2011 The centos-art.sh script was redesigned to start translating SVG and other XML-based files (e.g., XHTML and Docbook files) through the xml2po program and shell scripts files (e.g., Bash scripts) through GNU gettext tools. This configuration provided a stronger interface for graphic designers, translators and programmers to produce localized content. The SED files are no longer used to handle translations. Improve option parsing through getopt. Consolidate the render, help and locale functionalities as the most frequent tasks performed inside the repository. Additionally, the prepare and tuneup functionalities are maintained as useful tasks. The centos-art.sh script is updated to organize functionalities in two groups: the administrative functionalities and the productive functionalities. The administrative functionalities cover actions like: copying, deleting and renaming directory structures inside the repository. Also, preparing your workstation for using centos-art.sh script, making backups of the distribution theme currently installed, installing themes created inside repository and restoring themes from backup. On the other hand, the productive functionalities cover actions like: content rendition, content localization, content documentation and content maintainance.