<?cs include "header.cs"?> <?cs include "macros.cs"?> <div id="ctxtnav" class="nav"> <ul> <li class="first"><a href="<?cs var:browser.restr_changeset_href ?>"> Last Change</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="<?cs var:browser.log_href ?>"> Revision Log</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="searchable"> <div id="content" class="browser"> <h1><?cs call:browser_path_links(browser.path, browser) ?></h1> <div id="jumprev"> <form action="" method="get"> <div> <label for="rev">View revision:</label> <input type="text" id="rev" name="rev" value="<?cs var:browser.revision ?>" size="4" /> </div> </form> </div> <?cs def:sortable_th(order, desc, class, title, href) ?> <th class="<?cs var:class ?><?cs if:order == class ?> <?cs if:desc ?>desc<?cs else ?>asc<?cs /if ?><?cs /if ?>"> <a title="Sort by <?cs var:class ?><?cs if:order == class && !desc ?> (descending)<?cs /if ?>" href="<?cs var:href[class] ?>"><?cs var:title ?></a> </th> <?cs /def ?> <?cs if:browser.is_dir ?> <table class="listing" id="dirlist"> <thead> <tr><?cs call:sortable_th(browser.order, browser.desc, 'name', 'Name', browser.order_href) ?><?cs call:sortable_th(browser.order, browser.desc, 'size', 'Size', browser.order_href) ?> <th class="rev">Rev</th><?cs call:sortable_th(browser.order, browser.desc, 'date', 'Age', browser.order_href) ?> <th class="change">Last Change</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?cs if:len(chrome.links.up) ?> <tr class="even"> <td class="name" colspan="5"> <a class="parent" title="Parent Directory" href="<?cs var:chrome.links.up.0.href ?>">../</a> </td> </tr> <?cs /if ?> <?cs each:item = browser.items ?> <?cs set:change = browser.changes[item.rev] ?> <tr class="<?cs if:name(item) % #2 ?>even<?cs else ?>odd<?cs /if ?>"> <td class="name"><?cs if:item.is_dir ?> <a class="dir" title="Browse Directory" href="<?cs var:item.browser_href ?>"><?cs var:item.name ?></a><?cs else ?> <a class="file" title="View File" href="<?cs var:item.browser_href ?>"><?cs var:item.name ?></a><?cs /if ?> </td> <td class="size"><?cs var:item.size ?></td> <td class="rev"><?cs if:item.permission != '' ?><a title="View Revision Log" href="<?cs var:item.log_href ?>"><?cs var:item.rev ?></a><?cs else ?><?cs var:item.rev ?><?cs /if ?></td> <td class="age"><span title="<?cs var:browser.changes[item.rev].date ?>"><?cs var:browser.changes[item.rev].age ?></span></td> <td class="change"> <span class="author"><?cs var:browser.changes[item.rev].author ?>:</span> <span class="change"><?cs var:browser.changes[item.rev].message ?></span> </td> </tr> <?cs /each ?> </tbody> </table><?cs /if ?><?cs if:len(browser.props) || !browser.is_dir ?> <table id="info" summary="Revision info"><?cs if:!browser.is_dir ?><tr> <th scope="col"> Revision <a href="<?cs var:file.changeset_href ?>"><?cs var:file.rev ?></a>, <?cs var:file.size ?> (checked in by <?cs var:file.author ?>, <?cs var:file.age ?> ago) </th></tr><tr> <td class="message"><?cs var:file.message ?></td> </tr><?cs /if ?><?cs if:len(browser.props) ?><tr> <td colspan="2"><ul class="props"><?cs each:prop = browser.props ?> <li>Property <strong><?cs var:prop.name ?></strong> set to <em><code><?cs var:prop.value ?></code></em></li><?cs /each ?> </ul></td></tr><?cs /if ?> </table><?cs /if ?><?cs if:!browser.is_dir ?> <div id="preview"><?cs if:file.preview ?><?cs var:file.preview ?><?cs elif:file.max_file_size_reached ?> <strong>HTML preview not available</strong>, since the file size exceeds <?cs var:file.max_file_size ?> bytes. Try <a href="<?cs var:file.raw_href ?>">downloading</a> the file instead.<?cs else ?><strong>HTML preview not available</strong>. To view, <a href="<?cs var:file.raw_href ?>">download</a> the file.<?cs /if ?> </div><?cs /if ?> <div id="help"> <strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="<?cs var:trac.href.wiki ?>/TracBrowser">TracBrowser</a> for help on using the browser. </div> <div id="anydiff"> <form action="<?cs var:browser.anydiff_href ?>" method="get"> <div class="buttons"> <input type="hidden" name="new_path" value="<?cs var:browser.path ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="old_path" value="<?cs var:browser.path ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="new_rev" value="<?cs var:browser.revision ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="old_rev" value="<?cs var:browser.revision ?>" /> <input type="submit" value="View changes..." title="Prepare an Arbitrary Diff" /> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <?cs include:"footer.cs"?>