<?php # Mantis - a php based bugtracking system # Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org # Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Mantis Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net # Mantis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mantis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mantis. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Latvian: Sergis Kanters, "kanters at yahoo dot com" # ########################################################################### # Latvian strings for Mantis # Based on strings_english.txt rev. 1.??? # ------------------------------------------------- # $Revision: 2643 $ # $Author: al $ # $Date: 2009-06-18 19:06:27 -0400 (Thu, 18 Jun 2009) $ # # $Id: strings_latvian_1257.txt,v 2007-10-13 22:36:27 giallu Exp $ ########################################################################### ?> <?php # Charset $s_charset = 'windows-1257'; # Group commands menuitems $s_actiongroup_menu_move = 'Pârvietot'; $s_actiongroup_menu_copy = 'Copy'; $s_actiongroup_menu_assign = 'Pieðíirt'; $s_actiongroup_menu_close = 'Aizvçrt'; $s_actiongroup_menu_delete = 'Dzçst'; $s_actiongroup_menu_resolve = 'Atrisinât'; $s_actiongroup_menu_update_priority = 'Labot prioritâti'; $s_actiongroup_menu_update_status = 'Labot statusu'; $s_actiongroup_menu_update_view_status = 'Update View Status'; $s_actiongroup_menu_update_category = 'Update Category'; $s_actiongroup_menu_set_sticky = 'Set/Unset Sticky'; $s_actiongroup_menu_update_field = 'Update %s'; $s_actiongroup_bugs = 'Selected Issues'; # new strings: $s_all_projects = "visi projekti"; $s_move_bugs = "Pârvietot BUGu"; $s_operation_successful = "Darbîba veiksmîga."; $s_date_order = "Datumu kârtîba"; $s_print_all_bug_page_link = "Atskaites izdruka"; $s_csv_export = "Eksports uz CSV"; $s_login_anonymously = "Anonîmais lietotâjs"; $s_anonymous = 'Anonymous'; $s_jump_to_bugnotes = "Pârlekt uz komentâriem"; $s_public_project_msg = "Ðis projekts ir PUBLISKI pieejams. Visi lietotâji piekïûst ðim projektam."; $s_private_project_msg = "Ðis projekts publiski nav pieejams. Tikai administrâtori un speciâli pieliktiem lietotâjiem ir pieeja."; $s_access_level_project = "Pieejas lîmenis projektam"; $s_view_submitted_bug_link = "Skatît reìistrçtu íïûdu"; $s_assigned_projects = "Pieðíirtie projekti"; $s_unassigned_projects = "Nepieðíirtie projekti"; $s_print = "Drukât"; $s_jump = "Pâriet"; $s_copy_users = "Kopçt lietotâjus"; $s_copy_categories_from = 'Kopçt kategorijas no'; $s_copy_categories_to = 'Kopçt kategorijas uz'; $s_copy_users_from = 'Copy Users From'; $s_copy_users_to = 'Copy Users To'; $s_bug_history = 'Bug vçsture'; $s_field = 'Lauks'; $s_old_value = 'vecâ vçrtîba'; $s_new_value = 'jaunâ vçrtîba'; $s_date_modified = 'modificçts'; $s_bugnote = 'Piezîme'; $s_change = 'Mainît'; $s_bugnote_view_state = 'Bugnote View State'; $s_bug_monitor = 'Buga monitorings'; $s_bug_end_monitor = 'Pârtraukt buga monitoringu'; $s_announcement = 'Paziòojums'; $s_stays_on_top = 'Râdît virspusç'; $s_delete_bugnote_button = 'Dzçst piezîmi'; $s_delete_bugnote_sure_msg = 'Vai tieðâm dzçst piezîmi?'; $s_bug_relationships = 'Atiiecîbas(sakari)'; $s_empty_password_sure_msg = 'Lietotâjam nav paroles. Vai esi pârliecinâts, ka tas ir tas ko tu gribi?'; $s_empty_password_button = 'Lietot tukðu paroli'; $s_duplicate_of = 'dubultnieks no: %id'; $s_has_duplicate = 'atrasts dubultnieks: %id'; $s_related_to = 'saistîts ar: %id'; $s_dependant_on = 'atkarîgs no: %id'; $s_blocks = 'bloki %id'; $s_new_bug = 'Jauns Bugs'; $s_bugnote_added = 'Pievienota piezîme'; $s_bugnote_edited = 'Labota piezîme'; $s_bugnote_deleted = 'Nodzçsta piezîme'; $s_summary_updated = 'Labots kopsavilums'; $s_description_updated = 'Labots apraksts'; $s_additional_information_updated = 'Labota papildinformâcija'; $s_steps_to_reproduce_updated = 'Laboti atkârtojamîbas soïi'; $s_file_added = 'Pielikts fails'; $s_file_deleted = 'Nodzçsts fails'; $s_bug_deleted = 'Bug nodzçsts'; $s_make_private = 'Padarît par privâtu'; $s_make_public = 'Padarît par publisku'; $s_create_new_project_link = 'Izveidot jaunu projektu'; $s_login_link = 'Pieslçgties'; # bug_actiongroup_page.php : mass treatment $s_bug_actiongroup_failed = 'Jums nav tiesîbu veukt darbîbas ar sekojoðiem bugiem: '; $s_bug_actiongroup_access = 'You did not have appropriate permissions to perform that action.'; $s_bug_actiongroup_status = 'This issue cannot be changed to the requested status'; $s_bug_actiongroup_category = 'This issue cannot be changed to the requested category'; $s_close_bugs_conf_msg = 'Vai jûs esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties aizvçrt visus ðos bugus ?'; $s_delete_bugs_conf_msg = 'Vai jûs esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties dzçst visus ðos bugus ?'; $s_move_bugs_conf_msg = 'Pârvietot uz'; $s_copy_bugs_conf_msg = 'Copy issues to'; $s_assign_bugs_conf_msg = 'Pieðíirt..'; $s_resolve_bugs_conf_msg = 'Izvçlçties buga atrisinâjumu'; $s_priority_bugs_conf_msg = 'Izvçlçties buga prioritâti'; $s_status_bugs_conf_msg = 'Izvçlçties buga statusu'; $s_view_status_bugs_conf_msg = 'Choose issues view status'; $s_category_bugs_conf_msg = 'Choose issues category'; $s_set_sticky_bugs_conf_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to set/unset these issues sticky?'; $s_close_group_bugs_button = 'Aizvçrt Bugus' ; $s_delete_group_bugs_button = 'Dzçst Bugus' ; $s_move_group_bugs_button = 'Pârvietot Bugus' ; $s_copy_group_bugs_button = 'Copy Issues' ; $s_assign_group_bugs_button = 'Pieðíirt Bugus' ; $s_resolve_group_bugs_button = 'Atrisinât Bugus' ; $s_priority_group_bugs_button = 'Labot Prioritâti' ; $s_status_group_bugs_button = 'Labot Statusu' ; $s_category_group_bugs_button = 'Update Category'; $s_view_status_group_bugs_button = 'Update View Status'; $s_set_sticky_group_bugs_button = 'Set/Unset Sticky'; # improved JPgraphs strings $s_graph_imp_status_title = 'Synthesis graphs by status' ; $s_graph_imp_priority_title = 'Synthesis graphs by priority' ; $s_graph_imp_severity_title = 'Synthesis graphs by severity'; $s_graph_imp_category_title = 'Synthesis graphs by category'; $s_graph_imp_resolution_title = 'Synthesis graphs by resolution'; $s_by_status_pct = 'by status percentage'; $s_by_priority_pct = 'by priority percentage'; $s_by_severity_pct = 'by severity percentage'; $s_by_category_pct = 'by category percentage'; $s_by_resolution_pct = 'by resolution percentage'; $s_by_severity_mix = 'by severity and status'; $s_by_priority_mix = 'by priority and status'; $s_by_resolution_mix = 'by resolution and status'; $s_synthesis_link = 'Synthesis'; $s_status_link = 'Per state'; $s_priority_link = 'Per priority'; $s_severity_link = 'Per severity'; $s_category_link = 'Per category'; $s_resolution_link = 'Per resolution'; $s_legend_still_open = 'Still Open'; $s_legend_resolved = 'Resolved'; $s_legend_assigned = 'Assigned'; $s_legend_total = 'Total'; $s_legend_opened = 'Opened'; $s_legend_closed = 'Closed'; $s_legend_reported = 'Reported'; $s_cumulative = 'Cumulative'; $s_not_enough_data = 'Not enough data to create graph'; # print_all_bug_page.php : display selected bugs $s_hide_button = 'Attçlot tikai izvçlçtos'; # print_all_bug_options.php : printing preferences $s_printing_preferences_title = 'Izvçlaties laukus izdrukai'; $s_printing_options_link = 'Izdrukas opcijas'; # word and excel export $s_bugnote_title = 'Bugnote handler' ; $s_bugnote_date = 'Date of bugnote'; $s_bugnote_description = 'Bugnote description'; $s_error_no_proceed = 'Please use the "Back" button in your web browser to return to the previous page. There you can correct whatever problems were identified in this error or select another action. You can also click an option from the menu bar to go directly to a new section.'; # ERROR strings $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GENERIC] = "darbîbas izpildes rezultâtâ notikusi kïûda. Iespçjams, Jûs vçlaties par to ziòot savam lokâlajam administrâtoram."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SQL] = "Notikusi SQL kïûda. Lûdzu ziòojiet par to "; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_REPORT] = "Jûsu ziòojumâ konstatçtas kïûdas."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_NO_FILE_SPECIFIED] = "Fails neeksistç"; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_DISALLOWED] = "Ðâdi faili ir aizliegti"; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_NO_DIRECTORY] = "Katalogs neeksistç. Pârbaudiet projekta opcijas."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE] = "Faila dublikâts. Vispirms izdzçsiet veco failu."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DUPLICATE_PROJECT] = 'Projekts ar ðâdu nosaukumu jau eksistç.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD] = "Nav aizpildîti visi lauki. Pârbaudiet ievades pareizîbu."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROTECTED_ACCOUNT] = "Ðis lietotâjs ir aizsargâts. Jûs nevarat labot opcijas."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED] = 'Pieeja liegta.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_UPLOAD_FAILURE] = 'File upload failed. Ask your admin to run the admin_check script to debug this problem.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG] = 'File upload failed. This is likely because the filesize was larger than is currently allowed by this PHP installation.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_VAR_NOT_FOUND] = 'A required parameter to this page was not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE] = 'That username is already being used. Please go back and select another one.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CONFIG_OPT_NOT_FOUND] = 'Configuration option \'%s\' not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CONFIG_OPT_CANT_BE_SET_IN_DB] = 'Configuration option \'%s\' can not be set in the database. It must be set in config_inc.php.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LANG_STRING_NOT_FOUND] = 'String \'%s\' not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUGNOTE_NOT_FOUND] = 'Bugnote not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND] = 'Project not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_FIELD_NOT_FOUND] = 'Database field not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FTP_CONNECT_ERROR] = 'Unable to connect to FTP server.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_HANDLER_ACCESS_TOO_LOW] = 'Issue handler does not have sufficient access rights to handle issue at this status.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE] = 'A project with that name already exists. Please go back and enter a different name.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_NAME_INVALID] = 'Invalid project name specified. Project names cannot be blank.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND] = 'User not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_AUTH_INVALID_COOKIE] = 'The login information stored by your browser is invalid. Perhaps your account was deleted?'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_PREFS_NOT_FOUND] = 'Preferences could not be found for this user.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_NEWS_NOT_FOUND] = 'News item not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH] = 'Password does not match verification.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_ARRAY_EXPECTED] = 'An array was expected but a string was received.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_ARRAY_UNEXPECTED] = 'A string was expected but an array was received.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_GPC_NOT_NUMBER] = 'A number was expected for %s.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_NOT_FOUND] = 'Bug not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND] = 'Filter %d not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILTER_TOO_OLD] = 'The filter you are trying to use is too old to be upgraded, please re-create it'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID] = 'Invalid email.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND] = 'Profile not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED] = 'File type not allowed for uploads.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE] = 'This is a duplicate file. Please delete the file first.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_INVALID_UPLOAD_PATH] = 'Invalid upload path. Directory either does not exist or not writable to webserver'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_NO_UPLOAD_FAILURE] = 'No file was uploaded. Please go back and Choose a file before pressing Upload'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_FILE_MOVE_FAILED] = 'Uploaded file could not be moved to the file storage directory. Directory either does not exist or not writable to webserver'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_DUPLICATE_SELF] = 'You cannot set an issue as a duplicate of itself.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_NOT_FOUND] = 'Custom field not found'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE] = 'This is a duplicate name.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_IN_USE] = 'At least one project still uses this field.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_INVALID_VALUE] = 'Invalid value for field'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_INVALID_DEFINITION] = 'Invalid custom field definition'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_AUTH_FAILED] = 'LDAP Authentication Failed'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_SERVER_CONNECT_FAILED] = 'LDAP Server Connection Failed'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_UPDATE_FAILED] = 'LDAP Record Update has failed.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LDAP_USER_NOT_FOUND] = 'LDAP User Record Not Found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_CONNECT_FAILED] = 'Database connection failed.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED] = 'Database query failed.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_DB_SELECT_FAILED] = 'Database selection failed.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CATEGORY_DUPLICATE] = 'Ðâda kategorija jau eksistç.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CATEGORY_NO_ACTION] = 'No copy action was specified.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND] = 'Kategorija nav atrasta.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_VERSION_DUPLICATE] = 'Ðâda versija jau eksistç.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_VERSION_NOT_FOUND] = 'Versija nav atrasta.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_NAME_INVALID] = 'The username is invalid.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_REQ_ACCESS] = 'Lieotâjam nav nepiecieðamâ pieejas lîmeòa'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_REAL_MATCH_USER] = 'The "Real Name" chosen matches another user\'s login name. Please choose another.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SPONSORSHIP_NOT_ENABLED] = 'Sponsorship support not enabled.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SPONSORSHIP_NOT_FOUND] = 'Sponsorship %d not found.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SPONSORSHIP_AMOUNT_TOO_LOW] = 'Sponsorship (%s) is below minimum amount (%s).'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SPONSORSHIP_HANDLER_ACCESS_LEVEL_TOO_LOW] = 'Handler does not have the required access level to handle sponsored issues.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SPONSORSHIP_ASSIGNER_ACCESS_LEVEL_TOO_LOW] = 'Access Denied: Assigning sponsored issues requires higher access level.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SPONSORSHIP_SPONSOR_NO_EMAIL] = 'Sponsor has not provided an email address. Please update your profile.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_CONFIG_OPT_INVALID] = 'Configuration option \'%s\' has invalid value \'%s\''; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_BUG_READ_ONLY_ACTION_DENIED] = 'The action cannot be performed because issue \'%d\' is read-only'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_EXISTS] = "ERROR: There is already a relationship between these two issues."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_FOUND] = "ERROR: Relationship not found."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_RELATIONSHIP_ACCESS_LEVEL_TO_DEST_BUG_TOO_LOW] = "Access denied: The issue %d requires higher access level."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_RELATIONSHIP_SAME_BUG] = "An issue can't be related to itself."; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_SIGNUP_NOT_MATCHING_CAPTCHA] = 'Confirmation hash does not match. Please retry.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LOST_PASSWORD_NOT_ENABLED] = 'The \'lost your password\' feature is not available.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LOST_PASSWORD_NO_EMAIL_SPECIFIED] = 'You must provide an e-mail address in order to reset the password'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LOST_PASSWORD_NOT_MATCHING_DATA] = 'The provided information doesn\'t match any registered account!'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LOST_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_HASH_INVALID] = 'The confirmation URL is invalid or has already been used. Please signup again.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_LOST_PASSWORD_MAX_IN_PROGRESS_ATTEMPTS_REACHED] = 'Max. number of in-progress requests reached. Please contact the system administrator'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PROJECT_RECURSIVE_HIERARCHY] = 'That operation would create a loop in the subproject hierarchy.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_USER_CHANGE_LAST_ADMIN] = 'You cannot change the access level of the only ADMINISTRATOR in the system.'; $MANTIS_ERROR[ERROR_PAGE_REDIRECTION] = 'Page redirection error, ensure that there are no spaces outside the PHP block (<?php ?>) in config_inc.php or custom_*.php files.'; $s_login_error = 'Jûsu pieeja ir atslçgta vai ievadîts nepareizs lietotâja vârds, parole.'; $s_login_cookies_disabled = 'Your browser either doesn\'t know how to handle cookies, or refuses to handle them.'; # General Strings $s_go_back = "Atpakaï"; $s_proceed = "Nospiediet, lai turpinâtu"; $s_switch = "Pârslçgties"; $s_logged_in_as = "Piereìistrçts kâ"; $s_prefix_for_deleted_users = 'user'; $s_administrator = "Administrâtors"; $s_myself = "Myself"; $s_default_access_level = 'Default access level'; $s_issue_status_percentage = 'Issue Status Percentage'; # Enum Strings $s_access_levels_enum_string = "10:skatîtâjs,25:ziòotâjs,40:redaktors,55:izstrâdâtâjs,70:vadîtâjs,90:administrâtors"; $s_project_status_enum_string = "10:beta,30:relîze,50:stabils,70:novecojis"; $s_project_view_state_enum_string = "10:publisks,50:privâts"; $s_view_state_enum_string = '10:publisks,50:privâts'; $s_priority_enum_string = "10:nav,20:zema,30:normâla,40:augsta,50:svarîgi,60:steidzama"; $s_severity_enum_string = "10:jauna iespçja/funkcija,20:triviâli,30:teksts/uzraksts,40:nebûtisks uzlabojums,50:uzlabojums,60:bûtisks uzlabojums,70:avârija,80:darbs nav iespçjams"; $s_reproducibility_enum_string = "10:vienmçr,30:daþreiz,50:kâ kuru reizi,70:nav mçìinâts,90:nevar atkârtot,100:nav datu"; $s_status_enum_string = "10:jauns,20:nepiecieðama papildinformâcija,30:atzîts,40:apstiprinâts,50:tiek risinâts,80:ir atrisinâts,90:aizvçrts"; $s_resolution_enum_string = "10:atvçrts,20:izlabots/realizçts,30:atkârtoti atvçrts,40:nevar atkârtot,50:nav labojams,60:dublikâts,70:nav kïûda,80:atlikts,90:netiks labots/realizçts"; $s_projection_enum_string = "10:nav,30:sîkas izmaiòas,50:izmaiòas,70:bûtiskas izmaiòas,90:pârprojektçðana"; $s_eta_enum_string = "10:nav,20:< 1 dienu,30:2-3 dienas,40:< 1 nedçïu,50:< 1 mçnesi,60:> 1 mçnesi"; $s_sponsorship_enum_string = '0:Unpaid,1:Requested,2:Paid'; # Email Strings $s_new_account_subject = 'Account registration'; $s_new_account_greeting = 'Thank you for registering. You have account with username \''; $s_new_account_greeting2 = '\'. In order to complete your registration, visit the following URL (make sure it is entered as the single line) and set your own access password:'; $s_new_account_username = "Lietotâja vârds: "; $s_new_account_message = 'If you didn\'t request any registraion, ignore this message and nothing will happen.' . "\n\n"; $s_new_account_do_not_reply = 'DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE'; $s_new_account_email = 'E-mail: '; $s_new_account_IP = 'Remote IP address: '; $s_new_account_signup_msg = 'The following account has been created:'; $s_reset_request_msg = 'Someone (presumably you) requested a password change through email verification. If this was not you, ignore this message and nothing will happen.' . "\n\n" . 'If you requested this verification, visit the following URL to change your password:'; $s_reset_request_in_progress_msg = 'If you supplied the correct username and email address for your account, we will now have sent a confirmation message to that email address. Once the message has been received, follow the instructions provided to change the password on your account.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_new = 'The following issue is now in status NEW (again)'; $s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_feedback = 'Sekojoðam buga pieteikumam nepiecieðama PAPILDINFORMÂCIJA.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_acknowledged = 'Sekojoðs buga pieteikums ir APSTIPRINÂTS(ackn).'; $s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_confirmed = 'Sekojoðs buga pieteikums ir APSTIPRINÂTS(conf).'; $s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_assigned = 'Sekojoðs buga pieteikums ir PIEÐÍIRTS.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_resolved = 'Sekojoðs buga pieteikums ir ATRISINÂTS.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_closed = 'Sekojoðs buga pieteikums ir AIZVÇRTS'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted = 'REÌISTRÇTS buga pieteikums.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_assigned = 'PIEÐÍIRTS buga pieteikums.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_reopened = 'ATKÂRTOTI ATVÇRTS buga pieteikums.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_deleted = 'DZÇSTS buga pieteikums.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_updated = 'The following issue has been UPDATED.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_sponsorship_added = 'The following issue has been SPONSORED.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_sponsorship_updated = 'A sponsorship of the following issue was modified.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_sponsorship_deleted = 'A sponsorship of the following issue was withdrawn.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_bugnote_submitted = 'Buga pieteikumam pielikta piezîme.'; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_duplicate_of_relationship_added = "The following issue has been set as DUPLICATE OF issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_has_duplicate_relationship_added = "The issue %s has been set as DUPLICATE OF the following issue."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_related_to_relationship_added = "The following issue has been set as RELATED TO issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_dependant_on_relationship_added = "The following issue has been set PARENT OF issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_blocks_relationship_added = "The following issue has been set CHILD OF issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_duplicate_of_relationship_deleted = "The following issue has been UNset as DUPLICATE OF issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_has_duplicate_relationship_deleted = "The issue %s has been UNset as DUPLICATE OF the following issue."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_related_to_relationship_deleted = "The following issue has been UNset as RELATED TO issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_dependant_on_relationship_deleted = "The following issue has been UNset PARENT OF issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_blocks_relationship_deleted = "The following issue has been UNset CHILD OF issue %s."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_relationship_child_resolved = "The RELATED issue %s has been RESOLVED."; $s_email_notification_title_for_action_relationship_child_closed = "The RELATED issue %s has been CLOSED."; $s_email_reporter = "Lietotâjs"; $s_email_handler = "Atbildîgais"; $s_email_project = "Projekts"; $s_email_bug = "kïûdas ID"; $s_email_category = "Kategorija"; $s_email_reproducibility = "Atkârtojamîba"; $s_email_severity = "Kritiskums"; $s_email_priority = "Prioritâte"; $s_email_status = "Status"; $s_email_resolution = "Risinâjums"; $s_email_duplicate = "Dublikâti"; $s_email_fixed_in_version = 'Fixed in Version'; $s_email_date_submitted = "Izveides datums"; $s_email_last_modified = "Pçdçjâ korekcija"; $s_email_summary = "Îss apraksts"; $s_email_description = "Apraksts"; # account_delete.php $s_account_protected_msg = "Lietotâja konts ir aizsargâts, nevar veikt izmaiòas..."; $s_account_removed_msg = "Jûsu lietotâjs tika izdzçsts..."; # account_delete_page.php $s_confirm_delete_msg = "Vai esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties sevi dzçst no sistçmas?"; $s_delete_account_button = "Lietotâja dzçðana"; # account_page.php $s_manage_profiles_link = "Profilu vadîba"; $s_change_preferences_link = "Opcijas"; $s_edit_account_title = "Lietotâja konta laboðana"; $s_username = "Lietotâjs"; $s_realname = 'Real Name'; $s_email = "E-pasts"; $s_password = "Parole"; $s_no_password_change = 'The password is controlled by another system, hence cannot be edited here.'; $s_confirm_password = "Apstipriniet paroli"; $s_access_level = "Pieejas lîmenis"; $s_update_user_button = "Saglabât izmaiòas"; $s_verify_warning = 'Your account information has been verified. The account confirmation message you have received is now invalid.'; $s_verify_change_password = 'You must set a password here to allow you to log in again.'; # account_prefs_page.php $s_default_account_preferences_title = "Lietotâja opcijas"; $s_default_project = "Noklusçtais projekts"; $s_advanced_report = "Paplaðinâts ziòojums"; $s_advanced_view = "Paplaðinâta apskate"; $s_advanced_update = "Paplaðinâta laboðana"; $s_refresh_delay = "Ekrâna atjauninâðnas aizture"; $s_redirect_delay = "Aizture veicot noteiktas darbîbas"; $s_with_minimum_severity = 'With Minimum Severity of'; $s_bugnote_order = 'Bugnotes Sort Order'; $s_bugnote_order_asc = 'Ascending'; $s_bugnote_order_desc = 'Descending'; $s_email_on_new = "Paziòot par jaunumiem"; $s_email_on_assigned = "Paziòot par atbildîgumu"; $s_email_on_feedback = "Paziòot par papildinâjumiem(papildinformâcija)"; $s_email_on_resolved = "Paziòot, ja ATRISINÂTS?"; $s_email_on_closed = "Paziòot, ja AIZVÇRTS?"; $s_email_on_reopened = "Paziòot, ja tiek atkârtoti ATVÇRTS"; $s_email_on_bugnote_added = "Paziòot par jaunu komentâru"; $s_email_on_status_change = "Paziòot par statusa maiòu"; $s_email_on_priority_change = "Paziòot par prioritâtes maiòu"; $s_email_bugnote_limit = 'Email Bugnotes Limit'; $s_language = "Valoda"; $s_update_prefs_button = "Saglabât"; $s_reset_prefs_button = "Atcelt"; # account_prefs_reset.php $s_prefs_reset_msg = "Opcijas tika atgrieztas uz sâkotnçjâm..."; # account_prefs_update.php $s_prefs_updated_msg = "Opcijas saglabâtas..."; # account_profile_add.php $s_profile_added_msg = "Profils pievienots..."; # account_profile_delete.php $s_profile_deleted_msg = "Profils nodzçsts..."; # account_profile_edit_page.php $s_edit_profile_title = "Profila laboðana"; $s_platform = "Platforma"; $s_operating_system = "Operçtâjsistçma"; $s_additional_description = "Papildus apraksts"; $s_update_profile_button = "Saglabât profilu"; # account_profile_make_default.php $s_profile_defaulted_msg = "Noklusçtais profils saglabâts..."; # account_profile_manage_page.php $s_add_profile_title = "Profila pievienoðana"; $s_add_profile_button = "Pievienot profilu"; $s_edit_or_delete_profiles_title = "Profilu laboðana un dzçðana"; $s_edit_profile = "Profila laboðana"; $s_make_default = "Izveidot profilu"; $s_delete_profile = "Dzçst profilu"; $s_select_profile = "Izvçlçties profilu"; $s_submit_button = "Nosûtît"; # account_profile_update.php $s_profile_updated_msg = "Profils saglabâts..."; # account_sponsor_page.php $s_my_sponsorship = 'My Sponsorships'; $s_update_sponsorship_button = 'Change Payment Status'; $s_no_sponsored = 'No sponsored issues Assigned To yourself were found.'; $s_own_sponsored = 'Issues You have Sponsored:'; $s_issues_handled = 'Sponsored Issues You Have Been Assigned To:'; $s_no_own_sponsored = 'You have not sponsored any issues.'; $s_sponsor = 'Sponsor'; # like in 'The sponsor of...' $s_sponsor_verb = 'Sponsor'; # like in 'Sponsor it!' $s_amount = 'Amount'; $s_total_owing = 'Total Owing'; $s_total_paid = 'Total Paid'; $s_sponsor_hide = 'Hide Resolved and Paid'; $s_sponsor_show = 'Show All'; # account_sponsor_update.php $s_payment_updated = 'Payment information updated.'; # account_update.php $s_account_updated_msg = "Lietotâja konts saglabâts..."; $s_email_updated = 'Email address successfully updated'; $s_realname_duplicated = 'Real name is used by another user'; $s_realname_updated = 'Real name successfully updated'; $s_password_updated = 'Password successfully updated'; # adm_permission_report.php # bug_action_group_page $s_multiple_projects = 'The issues you have selected are from different projects. The parameters below reflect the settings for all projects. If this is incorrect, please retry your change with a smaller number of issues selected.'; # bug_assign.php $s_bug_assign_msg = "Kïûdas atbildîgais tika noteikts..."; # bug_change_status_page.php $s_new_bug_title = 'New Issue'; $s_feedback_bug_title = 'Provide Feedback to Issue'; $s_acknowledged_bug_title = 'Acknowledge Issue'; $s_confirmed_bug_title = 'Confirm Issue'; $s_assigned_bug_title = 'Assign Issue'; $s_new_bug_button = 'New Issue'; $s_feedback_bug_button = 'Provide Feedback'; $s_acknowledged_bug_button = 'Acknowledge Issue'; $s_confirmed_bug_button = 'Confirm Issue'; $s_assigned_bug_button = 'Assign Issue'; # bug_close.php $s_bug_close_msg = "Kïûda aizvçrta..."; $s_close_immediately = "Nekavçjoties aizvçrt:"; # bug_close_page.php $s_closed_bug_title = "Aizvçrt kïûdu"; # bug_delete.php $s_bug_deleted_msg = "Kïûda izdzçsta..."; # bug_delete_page.php $s_delete_bug_sure_msg = "Vai esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties dzçst kïûdu?"; $s_delete_bug_button = "Dzçst kïûdu"; # bug_monitor.php $s_monitor_bug_button = "Ieslçgt kïûdas monitoringu"; $s_unmonitor_bug_button = "Izslçgt kïûdas monitoringu"; # bug_file_add.php $s_file_upload_msg = "Fails ielâdçts"; # bug_file_upload_inc.php $s_upload_file = "Faila ielâdçðana"; $s_select_file = "Izvçlçties failu"; $s_upload_file_button = "Ielâdçt failu"; $s_max_file_size = 'Max lielums'; # bug_reopen.php $s_bug_reopened_msg = "Kïûda atkârtoti atvçrta..."; $s_reopen_add_bugnote_title = "Pievienot atkârtotas atvçrðanas iemeslu"; $s_bugnote_add_reopen_button = "Pielikt komentâru un atkârtoti atvçrt"; # bug_resolve_page.php $s_resolved_bug_title = "Kïûdas atrisinâðana"; $s_resolved_bug_button = "Kïûda atrisinâta"; # bug_resolve_page2.php $s_bug_resolved_msg = "Kïûda atrisinâta. Pievienojiet komentâru..."; $s_resolve_add_bugnote_title = "Pievienojiet atrisinâjuma komentâru"; $s_bugnote_add_resolve_button = "Pievienot komentâru"; # bug_reminder_page.php $s_from = 'No'; $s_to = 'Kam'; $s_on = 'On'; $s_sent_you_this_reminder_about = 'sûtît ðo atgâdinâjumu par'; $s_bug_reminder = 'Atgâdinâjumu sûtîðana'; $s_reminder_sent_to = 'Atgâdinâjums nosûtîts uz'; $s_bug_send_button = 'Sûtît'; $s_reminder = 'Atgâdinâjums'; $s_reminder_explain = 'This note will be sent to the recipients listed requesting feedback on this issue.'; $s_reminder_monitor = 'These recipients will also begin monitoring the issue. They can unsubscribe using the Unmonitor button.'; $s_reminder_store = 'This note will be stored with the issue.'; # bug_set_sponsorship.php $s_confirm_sponsorship = 'Please confirm you want to sponsor issue %d for %s.'; # bug_update.php $s_bug_updated_msg = "Informâcija par kïûdu ir atjaunota..."; # bug_update_advanced_page.php $s_back_to_bug_link = "Atpakaï pie kïûdas"; $s_update_simple_link = "Laboðana"; $s_updating_bug_advanced_title = "Informâcijas par kïûdu laboðana"; $s_id = "ID"; $s_category = "Kategorija"; $s_severity = "Kritiskums"; $s_reproducibility = "Atkârtojamîba"; $s_date_submitted = "Reìistrçts"; $s_last_update = "Atjaunots"; $s_reporter = "Ziòotâjs"; $s_assigned_to = "Atbildîgais"; $s_priority = "Prioritâte"; $s_resolution = "Risinâjums"; $s_status = "Status"; $s_duplicate_id = "Dublikâti"; $s_os = "Operçtâjsistçma"; $s_projection = "Prognoze"; $s_os_version = "OS versija"; $s_eta = "ETA"; $s_product_version = "Produkta versija"; $s_build = "Apakðversija"; $s_fixed_in_version = 'Fixed in Version'; $s_votes = "Balsojumi"; $s_summary = "Îss apraksts"; $s_description = "Apraksts"; $s_steps_to_reproduce = "Darbîbas, kas jâveic, lai atkârtotu kïûdu"; $s_update_information_button = "Saglabât"; $s_sticky_issue = 'Sticky Issue'; $s_profile = 'Profile'; # bug_update_page.php $s_update_advanced_link = "Paplaðinâtâ laboðana"; $s_updating_bug_simple_title = "Kïûdas datu laboðana"; # bug_vote_add.php $s_vote_added_msg = "Balsojums pievienots..."; # bugnote_add.php $s_bugnote_added_msg = "Komentârs pievienots..."; # bugnote_delete.php $s_bugnote_deleted_msg = "Komentârs dzçsts..."; $s_bug_notes_title = "Kïûdas komentâri"; # bugnote_edit_page.php $s_edit_bugnote_title = "Labot komentâru"; # bugnote_inc.php $s_no_bugnotes_msg = "Nav komentâru"; $s_delete_link = "Dzçst"; $s_add_bugnote_title = "Komentâra pievienoðana"; $s_add_bugnote_button = "Pievienot"; $s_bugnote_edit_link = "Labot"; $s_closed_bug_button = "AIZVÇRT kïûdu"; # bugnote_update.php $s_bugnote_updated_msg = "Komentârs saglabâts..."; $s_edited_on = "labots: "; # file_api.php $s_show_content ='Show Content'; # index.php $s_click_to_login = "Noklikðíiniet, lai pieslçgtos"; # login.php # login_page.php #@@@ should the following string be related to $g_window_title? $s_login_page_info = "Sveicinâti problçmu, kïûdu un jaunas funkcionalitâtes pieprasîjumu uzskaites un kontroles sistçmâ(bugtrack)"; $s_login_title = "Pieslçgðanâs"; $s_save_login = "Iegaumçt paroli"; $s_choose_project = "Izvçlaties projektu"; $s_login_button = "Pieslçgties"; $s_signup_link = "Jums nav paroles? Reìistrçties sistçmâ kâ jaunam lietotâjam."; $s_lost_password_link = 'Lost your password?'; # login_select_proj_page.php $s_select_project_button = "Izvçlaties projektu"; # logout_page.php $s_logged_out_title = "Atslçgðanâs..."; $s_redirecting = "...pâradresâcija"; $s_here = "ðeit"; # lost_pwd_page.php $s_lost_password_title = "Password Reset"; $s_lost_password_done_title = "Password Message Sent"; $s_lost_password_subject = "Password Reset"; $s_lost_password_info = "To reinstate your lost password, please supply the name and email address for the account.<br/><br/>If the data corresponds to a valid account, you will be sent a special URL via email that contains a validation code for your account. Please follow this link to change your password."; $s_lost_password_confirm_hash_OK = "Your confirmation has been accepted. Please update your password."; # main_page.php $s_open_and_assigned_to_me = "man pieðíirtâs atvçrtâs(neatrisinâtâs) kïûdas/problçmas"; $s_open_and_reported_to_me = "manis reìistrçtie, vçl atvçrtie(neatrisinâtie) ziòojumi"; $s_newer_news_link = "Jaunâkâs ziòas"; $s_older_news_link = "Vecas ziòas"; $s_archives = "Arhîvs"; $s_rss = 'RSS'; # manage_create_new_user.php $s_created_user_part1 = "Izveidots lietotâjs"; $s_created_user_part2 = "ar pieejas lîmeni"; # manage_create_user_page.php $s_create_new_account_title = "Izveidot lietotâju"; $s_verify_password = "Paroles apstiprinâðana"; $s_enabled = "Atïauts"; $s_protected = "Aizsargâts konts"; $s_create_user_button = "Izveidot"; # manage_page.php $s_hide_disabled = "Slçpt bloíçtos"; $s_filter_button = "Atlasît"; $s_manage_users_link = "Lietotâju vadîba"; $s_manage_projects_link = "Projektu vadîba"; $s_manage_custom_field_link = 'Custom lauku noteikðana'; $s_manage_global_profiles_link = 'Manage Global Profiles'; $s_permissions_summary_report = 'Permissions Report'; $s_manage_config_link = 'Manage Configuration'; $s_manage_threshold_config = 'Workflow Thresholds'; $s_manage_email_config = 'Email Notifications'; $s_manage_workflow_config = 'Workflow'; $s_create_new_account_link = "Izveidot jaunu lietotâju"; $s_projects_link = "Projekti"; $s_documentation_link = "Dokumentâcija"; $s_new_accounts_title = "Jauni lietotâji"; $s_1_week_title = "Par nedçïu"; $s_never_logged_in_title = "Nekad nav lietojuði sistçmu"; $s_prune_accounts = "Dzçst lietotâjus"; $s_hide_inactive = "Slçpt neaktîvos"; $s_manage_accounts_title = "Lietotâju kontu vadîba"; $s_p = "*"; $s_date_created = "Izveidots"; $s_last_visit = "Pçdçjâ vizîte"; $s_edit_user_link = "Labot lietotâju"; # manage_config_email_page $s_config_all_projects = 'Note: These configurations affect ALL PROJECTS, unless overridden at the project level.'; $s_config_project = 'Note: These configurations affect only the %s project.'; $s_colour_coding = 'In the table below, the following color code applies:'; $s_colour_project = 'Project setting overrides others.'; $s_colour_global = 'All Project settings override default configuration.'; $s_issue_reporter = 'User who reported issue'; $s_issue_handler = 'User who is handling the issue'; $s_users_added_bugnote = 'Users who added Bugnotes'; $s_change_configuration = 'Update Configuration'; $s_message = 'Message'; $s_default_notify = 'Setting default notification flags to'; $s_action_notify = 'Setting action notification flags to'; $s_notify_defaults_change_access = 'Who can change notification defaults'; $s_notify_actions_change_access = 'Who can change notifications'; $s_revert_to_system = "Delete All Projects Settings"; $s_revert_to_all_project = "Delete Project Specific Settings"; # manage_config_workflow_page $s_non_existent = 'non-existent'; $s_current_status = 'Current Status'; $s_next_status = 'Next Status'; $s_workflow = 'Workflow'; $s_workflow_thresholds = 'Thresholds that Affect Workflow'; $s_threshold = 'Threshold'; $s_status_level = 'Status'; $s_alter_level = 'Who can alter this value'; $s_validation = 'Workflow Validation'; $s_comment = 'Validation Comment'; $s_superfluous = 'Arc from status to itself is implied, and need not be given explicitly'; $s_unreachable = 'You cannot move an issue into this status'; $s_no_exit = 'You cannot move an issue out of this status'; $s_access_levels = 'Access Levels'; $s_access_change = 'Minimum Access Level to Change to this Status'; $s_desc_bug_submit_status = 'Status to which a new issue is set'; $s_desc_bug_reopen_status = 'Status to which reopened issues are set'; $s_desc_bug_resolved_status_threshold = 'Status where an issue is considered resolved'; $s_workflow_change_access = 'Who can change workflow'; $s_access_change_access = 'Who can change access levels'; # manage_config_workflow_set $s_default_not_in_flow = 'The default status of %s is not selected in the next statuses for %s. It will be ignored'; # manage_config_work_threshold_page $s_assign_issue = 'Assign an issue'; $s_allow_close_immediate = 'Allow issue to be closed on Resolve'; $s_allow_reporter_close = 'Allow Reporter to close Issue'; $s_allow_reporter_reopen = 'Allow Reporter to re-open Issue'; $s_set_status_assigned = 'Set status on assignment of Handler'; $s_allow_user_edit = 'Allow user to edit their own bugnotes'; $s_limit_access = 'Limit reporter\'s access to their own issues'; $s_submit_status = 'Status to which a new issue is set'; $s_assigned_status = 'Status to set auto-assigned issues to'; $s_resolved_status = 'Status where an issue is considered resolved'; $s_readonly_status = 'Status where an issue becomes read only'; $s_reopen_status = 'Status to which a reopened issue is set'; $s_reopen_resolution = 'Resolution to which a reopened issue is set'; # manage_config_revert_page $s_config_delete_sure = 'Are you sure you want to delete the settings for'; $s_in_project = 'in project'; $s_delete_config_button = 'Delete Settings'; # adm_config_report.php $s_configuration_report = 'Configuration Report'; $s_database_configuration = 'Database Configuration'; $s_configuration_option = 'Configuration Option'; $s_configuration_option_type = 'Type'; $s_configuration_option_value = 'Value'; $s_all_users = 'All Users'; $s_set_configuration_option = 'Set Configuration Option'; $s_delete_config_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this configuration option?'; # manage_proj_add.php $s_project_added_msg = "Projekts pievienots..."; # manage_proj_category_add.php $s_category_added_msg = "Kategorija pievienota..."; # manage_proj_category_delete.php $s_category_deleted_msg = "Kategorija nodzçsta..."; # manage_proj_category_delete_page.php $s_category_delete_sure_msg = "Vai esat pârliecinâti par kategorijas dzçðanu? Visas atbilstoðâs kïûdas tiks dzçstas"; $s_delete_category_button = "Dzçst kategoriju"; # manage_proj_category_edit_page.php $s_edit_project_category_title = "Projekta kategoriju laboðana"; $s_update_category_button = "Saglabât kategoriju"; # manage_proj_category_update.php $s_category_updated_msg = "Kategorija saglabâta..."; # manage_proj_create_page.php $s_add_subproject_title = 'Add Subproject'; # manage_proj_delete.php $s_project_deleted_msg = "Projekts nodzçsts..."; # manage_proj_delete_page.php $s_project_delete_msg = "Vai esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties nodzçst projektu ar visu saistîto informâciju?"; $s_project_delete_button = "Nodzçst projektu"; # manage_proj_edit_page.php $s_edit_project_title = "Projekta laboðana"; $s_project_name = "Projekta nosaukums"; $s_view_status = "Pieejas status"; $s_public = "Publisks"; $s_private = "Privâts";; $s_update_project_button = "Saglabât projektu"; $s_delete_project_button = "Dzçst projektu"; $s_categories_and_version_title = "Kategorijas un versijas"; $s_categories = "Kategorijas"; $s_add_category_button = "Pielikt kategoriju"; $s_versions = "Versijas"; $s_add_version_button = "Pielikt versiju"; $s_add_and_edit_version_button = 'Add and Edit Version'; $s_edit_link = "labot"; $s_actions = 'Darbîbas'; $s_version = 'Versija'; $s_timestamp = 'Laiks'; $s_update = 'Labot'; $s_subprojects = 'Subprojects'; $s_add_subproject = 'Add as Subproject'; $s_create_new_subproject_link = 'Create New Subproject'; $s_unlink_link = 'Unlink'; # manage_proj_menu_page.php $s_add_project_title = "Pievienot projektu"; $s_upload_file_path = "Ceïð ielâdçjamo failu saglabâðanai"; $s_add_project_button = "Pievienot projektu"; $s_projects_title = "Projekti"; $s_name = "Nosaukums"; # manage_proj_update.php $s_project_updated_msg = "Projekta izmaiòas saglabâtas..."; # manage_proj_version_add.php $s_version_added_msg = "Versija tika pielikta..."; # manage_proj_version_delete.php $s_version_deleted_msg = "Versija nodzçsta..."; # manage_proj_version_delete_page.php $s_version_delete_sure = "Vai esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties dzçst ðo versiju?"; $s_delete_version_button = "Dzçst versiju"; # manage_proj_version_edit_page.php $s_edit_project_version_title = "Projekta versijas laboðana"; $s_update_version_button = "Labot projekta versiju"; $s_released = 'Released'; # manage_proj_version_update.php $s_version_updated_msg = "Versija saglabâta..."; # manage_user_delete.php $s_account_delete_protected_msg = "Lietotâja konts ir aizsargâts. Dzçst nevar."; $s_account_deleted_msg = "Lietotâjs nodzçsts..."; # manage_user_delete_page.php $s_delete_account_sure_msg = "Vai esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties dzçst ðo lietotâju?"; # manage_user_prune.php $s_accounts_pruned_msg = "Visi lietotâji, kas nekad nav lietojuði sistçmu un ir reìistrçti ilgâk nekâ nedçïu atpakaï tika nodzçsti"; $s_prune_accounts_button = 'Prune'; $s_confirm_account_pruning = 'Vai Jûs esat pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties dzçst lietotâjus, kas nekad nav pieslçguðies?'; # manage_user_page.php $s_edit_user_title = "Lietotâja laboðana"; $s_reset_password_button = "Atcelt paroli"; $s_delete_user_button = "Dzçst lietotâju"; $s_reset_password_msg = 'Reset Password sends the confirmation URL via email.'; $s_reset_password_msg2 = "ðobrîd lietotâjam nav paroles (tukða)."; $s_show_all_users = 'Visi'; # manage_user_reset.php $s_account_reset_protected_msg = "Lietotâja konts ir aizsargâts. Paroli nevar atcelt."; $s_account_reset_msg = 'Confirmation message has been sent to your email address...'; $s_account_reset_msg2 = "Parole tagad ir tukða..."; # manage_user_update.php $s_manage_user_protected_msg = "Lietotâja konts ir aizsargâts. Pieejas lîmenis ir bloíçts. Pârçjas izmaiòas saglabâtas..."; $s_manage_user_updated_msg = "Izmaiòas lietotâja kontâ ir saglabâtas ..."; # menu_inc.php $s_main_link = "Sâkumlapa"; $s_view_bugs_link = "Skatît kïûdas"; $s_report_bug_link = "Piereìistrçt kïûdu"; $s_changelog_link = 'Change Log'; $s_summary_link = "Statistika"; $s_account_link = "Reþîmi"; $s_users_link = "Lietotâji"; $s_manage_link = "Vadîba"; $s_edit_news_link = "Jaunumi"; $s_docs_link = "Dokumentâcija"; $s_logout_link = "Beigt"; $s_my_view_link = 'My View'; # meta_inc.php # my_view_page.php $s_my_view_title_unassigned = 'Unassigned'; $s_my_view_title_recent_mod = 'Recently Modified'; $s_my_view_title_reported = 'Reported by Me'; $s_my_view_title_assigned = 'Assigned to Me (Unresolved)'; $s_my_view_title_resolved = 'Resolved'; $s_my_view_title_monitored = 'Monitored by Me'; $s_my_view_title_feedback = 'Awaiting Feedback from Me'; $s_my_view_title_verify = 'Awaiting Confirmation of Resolution from Me'; # news_add.php $s_news_added_msg = "Ziòa tika pievienota..."; # news_delete.php $s_news_deleted_msg = "Ziòas nodzçðana..."; # news_delete_page.php $s_delete_news_sure_msg = "Vai pârliecinâti, ka vçlaties dzçst ziòu?"; $s_delete_news_item_button = "Dzçst ziòu"; # news_edit_page.php $s_edit_news_title = "Ziòu laboðana"; $s_headline = "Virsraksts"; $s_body = "Ziòas teksts"; $s_update_news_button = "Saglabât ziòas izmaiòas"; # news_menu_page.php $s_add_news_title = "Pielikt ziòas"; $s_post_to = "Novietot ziòu iekð "; $s_post_news_button = "Novietot ziòu"; $s_edit_or_delete_news_title = "Ziòu laboðana un dzçðana"; $s_edit_post = "Labot ziòu"; $s_delete_post = "Dzçst ziòu"; $s_select_post = "Izvçlçties ziòu"; # news_update.php $s_news_updated_msg = "Ziòa saglabâta..."; # news_view_page.php $s_back_link = "Atpakaï"; # proj_doc_add.php $s_file_uploaded_msg = "Fails ielâdçts"; # proj_doc_add_page.php $s_upload_file_title = "Ielâdçt failu"; $s_title = "Nosaukums"; # proj_doc_delete.php $s_project_file_deleted_msg = "Projekta fails tika nodzçsts"; # proj_doc_delete_page.php $s_confirm_file_delete_msg = "Vai tieðâm vçlaties dzçst failu?"; # proj_doc_edit_page.php $s_filename = "Faila nosaukums"; $s_file_update_button = "Saglabât failu"; $s_file_delete_button = "Dzçst failu"; # proj_doc_page.php $s_project_documentation_title = "Projekta dokumentâcija"; $s_user_documentation = "Lietotâja dokumentâcija"; $s_project_documentation = "Projekta dokumentâcija"; $s_add_file = "Pievienot failu"; # proj_doc_update.php $s_project_document_updated = "Projekts saglabâts"; # proj_user_add.php $s_project_user_added_msg = "Lietotâjs pievienots projektam"; # proj_user_delete.php $s_project_removed_user_msg = "Lietotâjs dzçsts no projekta"; # proj_user_delete_page.php $s_remove_user_sure_msg = "Vai tieðâm vçlaties dzçst lietotâju?"; $s_remove_user_button = 'Remove User'; $s_remove_all_users_sure_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to remove all the users of this project?'; $s_remove_all_users_button = 'Remove All Users'; # proj_user_menu_page.php $s_add_user_title = "Lietotâja pievienoðana projektam"; $s_add_user_button = "Pievienot"; $s_project_selection_title = "Projekta izvçle"; $s_remove_link = "dzçst"; $s_remove_all_link = 'Remove all'; # proj_user_update.php $s_updated_user_msg = "Lietotâjs pievienots"; # report_add.php $s_must_enter_category = "Jums jâizvçlas kategorija"; $s_must_enter_severity = "Jums jâizvçlas kritiskums"; $s_must_enter_reproducibility = "Jums jânorâda kritiskums"; $s_must_enter_summary = "Jums jânorâda îss apraksts"; $s_must_enter_description = "Jums jânorâda problçmas apraksts"; $s_report_more_bugs = "Vai vçlaties pievienot vçl kïûdu?"; $s_submission_thanks_msg = "Paldies par Jûsu ziòojumu"; # report_bug_advanced_page.php $s_simple_report_link = "Kïûdas ievades vienkârðâ forma"; $s_enter_report_details_title = "Ievadiet informâciju par kïûdu"; $s_required = "obligâti aizpildâms lauks"; $s_select_category = "Norâdiet kategoriju"; $s_select_reproducibility = "Norâdiet kïûdas periodiskumu"; $s_select_severity = "Norâdiet kïûdas kritiskumu"; $s_or_fill_in = "vai aizpildiet"; $s_assign_to = "Noteikt atbildîgo"; $s_additional_information = "Papildinformâcija"; $s_submit_report_button = "Reìistrçt kïûdu"; $s_check_report_more_bugs = "atzîmçjiet, ja vçlaties ievadît vairâkus ziòojumus"; # report_bug_page.php $s_advanced_report_link = "Paplaðinâtâ forma"; $s_report_stay = "Turpinât kïûdu ievadi"; # set_project.php $s_selected_project = "Izvçlçtais projekts"; $s_valid_project_msg = "Jums jâizvçlâs pareizs projekts"; # signup.php $s_signup_done_title = 'Account registration processed'; $s_password_emailed_msg = 'Congratulations. You have registered successfully. You are now being sent a confirmation email to verify your email address. Visiting the link sent to you in this email will activate your account.'; $s_no_reponse_msg = 'You will have seven days to complete the account confirmation process; if you fail to complete account confirmation within seven days, this newly-registered account may be purged.'; # signup_page.php $s_signup_captcha_request = 'Enter the code as it is shown in the box on the right'; $s_signup_info = 'On completion of this form and verification of your answers, you will be sent a confirmation email to the email address you specified.<br/>Using the confirmation email, you will be able activate your account. If you fail to activate your account within seven days, it will be purged.<br/>You must specify a valid email address in order to receive the account confirmation email.'; $s_signup_title = "Lietotâja reìistrâcija"; $s_signup_button = "Piereìistrçties"; $s_no_password_request = 'Your password is managed by another system. Please contact your system administrator.'; # site_settings_edit_page.php $s_edit_site_settings_title = "Servera opcijas"; $s_save_settings_button = "Saglabât opcijas"; # site_settings_page.php $s_site_settings_title = "Servera opcijas"; $s_system_info_link = "Sistçminformâcija"; $s_site_settings_link = "Servera opcijas"; # site_settings_update.php $s_site_settings_updated_msg = "Servera opcijas tika saglabâtas"; # summary_page.php $s_summary_title = "Statistika"; $s_summary_jpgraph_link = "Grafiskâ statistika"; $s_by_project = 'pçc projekta'; $s_by_status = "pçc statusa"; $s_by_date = "pçc datuma"; $s_by_severity = "pçc kritiskuma"; $s_by_resolution = "pçc risinâjuma"; $s_by_category = "pçc kategorijâm"; $s_by_priority = "pçc prioritâtes"; $s_by_developer = "pçc izstrâdâtâja"; $s_by_reporter ="pçc lietotâja"; $s_reporter_by_resolution = 'Ziòotâjs pçc risinâjuma'; $s_reporter_effectiveness = 'Ziòotâja efektivitâte'; $s_developer_by_resolution = 'Izstrâdâtâjs pçc risinâjum'; $s_percentage_fixed = '% atrisinâti'; $s_percentage_errors = '% neapstiprinâjâs'; $s_errors = 'Kïûdas'; $s_total = 'Kopâ'; $s_time_stats = "Statistika par kïûdu risinâðanas ilgumu"; $s_longest_open_bug = "viss ilgâgâ kïûda"; $s_longest_open = "lielâkais laiks"; $s_average_time = "vidçjais laiks"; $s_total_time = "kopçjais laiks"; $s_developer_stats = "izstrâdâtâja statistika"; $s_reporter_stats = "ziòotâja statistika"; $s_orct = "atvçrti/atrisinâti/slçgti/kopâ)"; # view_all_bug_page.php $s_any = "visi"; $s_show = "Parâdît"; $s_changed = "Izmaiòas (pa stundu)"; $s_viewing_bugs_title = "Kïûdu apskate"; $s_updated = "Atjaunots"; $s_sticky = 'Show Sticky Issues'; $s_sort = 'Sort by'; $s_issue_id = 'Issue #'; $s_recently_visited = 'Recently Visited'; # view_all_inc.php $s_none = "nav"; $s_current = 'current'; $s_search ="meklçt"; $s_view_prev_link = "iepriekðçjos"; $s_view_next_link = "nâkoðos"; $s_prev = 'iepr.'; $s_next = 'nâkoð.'; $s_first = 'pirmais'; $s_last = 'pçdçjais'; $s_start_date = 'Start Date'; $s_end_date = 'End Date'; $s_use_date_filters = 'Use Date Filters'; $s_yes = 'Yes'; $s_no = 'No'; $s_open_filters = 'Change Filter'; $s_or_unassigned = 'Or Unassigned'; $s_ok = 'OK'; $s_select_all = 'Select All'; # stored query strings $s_use_query = 'Use Filter'; $s_delete_query = 'Delete Filter'; $s_query_deleted = 'Filter Deleted'; $s_save_query = 'Save Current Filter'; $s_reset_query = 'Reset Filter'; $s_query_name = 'Filter Name'; $s_query_exists = 'This particular query appears to already exist.'; $s_query_dupe_name = 'Another query already has this name. Please choose a different name for this query.'; $s_query_blank_name = 'You cannot store a filter without a name. Please give this filter a name before saving it.'; $s_query_store_error = 'There was an error saving this query.'; $s_open_queries = 'Manage Filters'; $s_query_delete_msg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this query?'; # view_bug_advanced_page.php $s_view_simple_link = "Apskate"; $s_viewing_bug_advanced_details_title = "Paplaðinâtâs informâcijas apskate"; $s_product_build = "produkta apakðversija"; $s_system_profile = "Sistçmas (darba vides) apraksts"; $s_update_bug_button = "Labot kïûdas informâciju"; $s_bug_assign_to_button = 'Pieðíirts:'; $s_bug_status_to_button = 'Change Status To:'; $s_reopen_bug_button = "Atkârtoti atvçrt"; $s_move_bug_button = 'Move Issue'; $s_attached_files = "Failu pievienoðana"; $s_publish = 'Publicçt'; $s_cached = 'Keðots'; # view_bug_inc.php # view_bug_page.php $s_view_advanced_link = "Apskatît paplaðinâtâto informâciju"; $s_viewing_bug_simple_details_title = "Apskatît informâcijau"; # bug_monitor_list_view_inc.php $s_no_users_monitoring_bug = 'Neviens lietotâjs neveic ðî buga monitoringu.'; $s_users_monitoring_bug = 'Lietotâji, kas veic monitoringu'; $s_monitoring_user_list = 'Lietotâju saraksts'; # bug_sponsorship_list_view_inc.php $s_no_users_sponsoring_bug = 'There are no users sponsoring this issue.'; $s_users_sponsoring_bug = 'Users sponsoring this issue'; $s_sponsors_list = 'Sponsors List'; $s_total_sponsorship_amount = 'Total Sponsorship = %s'; # custom field strings $s_add_custom_field_button = 'Jauns Custom lauks'; $s_delete_custom_field_button = 'Dzçst Custom lauku'; $s_delete_custom_field_everywhere = 'Dzçst Custom lauku visur'; $s_update_custom_field_button = 'Saglabât/labot Custom lauku'; $s_add_existing_custom_field = 'Pievienot projektam Custom lauku'; $s_edit_custom_field_title = 'Labot custom lauku'; $s_custom_field = 'Lauks'; $s_custom_fields_setup = 'Custom lauks'; $s_custom_field_name = 'Nosaukums'; $s_custom_field_project_count = 'Projektu skaits'; $s_custom_field_type = 'Tips'; $s_custom_field_possible_values = 'Iespçjamâs vçrtîbas'; $s_custom_field_default_value = 'Noklusçtâ vçrtîba'; $s_custom_field_valid_regexp = 'Regular Expression'; $s_custom_field_access_level_r = 'Lasîðanas tiesîbas'; $s_custom_field_access_level_rw = 'Laboðanas tiesîbas'; $s_custom_field_length_min = 'Min. garums'; $s_custom_field_length_max = 'Max. garums'; $s_custom_field_advanced = 'Display Only On Advanced Page'; $s_custom_field_display_report = 'Display When Reporting Issues'; $s_custom_field_display_update = 'Display When Updating Issues'; $s_custom_field_display_resolved = 'Display When Resolving Issues'; $s_custom_field_display_closed = 'Display When Closing Issues'; $s_custom_field_require_report = 'Required On Report'; $s_custom_field_require_update = 'Required On Update'; $s_custom_field_require_resolved = 'Required On Resolve'; $s_custom_field_require_closed = 'Required On Close'; $s_custom_field_sequence = 'Secîba(n.p.k)'; $s_custom_field_type_enum_string = '0:Teksts,1:Skaitlis,2:Float,3:Enumeration,4:E-pasts,5:Checkbox,6:List,7:Multiselection list,8:Date'; $s_confirm_used_custom_field_deletion = 'ðis lauks ir saistîts ar vismaz vienu projektu. Ja turpinâsiet, visas vçrtîbas tiks izdzçstas. Ðî darbîba ir neatceïama. Lai atliktu, spiediet atgriezieties uz iepriekðçjo lapu.'; $s_confirm_custom_field_deletion = 'Vai esat pârliecinâti ka jâdþçð Custum lauks un visas ar to saistîtâs vçrtîbas?'; $s_field_delete_button = 'Dzçst lauku'; $s_confirm_custom_field_unlinking = 'Are you sure you want to remove (unlink) this custom field from the project and delete all associated values?'; $s_field_remove_button = 'Remove Field'; $s_hide_status = 'Slçpt statusu'; $s_filter_closed = "Aizvçrtie"; $s_filter_resolved = "Atrisinâtie"; $s_hide_closed = "Hide Closed"; $s_hide_resolved = "Hide Resolved"; $s_and_above = 'And Above'; $s_advanced_filters = 'Advanced Filters'; $s_simple_filters = 'Simple Filters'; $s_monitored_by = 'Monitored By'; $s_attachments = "pielikums(-i)"; $s_attachment_alt = "A"; # PHPMailer $s_phpmailer_language = 'en'; # Sponsorship Strings $s_sponsors = '%d sponsor(s)'; $s_sponsorship_added = 'Sponsorship Added'; $s_sponsorship_updated = 'Sponsorship Updated'; $s_sponsorship_deleted = 'Sponsorship Deleted'; $s_sponsorship_paid = 'Sponsorship Paid'; $s_sponsorship_more_info = 'More information about sponsorship'; $s_sponsorship_total = 'Sponsorship Total'; # URL explaining the process of sponsoring an issue. This is defined here rather than # in the config to allow for a URL per language. This can be set to an empty string if there # is not need to provide such process information. $s_sponsorship_process_url = ''; # Changelog $s_changelog = 'Change Log'; # Http auth $s_http_auth_realm = "Mantis Login"; $s_bug = "issue"; $s_add_new_relationship = "New relationship"; $s_add_new_relationship_button = "Add"; $s_this_bug = "Current issue"; $s_relationship_added = "Relationship added"; $s_relationship_deleted = "Relationship deleted"; $s_no_relationship = "no relationship"; $s_relationship_replaced = "Relationship replaced"; $s_replace_relationship_button = "Replace"; $s_replace_relationship_sure_msg = "There is already a relationship between the two issues. Are you sure you want to replace it?"; $s_relationship_with_parent = "Relationship with the parent issue"; $s_delete_relationship_button = "Delete"; $s_delete_relationship_sure_msg = "Are you sure you wish to delete this relationship?"; $s_relationship_warning_blocking_bugs_not_resolved = "Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed."; $s_relationship_warning_blocking_bugs_not_resolved_2 = "<b>ATTENTION</b>. Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.<br>Before <b>resolving/closing</b> a parent issue, all the issues related as child with this one should be resolved or closed."; $s_create_child_bug_button = "Create Clone"; $s_bug_cloned_to = "Issue cloned"; $s_bug_created_from = "Issue generated from"; # Relationship Graphs $s_viewing_bug_relationship_graph_title = "Relationship Graph"; $s_relation_graph = "Relation Graph"; $s_dependency_graph = "Dependency Graph"; $s_vertical = "Vertical"; $s_horizontal = "Horizontal"; $s_view_issue = "View Issue"; # Source Control Integration $s_checkin = 'Checkin'; # Pemissions report $s_perm_rpt_capability = 'Capability'; $s_view = 'View'; $s_issues = 'ISSUES'; $s_report_issue = 'Report an issue'; $s_update_issue = 'Update an issue'; $s_monitor_issue = 'Monitor an issue'; $s_handle_issue = 'Handle an issue'; $s_move_issue = 'Move an issue'; $s_delete_issue = 'Delete an issue'; $s_reopen_issue = 'Reopen an issue'; $s_view_private_issues = 'View private issues'; $s_update_readonly_issues = 'Update readonly issues'; $s_update_issue_status = 'Update issue status'; $s_set_view_status = 'Set view status (public vs private)'; $s_update_view_status = 'Update view status (public vs private)'; $s_show_list_of_users_monitoring_issue = 'Show list of users monitoring issue'; $s_notes = 'NOTES'; $s_add_notes = 'Add notes'; $s_update_notes = 'Update notes'; $s_delete_note = 'Delete note'; $s_view_private_notes = 'View private notes'; $s_news = 'NEWS'; $s_view_private_news = 'View private news'; $s_manage_news = 'Manage news'; $s_view_list_of_attachments = 'View list of attachments'; $s_download_attachments = 'Download attachments'; $s_delete_attachments = 'Delete attachments'; $s_delete_attachment_button = "Delete"; $s_delete_attachment_sure_msg = "Are you sure you wish to delete this attachment?"; $s_upload_issue_attachments = 'Upload issue attachments'; $s_filters = 'filters'; $s_save_filters = 'Save filters'; $s_save_filters_as_shared = 'Save filters as shared'; $s_use_saved_filters = 'Use saved filters'; $s_create_project = 'Create project'; $s_delete_project = 'Delete project'; $s_manage_project = 'Manage project'; $s_manage_user_access_to_project = 'Manage user access to a project'; $s_automatically_included_in_private_projects = 'Automatically included in private projects'; $s_project_documents = 'PROJECT DOCUMENTS'; $s_view_project_documents = 'View project documents'; $s_upload_project_documents = 'Upload project documents'; $s_link_custom_fields_to_projects = 'Link custom fields to projects'; $s_sponsorships = 'SPONSORSHIPS'; $s_view_sponsorship_details = 'View sponsorship details'; $s_view_sponsorship_total = 'View sponsorship total'; $s_sponsor_issue = 'Sponsor issue'; $s_assign_sponsored_issue = 'Assign sponsored issue'; $s_handle_sponsored_issue = 'Handle sponsored issue'; $s_others = 'OTHERS'; $s_see_email_addresses_of_other_users = 'See email addresses of other users'; $s_send_reminders = 'Send reminders'; $s_add_profiles = 'Add profiles'; $s_notify_of_new_user_created = 'Notify of new user created'; $s_email_notification = 'EMAIL NOTIFICATION'; $s_status_changed_to = 'Status changes to'; $s_email_on_deleted = 'Email on Deleted'; $s_email_on_sponsorship_changed = 'Email on Sponsorship changed'; $s_email_on_relationship_changed = 'Email on Relationship changed'; # DHTML filters $s_loading = 'Loading...'; # filter_api.php $s_between = 'Between' ; $s_on_or_before = 'On Or Before' ; $s_before = 'Before' ; $s_after = 'After' ; $s_on_or_after = 'On Or After' ; # wiki related strings $s_wiki = 'Wiki'; ?>