket <ulink
+        url="https://projects.centos.org/trac/artwork/newticket?summary=Error%20Standardizing%20Rendition%20Tasks&amp;component=Scripts">here</ulink>
+        refering the specific problems you found in it. For example,
+        it would be useful if you copy and paste any error output from
+        <command>centos-art.sh</command> script.
+    </para>
+    </refsection>
     <refsection id="scripts-bash-render-authors">
-        The following people have worked in the
-        <function>render</function> functionality:
+        The following people have worked in this functionality: