diff --git a/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/BootUp/KDM/GdmGreeterTheme.xml b/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/BootUp/KDM/GdmGreeterTheme.xml
index ea01296..345e338 100755
--- a/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/BootUp/KDM/GdmGreeterTheme.xml
+++ b/Identity/Themes/Models/Default/Distro/BootUp/KDM/GdmGreeterTheme.xml
@@ -2,235 +2,220 @@
 <!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM "greeter.dtd">
-   <!-- Background Stuff -->
-   <item type="rect">
-   <pos x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" />
-   <normal color="#204C8D" />
-   </item>
-   <item type="pixmap">
-   <pos y="0" x="0" width="100%" height="100%" />
-   <normal file="background.png" />
-   </item>
-   <!-- CentOS Symbol -->
-   <item type="pixmap">
-   <pos x="20" y="20" />
-   <normal file="centos-symbol.png" />
-   </item>
-   <!-- The Login Box -->
-   <item type="rect">
-   <pos x="50%" y="45%" width="box" height="box" anchor="n" />
-   <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="14">
-      <item type="rect">
-      <pos x="0" y="0" width="box" height="box" />
-      <box orientation="vertical" spacing="20">
-         <item type="label">
-         <normal color="#FFFFFF" font="Sans Bold 12" />
-         <stock type="username-label" />
-         </item>
-         <item type="label">
-         <normal color="#FFFFFF" font="Sans Bold 12" />
-         <stock type="password-label" />
-         </item>
-      </box>
-      </item>   
-      <item type="rect">
-      <pos x="0" y="0" width="box" height="box" />
-      <box orientation="vertical" spacing="14">
-         <item type="entry" id="user-entry">
-         <pos height="24" width="250" />
-         </item>
-         <item type="entry" id="pw-entry">
-         <pos height="24" width="250" />
-         </item> 
-      </box>
-      </item>   
-   </box>
-   </item>   
-   <!-- Messages -->
-   <item type="label" id="pam-error">
-   <pos x="50%" y="60%" anchor="n" />
-   <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
-   <text />
-   </item>
-   <item type="label" id="timed-label">
-   <pos x="50%" y="65%" anchor="n" />
-   <show type="timed" />
-   <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
-   <stock type="timed-label" />
-   </item>
-   <item type="label" id="caps-lock-warning">
-   <pos x="50%" y="70%" anchor="n" />
-   <normal font="Sans Bold 14" color="#FFFFFF" />
-   <stock type="caps-lock-warning" />
-   </item>
-   <!-- The clock -->
-   <item type="rect">
-   <pos x="-20" y="20" width="box" height="box" anchor="ne" />
-   <normal color="#204C8D" alpha="0.5" />
-   <box ypadding="10" xpadding="10" spacing="2" orientation="vertical">
-      <item type="label" id="clock">
-      <normal font="Sans 10" color="#FFFFFF" alpha=".9" />
-      <pos x="50%" anchor="n" />
-      <text>%c</text>
-      </item>
-      <item type="label">
-      <normal font="Sans Bold 10" color="#FFFFFF" alpha=".9" />
-      <pos x="50%" anchor="n" />
-      <text>%h</text>
-      </item>
-   </box>            
-   </item>
-   <!-- Bottom Box -->
-   <item type="rect">
-   <pos x="100%" y="100%" width="100%" height="box" anchor="se" />
-   <normal color="#204C8D" alpha="1.0" />
-   <box>
-      <!-- The Action Bar -->
-      <item type="rect">
-      <pos x="-14" y="0" width="box" height="box" anchor="ne" />
-      <box orientation="horizontal" xpadding="0" ypadding="10" >
-         <!-- Note (for CentOS 5.2): Language stock shows nothing on
-         KDM.  If the following section is uncommented some space is
-         lost in the action bar. -->
-         <!-- Language
-         <item type="rect" id="language_button" button="true">
-         <pos width="box" height="box" />
-         <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
-            <item type="pixmap">
-            <normal file="icon-language.png" />
-            </item>
+    <!-- Background Stuff -->
+    <item type="rect">
+    <pos x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" />
+    <normal color="#204C8D" />
+    </item>
+    <item type="pixmap">
+    <pos y="0" x="0" width="100%" height="100%" />
+    <normal file="background.png" />
+    </item>
+    <!-- CentOS Symbol -->
+    <item type="pixmap">
+    <pos x="20" y="20" />
+    <normal file="centos-symbol.png" />
+    </item>
+    <!-- CentOS Release -->
+    <item type="pixmap">
+    <pos x="10" y="56%" anchor="sw" />
+    <normal file="centos-release.png" />
+    </item>
+    <!-- The Login Box -->
+    <item type="rect">
+    <pos x="20" y="57%" width="490" height="box" />
+    <box orientation="vertical">
+        <item type="rect">
+        <pos x="0" y="0" width="box" height="box" />
+        <box orientation="vertical" spacing="14">
             <item type="label">
-            <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
-            <pos y="5"  />
-            <stock type="language" />
+            <normal color="#FFFFFF" font="Sans Bold 12" />
+            <stock type="username-label" />
-         </box>
-         </item>
-	 -->
-         <!-- Session -->
-         <item type="rect" id="session_button" button="true">
-         <pos width="box" height="box" />
-         <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
-            <item type="pixmap">
-            <normal file="icon-session.png" />
+            <item type="entry" id="user-entry">
+            <pos height="24" width="250" />
             <item type="label">
-            <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
-            <pos y="5" />
-            <stock type="session" />
+            <normal color="#FFFFFF" font="Sans Bold 12" />
+            <stock type="password-label" />
-         </box>
-         </item>
-         <!-- System -->
-         <item type="rect" id="system_button" button="true">
-         <show modes="console" type="halt" />
-         <pos width="box" height="box" />
-         <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
-            <item type="pixmap">
-            <normal file="icon-reboot.png" />
+            <item type="entry" id="pw-entry">
+            <pos height="24" width="250" />
+            </item> 
+        </box>
+        </item>   
+    </box>
+    </item>
+    <!-- Messages -->
+    <item type="label" id="timed-label">
+    <pos x="20" y="75%" />
+    <show type="timed" />
+    <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
+    <stock type="timed-label" />
+    </item>
+    <item type="label" id="caps-lock-warning">
+    <pos x="20" y="80%" />
+    <normal font="Sans Bold 14" color="#FFFFFF" />
+    <stock type="caps-lock-warning" />
+    </item>
+    <item type="label" id="pam-error">
+    <pos x="20" y="85%" />
+    <normal font="Sans 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
+    <text />
+    </item>
+    <!-- The clock -->
+    <item type="rect">
+    <pos x="-20" y="-20" width="box" height="box" anchor="se" />
+    <box ypadding="0" xpadding="10" spacing="2" orientation="vertical">
+        <item type="label" id="clock">
+        <normal font="Sans 10" color="#FFFFFF" alpha=".9" />
+        <pos x="50%" anchor="n" />
+        <text>%c</text>
+        </item>
+        <item type="label">
+        <normal font="Sans Bold 10" color="#FFFFFF" alpha=".9" />
+        <pos x="50%" anchor="n" />
+        <text>%h</text>
+        </item>
+    </box>            
+    </item>
+    <!-- Bottom Box -->
+    <item type="rect">
+    <pos x="10" y="-20" width="100%" height="box" />
+    <box>
+        <!-- The Action Bar -->
+        <item type="rect">
+        <pos x="0" y="0" width="box" height="box" anchor="sw" />
+        <box orientation="horizontal" xpadding="0" ypadding="0" >
+            <!-- Language -->
+            <item type="rect" id="language_button" button="true">
+            <pos width="box" height="box" />
+            <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
+                <item type="pixmap">
+                <normal file="icon-language.png" />
+                </item>
+                <item type="label">
+                <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
+                <pos y="5"  />
+                <stock type="language" />
+                </item>
+            </box>
-            <item type="label">
-            <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
-            <pos y="5" />
-            <stock type="system" />
+            <!-- Session -->
+            <item type="rect" id="session_button" button="true">
+            <pos width="box" height="box" />
+            <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
+                <item type="pixmap">
+                <normal file="icon-session.png" />
+                </item>
+                <item type="label">
+                <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
+                <pos y="5" />
+                <stock type="session" />
+                </item>
+            </box>
-         </box>
-         </item>
+            <!-- System -->
-         <!-- Disconnect / Quit -->
+            <item type="rect" id="system_button" button="true">
+            <show modes="console" type="system" />
+            <pos width="box" height="box" />
+            <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
-         <item type="rect" id="disconnect_button" button="true">
-         <show modes="flexi,remote" />
-         <pos width="box" height="box" />
-         <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
+                <item type="pixmap">
+                <normal file="icon-reboot.png" />
+                </item>
-            <item type="pixmap">
-            <normal file="icon-shutdown.png" />
-            </item>
+                <item type="label">
+                <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
+                <pos y="5" />
+                <stock type="system" />
+                </item>
-            <item type="label">
-            <show modes="remote" />
-            <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
-            <pos y="5" />
-            <stock type="disconnect" />
+            </box>
-            <item type="label">
-            <show modes="flexi" />
-            <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
-            <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
-            <pos y="5" />
-            <stock type="quit" />
+            <!-- Disconnect / Quit -->
+            <item type="rect" id="disconnect_button" button="true">
+            <show modes="flexi,remote" />
+            <pos width="box" height="box" />
+            <box xpadding="6" orientation="horizontal">
+                <item type="pixmap">
+                <normal file="icon-shutdown.png" />
+                </item>
+                <item type="label">
+                <show modes="remote" />
+                <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
+                <pos y="5" />
+                <stock type="disconnect" />
+                </item>
+                <item type="label">
+                <show modes="flexi" />
+                <active font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <prelight font="Sans Bold 12" color="#D8E5F7" />
+                <normal font="Sans Bold 12" color="#FFFFFF" />
+                <pos y="5" />
+                <stock type="quit" />
+                </item>
+            </box>
-         </box>
-         </item>
-      </box>
-      </item>
-   </box>
-   </item>
-   <!-- CentOS Release -->
+        </box>
+        </item>
-   <item type="pixmap">
-   <pos x="20" y="-60" />
-   <normal file="centos-release.png" />
-   </item>
+    </box>
+    </item>